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币圈怎么玩?本金1万以下做合约,1万以上玩现货,你属于哪种? 在当前币圈,合约还是现货,到底该怎么玩?说白了,这取决于你手里的本金。 一、1万以下的本金,为什么建议做合约? 本金少的情况下,做合约能放大收益,抓住市场波动来赚短期的钱。虽然风险更大,但资金小,搏一搏,收益也能翻倍甚至更多。不过,合约是把双刃剑,操作不好也容易爆仓,所以一定要控制好仓位,别全押。 二、1万以上的本金,为什么建议做现货? 如果你本金在1万以上,玩现货更稳妥。现货相对安全,不会因为短期波动就一夜爆仓。关键是耐心,跟随大趋势,在低点买入优质币种,长期持有,涨幅可观。而且现货的好处是,只要币没卖,就不算亏,时间长了可能还赚更多。 三、如何根据自身情况选择? 其实不论做合约还是现货,都要根据自己的情况来。本金少,玩合约博一把没问题,但要懂得止损;本金多,就别冒险,稳扎稳打的现货才是稳步增值的路子。 合约适合小资金搏短线,现货适合大资金稳增值。你是哪种类型? 当前做单迷茫且没方向的朋友可以关注我,看主页置顶,每日都会分享布局策略!助你暴富 #合约带单 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #WIFT突破新高 #WLD🔥🔥🔥 $WIF $WLD $SOL









#合约带单 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #WIFT突破新高 #WLD🔥🔥🔥
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wif I sold out too early last night. Oh my goodness, I opened a position at such a low point. Hat Dog has been breaking new highs. Now I feel that it has its own independent trend. It rises wildly when the market doesn't rise much, and falls wildly when the market doesn't fall much. It really makes you guess😂😂😂 #WIFT突破新高 #大盘短期反弹 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 $WIF

I sold out too early last night. Oh my goodness, I opened a position at such a low point. Hat Dog has been breaking new highs. Now I feel that it has its own independent trend. It rises wildly when the market doesn't rise much, and falls wildly when the market doesn't fall much. It really makes you guess😂😂😂
#WIFT突破新高 #大盘短期反弹 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金
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How many rounds of bull market can achieve financial freedom? Suppose you have 30,000 U in your hand, which is equivalent to the value of about 200,000 RMB. During the bull market, it is not far-fetched for these assets to double by 5 to 10 times. If you experience two bull markets, the cumulative increase will reach an astonishing dozens or even hundreds of times. In this way, it is not far-fetched to have 10 million assets, which sounds simple. Although the principle is easy, it is difficult to practice. After making a lot of money in the bull market, many people always want to pursue higher profits, but often lose money accidentally. In the bear market, they are eager to get their money back, but often in vain, and finally get nothing. Just like the current market, it tells you not to rush for success and to wait patiently, but there are very few people who can really do it. Indeed, there are many people who make money in the bull market, but there are very few people who can keep their wealth and wait for the arrival of the next bull market. In the bull market, we need to have enough courage, and in the bear market, we need to have enough patience. Not only should we be able to seize the opportunities of the bull market, but we should also be able to withstand the loneliness of the bear market. Why is it so difficult? In fact, the real wisdom is not only in those K-line charts, but more in the life experience and mentality cultivation outside the charts. Don't always think about reaching the sky in one step. If you want to earn 10 million, you might as well set a more practical small goal first, such as earning 1 million or 5 million. This is like pursuing love, you need to do it step by step. At the beginning, invite the other party to dinner and watch a movie, and then develop the relationship further after getting familiar with each other. If the time is right, consider further actions. You said that you didn't even meet the other party, but you directly made excessive demands. Do you think this is possible? Friends, you can all understand the pursuit of love, but why do you become so confused when it comes to investment and trading? It's really puzzling! #非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 $BTC $ETH $SOL
How many rounds of bull market can achieve financial freedom?

Suppose you have 30,000 U in your hand, which is equivalent to the value of about 200,000 RMB. During the bull market, it is not far-fetched for these assets to double by 5 to 10 times. If you experience two bull markets, the cumulative increase will reach an astonishing dozens or even hundreds of times. In this way, it is not far-fetched to have 10 million assets, which sounds simple.

Although the principle is easy, it is difficult to practice. After making a lot of money in the bull market, many people always want to pursue higher profits, but often lose money accidentally. In the bear market, they are eager to get their money back, but often in vain, and finally get nothing.

Just like the current market, it tells you not to rush for success and to wait patiently, but there are very few people who can really do it. Indeed, there are many people who make money in the bull market, but there are very few people who can keep their wealth and wait for the arrival of the next bull market.

In the bull market, we need to have enough courage, and in the bear market, we need to have enough patience. Not only should we be able to seize the opportunities of the bull market, but we should also be able to withstand the loneliness of the bear market. Why is it so difficult? In fact, the real wisdom is not only in those K-line charts, but more in the life experience and mentality cultivation outside the charts.

Don't always think about reaching the sky in one step. If you want to earn 10 million, you might as well set a more practical small goal first, such as earning 1 million or 5 million. This is like pursuing love, you need to do it step by step. At the beginning, invite the other party to dinner and watch a movie, and then develop the relationship further after getting familiar with each other. If the time is right, consider further actions.

You said that you didn't even meet the other party, but you directly made excessive demands. Do you think this is possible? Friends, you can all understand the pursuit of love, but why do you become so confused when it comes to investment and trading? It's really puzzling!
#非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份
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I really don't dare to short sell at will in today's market. Fortunately, my friend asked me if I wanted to short sell wif now before opening the order. It looks like it will rise again. Fortunately, I persuaded him to quit, otherwise I would be trapped again. You have to be able to endure loneliness when placing orders. Don't open positions randomly. Remember it! ! Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in placing orders can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich #合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #9月小非农数据高于预期 $WIF
I really don't dare to short sell at will in today's market. Fortunately, my friend asked me if I wanted to short sell wif now before opening the order. It looks like it will rise again. Fortunately, I persuaded him to quit, otherwise I would be trapped again. You have to be able to endure loneliness when placing orders. Don't open positions randomly. Remember it! !

Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in placing orders can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich
#合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #9月小非农数据高于预期
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The US September non-farm payrolls exploded! Bitcoin fluctuated violently, and US stocks rose wildly The US September non-farm payrolls data was particularly strong, which made everyone less worried about the economic recession for the time being. The market believes that the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates in November, with an amplitude of about 1 yard. As a result, both the US stock market and the Bitcoin market rebounded. Previously, Powell said that there would be no significant interest rate cuts, but now the market situation has changed. There is also a Coinbase report that if both China and the United States cut interest rates, it will be good for the crypto market, and Bitcoin may have a very good performance in the fourth quarter. A few days ago, due to the conflict between Israel and Iran, Bitcoin once fell to $59,800. However, after the release of the non-farm payrolls data, Bitcoin quickly rebounded to a high of $62,010. However, selling pressure then appeared. At the time of writing, Bitcoin once fell back to a low of $61,051, but later rebounded to around $62,000. The increase in Bitcoin in the past 24 hours was 0.8%. Today's market is also gradually rising, which is very similar to the trend of last week. It seems that the bull market is really coming! ! ! #非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #BTC☀️ $BTC $ETH $SOL
The US September non-farm payrolls exploded! Bitcoin fluctuated violently, and US stocks rose wildly

The US September non-farm payrolls data was particularly strong, which made everyone less worried about the economic recession for the time being.

The market believes that the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates in November, with an amplitude of about 1 yard. As a result, both the US stock market and the Bitcoin market rebounded.

Previously, Powell said that there would be no significant interest rate cuts, but now the market situation has changed. There is also a Coinbase report that if both China and the United States cut interest rates, it will be good for the crypto market, and Bitcoin may have a very good performance in the fourth quarter.

A few days ago, due to the conflict between Israel and Iran, Bitcoin once fell to $59,800. However, after the release of the non-farm payrolls data, Bitcoin quickly rebounded to a high of $62,010. However, selling pressure then appeared. At the time of writing, Bitcoin once fell back to a low of $61,051, but later rebounded to around $62,000. The increase in Bitcoin in the past 24 hours was 0.8%.

Today's market is also gradually rising, which is very similar to the trend of last week. It seems that the bull market is really coming! ! !
#非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #BTC☀️
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Bitcoin's daily chart has now reached the key pressure point of 63,000. I think it is unlikely that it can break through this pressure point. Why do you say that? Because the ETF buying volume in the United States has been flowing out. Also, on Binance, the 12-hour long-short ratio of large investors is 1.41, and the long-short ratio is about 1.6. In addition, the rise in the US stock market after the opening last night was mainly caused by borrowing funds to buy Bitcoin, but at 4 a.m. today, these funds began to withdraw. In this way, there is no hard support for the rise in Bitcoin's market, and it is likely to continue to fall. Of course, it is not completely impossible that funds will come in to pull up the market like last night, but the probability of this situation is very low, and this possibility cannot be ruled out. What do you think? Welcome to the comment area to share your thoughts? #BTC☀ #非农数据 #BTC走势预测 $BTC $SOL $ETH
Bitcoin's daily chart has now reached the key pressure point of 63,000.

I think it is unlikely that it can break through this pressure point. Why do you say that?

Because the ETF buying volume in the United States has been flowing out. Also, on Binance, the 12-hour long-short ratio of large investors is 1.41, and the long-short ratio is about 1.6.

In addition, the rise in the US stock market after the opening last night was mainly caused by borrowing funds to buy Bitcoin, but at 4 a.m. today, these funds began to withdraw. In this way, there is no hard support for the rise in Bitcoin's market, and it is likely to continue to fall.

Of course, it is not completely impossible that funds will come in to pull up the market like last night, but the probability of this situation is very low, and this possibility cannot be ruled out. What do you think? Welcome to the comment area to share your thoughts?

#BTC☀ #非农数据 #BTC走势预测 $BTC $SOL $ETH
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I didn't expect it. I thought there would be a big drop over the weekend. It started to rise sharply last night. The hat dog that I pay the most attention to has been gradually rising since 8 o'clock last night. The current highest is 2.36. It has adjusted a little bit and continued to pull up. So can you still be bearish? ? ? #WIF逆袭 #sol板块 #BTC☀ $WIF $BTC $SOL
I didn't expect it. I thought there would be a big drop over the weekend. It started to rise sharply last night. The hat dog that I pay the most attention to has been gradually rising since 8 o'clock last night. The current highest is 2.36. It has adjusted a little bit and continued to pull up. So can you still be bearish? ? ?
#WIF逆袭 #sol板块 #BTC☀
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AI projects in the cryptocurrency world may be your new wealth code AI is rapidly changing human society and may be regarded as the fifth industrial revolution in the future. This field will continue to attract attention and become a hot topic in the cryptocurrency world. Since the release of GPT-3.5, the influence of AI has continued to expand, driving the hype of the AI ​​sector in the cryptocurrency world. Giants are engaged in a technological competition to compete for the right to speak on AI, and multiple industries are using AI to innovate. However, encryption + AI has never been as simple as most people use it to chat or work. A rough count of AI concept projects that have been launched on DEX has reached more than 260 in total. A simple screening was done and the statistics are as follows 65% of the projects were just modified by the project party on the official website or Twitter [publishing remarks about the next AI layout, etc., and then transformed into AI projects] 20% are projects that have already had a certain reputation in the blockchain market, added AI development layout, and then empowered AI [most of these happened during the Spring Festival in 2023 and the Spring Festival in 2024] There is no shortage of well-known projects NEAR 15% of the remaining statistics are personal ideal data statistics The project party in the blockchain market is different from the big guys in the traditional Web2 market [Google, Microsoft, Tencent, Apple] with powerful data, computing power and other resources. Most AI-related projects in the blockchain market can only do one of the core functions of AI Therefore, here we share several projects worth paying attention to according to the current market heat and the core functions of AI currently made by the project party itself ① Data collection ②Learning model ③And computing power processing $FET $WLD $LPT TAO After that, Xiaoxian will give you a detailed introduction to each reason worth buying and the best point! ! ! Click to follow! ! ! #WLD🔥🔥🔥 #AI板块强势进击 $TAO
AI projects in the cryptocurrency world may be your new wealth code

AI is rapidly changing human society and may be regarded as the fifth industrial revolution in the future. This field will continue to attract attention and become a hot topic in the cryptocurrency world. Since the release of GPT-3.5, the influence of AI has continued to expand, driving the hype of the AI ​​sector in the cryptocurrency world. Giants are engaged in a technological competition to compete for the right to speak on AI, and multiple industries are using AI to innovate.

However, encryption + AI has never been as simple as most people use it to chat or work. A rough count of AI concept projects that have been launched on DEX has reached more than 260 in total. A simple screening was done and the statistics are as follows

65% of the projects were just modified by the project party on the official website or Twitter [publishing remarks about the next AI layout, etc., and then transformed into AI projects]

20% are projects that have already had a certain reputation in the blockchain market, added AI development layout, and then empowered AI [most of these happened during the Spring Festival in 2023 and the Spring Festival in 2024] There is no shortage of well-known projects NEAR

15% of the remaining statistics are personal ideal data statistics

The project party in the blockchain market is different from the big guys in the traditional Web2 market [Google, Microsoft, Tencent, Apple] with powerful data, computing power and other resources. Most AI-related projects in the blockchain market can only do one of the core functions of AI

Therefore, here we share several projects worth paying attention to according to the current market heat and the core functions of AI currently made by the project party itself

① Data collection

②Learning model

③And computing power processing


After that, Xiaoxian will give you a detailed introduction to each reason worth buying and the best point! ! ! Click to follow! ! !
#WLD🔥🔥🔥 #AI板块强势进击
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Don't go long at will!!! Don't go long at will!!! The price of Bitcoin has been hovering around 60,000. There will be a new round of plunge at the weekend. Let's meet at 580,000! Because of the war and the influence of A-shares, it is impossible to pull back like last week, so don't go long easily. Just look at the copycats. It seems that it will take a wave of people to get off the bus before it will be crazy to pull the market again. The recent contract explosions are all long orders! ! ! So everyone should wait for stability before getting on the bus~ Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich #加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #大A香还是大饼香 $BTC $ETH $SOL
Don't go long at will!!! Don't go long at will!!!

The price of Bitcoin has been hovering around 60,000. There will be a new round of plunge at the weekend. Let's meet at 580,000!

Because of the war and the influence of A-shares, it is impossible to pull back like last week, so don't go long easily. Just look at the copycats. It seems that it will take a wave of people to get off the bus before it will be crazy to pull the market again. The recent contract explosions are all long orders! ! ! So everyone should wait for stability before getting on the bus~

Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich

#加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #大A香还是大饼香
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wif I opened a short position in the morning. The current market is in an overall downward trend this week. The most appropriate operation method is to short at a high position, especially wif. The high position is basically unstable. The pull-up is not as strong as last week. When it falls to a certain level, you can still go long and make money back and forth! ! ! Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in trading can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich~ #合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 $WIF $BTC $SOL

I opened a short position in the morning. The current market is in an overall downward trend this week. The most appropriate operation method is to short at a high position, especially wif. The high position is basically unstable. The pull-up is not as strong as last week. When it falls to a certain level, you can still go long and make money back and forth! ! !

Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in trading can follow me. Look at the top of the homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich~
#合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列
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Spot password sharing: IO is a decentralized computing network focused on building a two-sided market. The supply side includes computing power such as GPUs, CPUs, and Apple iGPUs distributed globally, and the demand side is engineers who need to train or reason about AI models. Its mission is to integrate millions of GPUs into the DePIN network to efficiently connect computing resources and needs. has launched more than 100,000 GPUs, including 20,000 cluster-ready GPUs, covering a large number of NVIDIA H100 and A100. is using's decentralized cloud service IO Cloud to drive their artificial intelligence model reasoning. IO ideal entry point 1.2 first line target 4 is enough #io项目 #AI板块强势进击 $IO
Spot password sharing: IO is a decentralized computing network focused on building a two-sided market. The supply side includes computing power such as GPUs, CPUs, and Apple iGPUs distributed globally, and the demand side is engineers who need to train or reason about AI models. Its mission is to integrate millions of GPUs into the DePIN network to efficiently connect computing resources and needs. has launched more than 100,000 GPUs, including 20,000 cluster-ready GPUs, covering a large number of NVIDIA H100 and A100. is using's decentralized cloud service IO Cloud to drive their artificial intelligence model reasoning.

IO ideal entry point 1.2 first line target 4 is enough
#io项目 #AI板块强势进击
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wif Xiaoxian has already said this afternoon, pay more attention to the position of Hat Dog 2u, once it falls, it is an opportunity for us to enter the market! ! ! We must enter the market and go long! ! ! Although the rebound is not much, it is enough for us to eat meat! ! ! Tonight, let's see whether the US stock market will usher in a new round of decline. Welcome everyone to follow orders, ambush at precise points, and strictly control stop loss and take profit~ Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in ordering can follow me, look at the top of the homepage, and share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich! #合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #大A香还是大饼香 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $WIF $BTC $SOL

Xiaoxian has already said this afternoon, pay more attention to the position of Hat Dog 2u, once it falls, it is an opportunity for us to enter the market! ! ! We must enter the market and go long! ! ! Although the rebound is not much, it is enough for us to eat meat! ! !

Tonight, let's see whether the US stock market will usher in a new round of decline. Welcome everyone to follow orders, ambush at precise points, and strictly control stop loss and take profit~

Friends who are currently confused and have no direction in ordering can follow me, look at the top of the homepage, and share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich!

#合约带单 #WIF逆袭 #大A香还是大饼香 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

The current price is around 2.13, and you can enter the market in batches to go long in the 2.12-2 position range!

It will rebound again after it has fallen to a certain level! ! ! Although it is not as strong as the previous pull-up, it still has strength. When it reaches a similar level, you can go short! ! !

You can make money both ways! Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me, look at the top of the homepage, and share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich~

#WIF逆袭 #sol板块 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #加密市场急跌
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#BTC☀️ The weekend hasn't even arrived yet, but the killing is about to start on Thursday? ? ? Give us a chance to buy at the bottom, right? ? ? $BTC $ETH $SOL
#BTC☀️ The weekend hasn't even arrived yet, but the killing is about to start on Thursday? ? ? Give us a chance to buy at the bottom, right? ? ?
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I wonder if you have discovered a pattern. Every time the A-share market reaches a climax, the crypto market will often usher in a wave of market conditions. It has been like this since 2015. I have to say that the sustainability of the policy bull market is indeed questionable. Only the bull market driven by market demand is truly meaningful. But then again, even if it is an emotional bull market caused by policies, it is still a bull market. So, we have to go with the flow. Look at the crypto market again. It is still the same. It keeps rising and falling, but the bottom is gradually rising. Just like it will come back in late October, the chips for cutting meat in this period have become less, and so on and so forth. I have to admit that this round of market conditions is really disgusting. We retail investors really don’t have a good way to deal with this situation. The only solution seems to be waiting. Finally, I wish you all a happy holiday! Look at those heart-wrenching market conditions less, take a few more days off, and enjoy this rare time. After all, life is not just about the ups and downs of the market. Take advantage of the holiday to see more of the scenery outside~ #加密市场急跌 #大A香还是大饼香 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 $BTC $ETH $SOL
I wonder if you have discovered a pattern. Every time the A-share market reaches a climax, the crypto market will often usher in a wave of market conditions.

It has been like this since 2015. I have to say that the sustainability of the policy bull market is indeed questionable. Only the bull market driven by market demand is truly meaningful. But then again, even if it is an emotional bull market caused by policies, it is still a bull market. So, we have to go with the flow.

Look at the crypto market again. It is still the same. It keeps rising and falling, but the bottom is gradually rising. Just like it will come back in late October, the chips for cutting meat in this period have become less, and so on and so forth. I have to admit that this round of market conditions is really disgusting. We retail investors really don’t have a good way to deal with this situation. The only solution seems to be waiting.

Finally, I wish you all a happy holiday! Look at those heart-wrenching market conditions less, take a few more days off, and enjoy this rare time. After all, life is not just about the ups and downs of the market. Take advantage of the holiday to see more of the scenery outside~

#加密市场急跌 #大A香还是大饼香 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列
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wif The current price is around 2.13, and you can enter the market in batches to go long in the 2.12-2 position range! It will rebound again after it has fallen to a certain level! ! ! Although it is not as strong as the previous pull-up, it still has strength. When it reaches a similar level, you can go short! ! ! You can make money both ways! Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me, look at the top of the homepage, and share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich~ #WIF逆袭 #sol板块 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #加密市场急跌 $WIF

The current price is around 2.13, and you can enter the market in batches to go long in the 2.12-2 position range!

It will rebound again after it has fallen to a certain level! ! ! Although it is not as strong as the previous pull-up, it still has strength. When it reaches a similar level, you can go short! ! !

You can make money both ways! Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me, look at the top of the homepage, and share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich~

#WIF逆袭 #sol板块 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #加密市场急跌
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Everyone, please pay attention to the fact that the price of Bitcoin has hit the bottom again at 58,000!!!

If Bitcoin breaks at 60,500, the market will inevitably usher in a new round of decline!!!

So don’t buy the bottom at will, watch it steadily~

Welcome everyone to follow orders, ambush at precise points, and strictly control stop loss and take profit~

Follow everyone to eat meat together!!!

#加密市场急跌 #合约带单 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Everyone, please pay attention to the fact that the price of Bitcoin has hit the bottom again at 58,000!!! If Bitcoin breaks at 60,500, the market will inevitably usher in a new round of decline!!! So don’t buy the bottom at will, watch it steadily~ Welcome everyone to follow orders, ambush at precise points, and strictly control stop loss and take profit~ Follow everyone to eat meat together!!! #加密市场急跌 #合约带单 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH
Everyone, please pay attention to the fact that the price of Bitcoin has hit the bottom again at 58,000!!!

If Bitcoin breaks at 60,500, the market will inevitably usher in a new round of decline!!!

So don’t buy the bottom at will, watch it steadily~

Welcome everyone to follow orders, ambush at precise points, and strictly control stop loss and take profit~

Follow everyone to eat meat together!!!

#加密市场急跌 #合约带单 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
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There are two key points to playing with MEME coins. First, you have to identify high-quality MEME projects. Second, and this is the most important thing, you have to hold on to them! Only if you hold on to them, you will be qualified to welcome the opportunity of 100 times, 1000 times or even 10,000 times! Why do you say that? Because you can never predict what will happen next. Think about it, even if it is as paralyzed as A, DEV may suddenly inject funds to raise the price, not to mention those ordinary MEME projects! In the process of playing with MEME coins, how to judge whether the MEME project is high-quality? In addition to GPU computing power, what other factors will affect the development of AI? What is the future development trend of blockchain MEME coins? Later, Xiaoxian will introduce and share with you which meme coins are of better quality. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~ #meme板块关注热点 #WIF逆袭 #大A香还是大饼香 $MEME $WIF $JTO
There are two key points to playing with MEME coins.

First, you have to identify high-quality MEME projects.

Second, and this is the most important thing, you have to hold on to them! Only if you hold on to them, you will be qualified to welcome the opportunity of 100 times, 1000 times or even 10,000 times!

Why do you say that?

Because you can never predict what will happen next. Think about it, even if it is as paralyzed as A, DEV may suddenly inject funds to raise the price, not to mention those ordinary MEME projects! In the process of playing with MEME coins, how to judge whether the MEME project is high-quality? In addition to GPU computing power, what other factors will affect the development of AI? What is the future development trend of blockchain MEME coins?

Later, Xiaoxian will introduce and share with you which meme coins are of better quality. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

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