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Ftm has passed 1 steadily, resisting the risk of the market falling. As for the on-chain dog, you can participate in the extreme pvp at this stage. I prefer to wait for more reliable projects to come out. Before that, I hold ftm #ftm Ckb also looks very stable. A lot of people participated in the new project in the morning, and it quickly rose off the market. It feels like the inscription period. The long-short ratio is very low. Continue to hold the market correction and continue to screen suitable targets #CKB下跌就是机会 I don’t think there are any competitors for pendle. The only problem may be that if restaking is issued, will the scenarios become less? W opened the airdrop with 100% pledge and monad, and it also fell a lot. The position of 0.8 is not afraid of grinding and enters the launch range $FTM $CKB

Ftm has passed 1 steadily, resisting the risk of the market falling. As for the on-chain dog, you can participate in the extreme pvp at this stage. I prefer to wait for more reliable projects to come out. Before that, I hold ftm #ftm

Ckb also looks very stable. A lot of people participated in the new project in the morning, and it quickly rose off the market. It feels like the inscription period. The long-short ratio is very low. Continue to hold the market correction and continue to screen suitable targets #CKB下跌就是机会

I don’t think there are any competitors for pendle. The only problem may be that if restaking is issued, will the scenarios become less?

W opened the airdrop with 100% pledge and monad, and it also fell a lot. The position of 0.8 is not afraid of grinding and enters the launch range


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讲一个耳熟能详的故事给你听...换个角度思考,你就会明白投资的小技巧... 从前,有一位老奶奶,她有两个儿子,大儿子卖雨伞,小儿子卖鞋子。天一下雨,老奶奶就发愁地说:“哎!我小儿子鞋子雨天卖不出去呀!”天晴了,太阳出来了,可老奶奶还是发愁:“哎!看这大晴天,哪还有人来买我大儿子的伞呀!”这就样,老奶奶一天到晚,愁眉不展,吃不下饭,睡不着觉。 邻居见她一天天衰老下去,便对她说:“老奶奶,你好福气呀!一到下雨天,您大儿子的雨伞就卖得特别好,天一睛您小儿子的店里顾客盈门,真让人羡慕呀!”老奶奶一想,对呀!我原来怎么就没想到呢!从此以后老奶奶不再愁了,她吃得香,睡得香,整天乐呵呵的,大家都说她好像变了一个人。 故事讲到这里, 这个故事自己早就懂了, 不就是换个角度看问题吗? 今天我们也换个角度, 用金融学的角度看待卖伞和卖鞋的问题。 运用投资的观念,老婆婆的两个儿子生意的布局合理,运用对冲。金融学上,对冲(hedge)指特意减低另一项投资的风险的投资。它是一种在减低商业风险的同时仍然能在投资中获利的手法。一般对冲是同时进行两笔行情相关、方向相反、数量相当、盈亏相抵的交易。 关注我不迷路~看简介有财富密码~~ #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB
巴菲特说过: 穷人家的孩子,其实是很难翻身的,即使考上大学也没用,大概率依然过着贫穷的生活,因为他们成熟的比较晚。他们不但得不到家人的财富支持,而且根本得不到家人的有效指导。他们的父母之所以一辈子都在底层挣扎,大概率是因为视野狭窄,思维老旧,难以变通,这样的父母,往往会在孩子人生的关键节点出馊主意。 为什么你的视野那么狭窄?因为没有人指引你,你的父母也没有太大的能力,你只能自己慢慢拓展见识,成长成本太高,走一步可能跌倒。因为你一直在埋头苦干,忘记抬头看天,导致你看不到世界的广阔无垠,空有一腔热血,没有机会让你去展现。 说到底还是你自己的格局太小,视野、思维、习惯、能力全面受限。 《天道》里面的一段话:如果我的能力只能让我穷困潦倒,那穷困潦倒就是我的价值。想干什么和能干什么是两回事,这要根据条件来决定。只要不是我觉到悟道的,你给不了我,给了我,我也拿不住。只有我自己觉到悟道,我才有可能做到,能做到的才是我的。我想,穷人和富人的区别除了财富上, 还有最重要的一点,就是认知思维。人永远赚不到超出你认知范围之外的钱,穷人总想靠运气赚钱,可靠运气赚的钱,最后往往又会靠实力亏掉。而富人一直都在用思维去赚钱,世界上的招太多,只有借鉴,没有好招。只有练习,才成绝招。富人永远知道穷人缺什么,而穷人永远不知道富人在想什么。 点击头像,关注主页,面对粉丝,我的牛市策略布局,无偿分享,做免费博主,只为涨粉。如果你来找我,我可以带你上岸,我不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空!你尽管躺平就好! #大盘走势 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #美联储 #ETH $ETH $BTC $BNB

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