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Introduction to the leading option Dex Synquote. How can we maximize the odds for blue ocean projects? Note: This article is original and useful. It is recommended to like and bookmark it first and read it slowly. Summary: This year, it is expected to launch airdrop projects. Big money, option blue ocean, let's get started. The full text is 1,500 words and takes about 5 minutes. 1- What is the origin of Synquote? 2- What are the characteristics of this option Dex? 3- Having said so much, how can we make the most money? 1. What is the origin of Synquote? First, we can clearly check the financing background of Synquote through the third-party financing query platform… (As shown in Figure 1 below) There are several points that need to be highlighted: ① Old Dex options platform Founded in 2021, we know that the biggest potential risk of Dex is the risk of hacker attacks. Relatively speaking, the old Dex with a longer history has higher code security, and no hacking incidents have been found in its history through the web3 mainstream media website. ② Seed round financing amount of US$2.8 million And its investment institutions are luxurious, Coinbase ventures participated in the investment, so because of its luxurious investment institutions and old projects, the project party's Rug risk is greatly reduced. One point is particularly emphasized, the risk of on-chain projects is the first. Many big bang Dapps on Blast have had Rug incidents before, so our on-chain interaction is the most important consideration. ③ Focus on options in the derivatives track We old players in option trading know that the most difficult thing about building an options platform is liquidity + risk control, and anti-hacking must be added on the chain. In addition, the traffic on the chain is even thinner than that on Cex. It is not easy to work hard for several years to cultivate options liquidity. ④ Founder Background As shown in the figure below, the founder graduated from an Ivy League school (the awe-inspiring Stanford); he was a programmer at Google before, with a solid academic background and work experience. (As shown in Figure 2 below) Image 2. What are the characteristics of Synquote? In the past week, I have played this option Dex in depth and also released a video (see YouTube:…) There are several highlights: ① Small transaction slippage As shown in the figure below, this option Dex really exceeded my expectations. Its transaction slippage is definitely not as good as that of the big exchange Cex; But to be honest, I have been trading for more than a week. Compared with the second-tier crypto option exchanges, its BTC and ETH transaction slippage is really much better. You can compare it yourself. (As shown in Figure 3 below) Image ② Good transaction depth The shallow OTM periodic options and end-of-day options ETH basically have a transaction depth of 10-50 coins, which can meet the trading needs of ordinary retail investors and medium-sized households. Of course, if you are a super large investor, it may be a little worse, for example, you have to make a large ETH position of hundreds to 1,000 coins at the beginning. ③ 0 transaction fee The Dex on the option chain is still in the promotion period, so it does not charge any fees at present. If you are a high-frequency trading player, you can actually save a lot of fees in long-term trading. ④ Basic option strategy As shown in the figure below, basic option strategies are provided here. If you are a novice or intermediate option player, several commonly used option strategies can be built directly here. For example, my favorite bull spread strategy and buy straddle strategy are relatively easy to use, will not blow up, and have high odds in this bull market cycle. (As shown in Figure 4 below) Image ⑤ PM margin With the same principal, the option equivalent that can be traded is larger, which is conducive to option players to increase the odds of trading under the premise of controlling risks. 3. After saying so much, how can we make the most money? After saying so much, we need to implement how we can maximize our benefits. ① Use 0 handling fees to trade BTC and ETH options Because there is 0 handling fees here, and the slippage and depth are good, the main asset allocation for BTC and ETH positions can take out a part of Cex and put it into this Dex to trade and earn bull market β returns. ② Earn points, it is expected that the platform token will be airdropped in the near future Did you miss the popular Aevo before? Did you miss the backpack? There are not many people who can play Dex options. Don't be so greedy. Come here to earn points now because the trading depth is very strong. Take advantage of some end-of-day options bull or bear market spreads. In the PM margin mode, brush more groups every day. In addition, if you learn some basic strategies from me, you can basically get 0 cost, or even make a small profit, and brush points at a high frequency.This is actually much cheaper than Aevo or backpack. I knew a friend who spent 26,000 dollars on Aevo points, but the return was not bad, almost 80,000 dollars ③ Recommend friends to join You can use your own link to recommend friends, and then 10% of your friends' trading points will be given to you. It is a very high-odds thing to put a certain position to get airdrops under the premise of controlling risks. My invitation link: Finally, if this article is helpful to you, please remember to like + forward + comment for me, triple link If you want to learn more about option players, welcome to "Sober Chat Options Planet"

Introduction to the leading option Dex Synquote. How can we maximize the odds for blue ocean projects?

Note: This article is original and useful. It is recommended to like and bookmark it first and read it slowly.

Summary: This year, it is expected to launch airdrop projects. Big money, option blue ocean, let's get started.

The full text is 1,500 words and takes about 5 minutes.

1- What is the origin of Synquote?

2- What are the characteristics of this option Dex?

3- Having said so much, how can we make the most money?

1. What is the origin of Synquote?

First, we can clearly check the financing background of Synquote through the third-party financing query platform… (As shown in Figure 1 below)

There are several points that need to be highlighted:

① Old Dex options platform

Founded in 2021, we know that the biggest potential risk of Dex is the risk of hacker attacks. Relatively speaking, the old Dex with a longer history has higher code security, and no hacking incidents have been found in its history through the web3 mainstream media website.

② Seed round financing amount of US$2.8 million

And its investment institutions are luxurious, Coinbase ventures participated in the investment, so because of its luxurious investment institutions and old projects, the project party's Rug risk is greatly reduced.

One point is particularly emphasized, the risk of on-chain projects is the first. Many big bang Dapps on Blast have had Rug incidents before, so our on-chain interaction is the most important consideration.

③ Focus on options in the derivatives track

We old players in option trading know that the most difficult thing about building an options platform is liquidity + risk control, and anti-hacking must be added on the chain. In addition, the traffic on the chain is even thinner than that on Cex. It is not easy to work hard for several years to cultivate options liquidity.

④ Founder Background

As shown in the figure below, the founder graduated from an Ivy League school (the awe-inspiring Stanford); he was a programmer at Google before, with a solid academic background and work experience. (As shown in Figure 2 below)


2. What are the characteristics of Synquote?

In the past week, I have played this option Dex in depth and also released a video (see YouTube:…)

There are several highlights:

① Small transaction slippage

As shown in the figure below, this option Dex really exceeded my expectations. Its transaction slippage is definitely not as good as that of the big exchange Cex;

But to be honest, I have been trading for more than a week. Compared with the second-tier crypto option exchanges, its BTC and ETH transaction slippage is really much better. You can compare it yourself. (As shown in Figure 3 below)


② Good transaction depth

The shallow OTM periodic options and end-of-day options ETH basically have a transaction depth of 10-50 coins, which can meet the trading needs of ordinary retail investors and medium-sized households.

Of course, if you are a super large investor, it may be a little worse, for example, you have to make a large ETH position of hundreds to 1,000 coins at the beginning.

③ 0 transaction fee

The Dex on the option chain is still in the promotion period, so it does not charge any fees at present. If you are a high-frequency trading player, you can actually save a lot of fees in long-term trading.

④ Basic option strategy

As shown in the figure below, basic option strategies are provided here. If you are a novice or intermediate option player, several commonly used option strategies can be built directly here. For example, my favorite bull spread strategy and buy straddle strategy are relatively easy to use, will not blow up, and have high odds in this bull market cycle. (As shown in Figure 4 below)


⑤ PM margin

With the same principal, the option equivalent that can be traded is larger, which is conducive to option players to increase the odds of trading under the premise of controlling risks.

3. After saying so much, how can we make the most money?

After saying so much, we need to implement how we can maximize our benefits.

① Use 0 handling fees to trade BTC and ETH options

Because there is 0 handling fees here, and the slippage and depth are good, the main asset allocation for BTC and ETH positions can take out a part of Cex and put it into this Dex to trade and earn bull market β returns.

② Earn points, it is expected that the platform token will be airdropped in the near future

Did you miss the popular Aevo before? Did you miss the backpack? There are not many people who can play Dex options. Don't be so greedy. Come here to earn points now because the trading depth is very strong. Take advantage of some end-of-day options bull or bear market spreads. In the PM margin mode, brush more groups every day.

In addition, if you learn some basic strategies from me, you can basically get 0 cost, or even make a small profit, and brush points at a high frequency.This is actually much cheaper than Aevo or backpack.

I knew a friend who spent 26,000 dollars on Aevo points, but the return was not bad, almost 80,000 dollars

③ Recommend friends to join

You can use your own link to recommend friends, and then 10% of your friends' trading points will be given to you. It is a very high-odds thing to put a certain position to get airdrops under the premise of controlling risks.

My invitation link:

Finally, if this article is helpful to you, please remember to like + forward + comment for me, triple link

If you want to learn more about option players, welcome to "Sober Chat Options Planet"

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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4月26日 加密期权研报 Dvol 坍塌,短期隐波看空,做多波动率未到时候 期权大赛: Coincall 专属期权大赛对新玩家很友好;可以几乎 0 成本白嫖 500 个 #Call 代币 一、核心观点: 1-BTC 和 ETH 隐波继续塌陷,通过波动率锥可以看出接近 75 分位; 2-短期下跌风险进一步加大,Put 端隐波持续升温,做简单保险策略玩家可以适度止盈;做“黑天鹅”策略玩家按兵不动; 3-主流山寨币噤若寒蝉,若 BTC 突然下跌扎针,则山寨不保,推荐有现货玩家全额备兑,趁着山寨 Call 端隐波尚可,没必要太大格局 二、期权大宗交易数据 BTC 的大宗变脸很快,昨日几个最大头寸都是买入短期保险策略(分别 800 个和 400个 BTC ) buy BTC-3MAY24-59000-P buy BTC-31MAY24-62000-P ETH 的大宗则是布局做空波动率策略: sell ETH-26APR24-3150-P + sell ETH-26APR24-3200-C buy ETH-26APR24-3100-P + sell ETH-26APR24-3150-P Sol 这笔大宗很值得注意(昨天群内提示了,策略不谋而合) 三、其他山寨 会继续做几个山寨标的滚仓: #Ton #Doge #Kaspa 其他不熟悉基本面山寨标的不碰 四、宏观经济 昨天北水没有大规模的波动,其流入流出的节奏基本和指数波动吻合。 随着最近唱多A股的外资开始增多,同时美元也已经再次唱完鹰派的戏。 个人主观判断后续外资对大A逻辑上应该是流入多于流出的。(如图1) 指数已经酝酿了很久新行情了,大概率就在等下周会议。
4月25日 加密期权波动率研报 昨日重点提示 #ETH 大宗看跌期权成交,短期 ETH 下跌压力仍较大 期权大赛: Coincall 专属期权大赛对新玩家很友好;可以几乎 0 成本白嫖 500 个 #Call 代币 一、核心观点 1-昨日专门发推强调末日轮 16000 颗 ETH 的看跌期权买入,短期下跌风险仍未解除 2-末日轮 Short Gamma 头寸建议获利平仓了结,不要恋战 3-BTC 的 Dvol 数据继续下滑,凸显事件驱动结束后隐波的衰减 4-山寨标的期权隐波回落明显,Sol 、Doge 、Kas的等标的做空波动率策略落袋 二、期权大宗交易 BTC 有一笔 800 个头寸的 3 腿策略(整体观点还是偏看涨现货价格): buy BTC-28JUN24-110000-C + sell BTC-28JUN24-160000-C + sell BTC-31MAY24-110000-C ETH 有 2 笔大宗值得关注(跟进上周 13000 颗买入 3400 头寸): buy ETH-3MAY24-3400-C sell ETH-26APR24-3000-P + buy ETH-26APR24-3100-P + sell ETH-26APR24-3200-P Sol 的几笔大宗成交星球内分享 三、宏观市场 之前提示过 2 次特斯拉的期权策略,昨日迎来盘后财报季现货拉升 12% 美股 PMI 的放缓提振了风险市场情绪,服务业 PMI 也意外走软至 50.9 ,低于预期的 51.7 ,其中新业务和就业 ( 47.3 vs 51.1) 大幅下滑,后者跌至疫情以来的最低水平 整体美股我的观点是见顶概率 80% ,如果追标的也用一些期权对冲策略,而不是裸做多。 大A 上周H股相对弱源于外围,源于强美元,那么这几天H股远强于外围的走势,反应的更多的是投资者对市场的信心在回归。因为过去两周A股和H股节奏稍有不同,这两日A股显然相对弱,但从逻辑上说,不应存在H股持续冲关,A股持续低迷的情况。所以,应重视H股的信心回归,持续下去必然传导。 只有当复苏的希望再次被否时,再重视其他。 大A详细波动率分析见星球
4月24日 加密期权波动率研报 纳指上冲,ETF净流入;聚焦核心资产 一、核心观点 1-近期一直在思考这一轮加密的牛市很大概率会呈现美股化;如果是基于这个判断那么我们在资产配置上面需要做一些重点调整了,否则刻舟求剑后续收益很大概率不及预期; 2-中短期观点不变,大跌概率降低;但是加速上涨目前也没看出明显的隐波异动迹象;long gamma 的玩家一定要控制每次下注头寸 (昨天直播也聊到了) 3-不了解基本面,隐波没有优势的山寨标的不碰,还是聚焦在我们熟悉的标的上面深耕 二、期权大宗交易头寸 BTC 有2个相对大头寸 sell BTC-31MAY24-80000-C buy BTC-26APR24-80000-C ETH 有1 笔末日轮 16000 颗看跌期权头寸 buy ETH-26APR24-3100-P Sol 有 2 笔大的头寸 buy SOL_USDC-25APR24-142-P buy SOL_USDC-25APR24-140-P 750 三、山寨期权 通过昨日 @Coincall_Global 的 option insight 我们可以可以出几个深耕标的从隐波来看也是看涨的,继续持有滚仓即可 四、宏观资本市场 由地缘冲突带来的金价溢价逐步从市场消退,近期延续跌势。 还有几天就是4月份会议了。之前看卖方研究报告统计一季度我国财政政策的发力明显低于过往几年,目前二季度已经过去1个月,专项债、特别国债等刺激经济的财政动作是否能加速落地也会影响。 会议的定调是可以看出端倪的。 在财政为加码发力的情况下,一季度GDP已经因为出口等方面的好转超预期,如果二季度可以接力继续,那么国民对经济的信心将逐步脱离房地产负螺旋的影响。 这也是部分期权 Call 端仓位的核心理由之一,等到大家都后知后觉发现时,行情很有可能快速演绎,彼时就是2024年度级别的兑现时机。
4月23日 加密期权波动率研报 大宗下注 ETH 末日轮看涨期权,短期下跌概率进一步降低 一、核心观点 1-从 BTC 现货 ETF 流入情况以及期权隐含波动率角度叠加短期资金费率,近期大跌风险较低 2-大宗裸买入 13000 颗 ETH 看涨期权,我们布局价差策略,容错度更高(见星球) 3-#Solana 现货价格攀升,隐波也处于 75 分位,持续做空波动率降低持有成本 (BIT 期权训练营内提示点位)【昨日在私教班也提示了 Sol 现货上涨概率增大,不适合用 call 追 】 二、大宗交易提示 BTC 有 3 个大宗头寸较大,分别为(其中第一大宗的对角策略主要在做多远端 Vega ): buy BTC-27DEC24-80000-C + sell BTC-28JUN24-75000-C buy BTC-3MAY24-70000-C buy BTC-26APR24-70000-C ETH 昨日最值得注意就是这个 13500 买入看涨的头寸: buy ETH-26APR24-3400-C sell ETH-26APR24-3000-P + buy ETH-26APR24-3200-P Sol 昨日有 2 笔头寸都大于 1500 枚(已星球内提示) 三、山寨期权 #Doge 隐波处于回落之中,且现货价格横盘许久,我们会择机做多波动率; #Kas 隐波回落到 75 分位以内,后续会用看涨期权下注,增加收益,同时在看跌端做一些价差,回收成本 四、宏观资本市场 目前全球投资者最重要的疑问之一,是美股特别是以纳斯达克100为代表的科技股是否已经见顶? 结合最近这一个多月美股市场走势,我觉得现在再判断AI这一轮市场情绪有没有见顶,概率应该比80%增加了不少,如果非得要拍脑袋估计一个数字,我觉得可能是95%。 以目前的利率环境、估值水位和业绩增长来说,如果纳斯达克100讲不出比AI更激动人心的故事,那么,纳斯达克100很可能会伴随AI的市场情绪一起见顶。 基于美股是否见顶的关键判断,其实一个中长期的战略资产配置思考往往是更加重要的,相比于短期某个小品类资产价格的起伏。 不知道各位看官有什么思考。

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