Xiaodie's recommendation today:


Recommendation reason:

1. K-line pattern:

The recent 4-hour K-line shows that the price fluctuates greatly, but the overall trend is oscillating upward. In particular, between 00:00 and 12:00 on April 26, the price rose from 0.01787 USDT to 0.01853 USDT.

On the daily level, the price has rebounded since April 24. Although it fell on that day, it gradually recovered in the following days and exceeded the opening price of that day.

2. Technical indicators:

In the MACD indicator, the DIF and DEA values ​​are close and the MACD histogram hovers near the zero axis, indicating that the market is in a stage of long-short competition and there is no obvious trend direction.

The KDJ indicator shows that at the latest data point (12:00 on April 26), the J value is higher than the K value and the D value, suggesting that there may be overbought conditions and we need to be alert to the risk of price correction in the short term.

EMA7 and EMA30 intersect at the latest data point, and EMA7 is above EMA30, which is generally seen as a positive sign that the short-term trend is improving.

3. Volume:

The 4-hour K-line volume began to gradually decrease after reaching a peak at 20:00 on April 25, but increased again between 08:00 and 12:00 on April 26, which is in line with the normal law of volume amplification when prices rise.

At the daily level, the volume declined after reaching a high point on April 23, but no significant increase in volume was seen while the price rebounded, which may mean that the upward momentum is not strong.

Buy point 1: 0.0181

Buy point 2: 0.0178

#比特币减半 #GFT $GFT