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How to correctly distinguish the obvious difference between a reversal market and a rebound market when it occurs? (1) Look at the decline in the price of the currency. If the decline in the price of the currency is not large, it may be a rebound; if the decline exceeds 50%, it is possible to fall back to the bottom. (2) Look at the change in trading volume. A reversal market is usually accompanied by an increase in trading volume. This increase does not mean that the transaction amount of a few days has increased significantly, but requires that the transaction amount of several consecutive trading days must reach and stabilize above a certain level. Although general rebound markets have an increase in trading volume, it cannot last long. After three or four trading days, the volume will shrink. (3) Look at the market trend of the currency price. Unless the decline cycle is very long and the decline is extremely large, the currency price forms a "V"-shaped reversal and the trend is particularly strong, the bottom can be established. Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for the currency price to build a bottom, and the currency price may repeatedly test the bottom during this period. Therefore, it is unlikely that the currency price will bottom out at once. (4) Look at the trend of the currency price rebound. If the price falls by more than 1/3, 1/2, or 2/3, and the volume is stagnant, or the trend is heavy and sluggish, and the trading volume shrinks, then the possibility of a rebound is high. If the price fluctuates at these positions but quickly breaks through the upward trend, it is a new round of rise. Real-time operation (1) Formulation and implementation of investment plan: The two currencies with the best growth in investment profit rate. The implementation method is: make the first purchase at the bottom area of ​​the currency, and then double the purchase every time it falls by a certain interval, hold it for the medium and long term, and only reduce the position when it is at an obvious top. When a better variety is found, a new variety can be added. (2) Speculation of oversold individual coins: Compared with the same-priced coins, oversold individual coins have obvious performance advantages, but the price is relatively low. When there is continuous volume expansion, intervene in small amounts, only increase the position at a low level, exit with a profit of more than 20%, and appropriately sell high and buy low. (3) Speculative altcoins: The price of such coins should be relatively low, with a circulation of less than 1 billion and decent performance prospects. They can be gradually absorbed when the market plummets or hits a mid-term bottom, and held in the mid-term and sold high and bought low, but the chips purchased at low prices should not be easily sold out. #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui

How to correctly distinguish the obvious difference between a reversal market and a rebound market when it occurs?

(1) Look at the decline in the price of the currency. If the decline in the price of the currency is not large, it may be a rebound; if the decline exceeds 50%, it is possible to fall back to the bottom.

(2) Look at the change in trading volume. A reversal market is usually accompanied by an increase in trading volume. This increase does not mean that the transaction amount of a few days has increased significantly, but requires that the transaction amount of several consecutive trading days must reach and stabilize above a certain level. Although general rebound markets have an increase in trading volume, it cannot last long. After three or four trading days, the volume will shrink.

(3) Look at the market trend of the currency price. Unless the decline cycle is very long and the decline is extremely large, the currency price forms a "V"-shaped reversal and the trend is particularly strong, the bottom can be established. Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for the currency price to build a bottom, and the currency price may repeatedly test the bottom during this period. Therefore, it is unlikely that the currency price will bottom out at once.

(4) Look at the trend of the currency price rebound. If the price falls by more than 1/3, 1/2, or 2/3, and the volume is stagnant, or the trend is heavy and sluggish, and the trading volume shrinks, then the possibility of a rebound is high. If the price fluctuates at these positions but quickly breaks through the upward trend, it is a new round of rise.

Real-time operation

(1) Formulation and implementation of investment plan: The two currencies with the best growth in investment profit rate. The implementation method is: make the first purchase at the bottom area of ​​the currency, and then double the purchase every time it falls by a certain interval, hold it for the medium and long term, and only reduce the position when it is at an obvious top. When a better variety is found, a new variety can be added.

(2) Speculation of oversold individual coins: Compared with the same-priced coins, oversold individual coins have obvious performance advantages, but the price is relatively low. When there is continuous volume expansion, intervene in small amounts, only increase the position at a low level, exit with a profit of more than 20%, and appropriately sell high and buy low.

(3) Speculative altcoins: The price of such coins should be relatively low, with a circulation of less than 1 billion and decent performance prospects. They can be gradually absorbed when the market plummets or hits a mid-term bottom, and held in the mid-term and sold high and bought low, but the chips purchased at low prices should not be easily sold out. #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui

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优质MEME基本大多都形成在情绪fomo的时期,小伙伴们玩MEME都是希望暴富的。情绪fomo。市场热钱多,用户也更愿意冲,市值更有想象力,更有上大所预期。 但同时,也是镰刀最多的时期。需要分析投研,筛选判断。为了提告胜率。我个人很喜欢结合ip流量、交易量、底池多少、持仓地址去判断MEME。还有就是市场情绪,还有就是一般一个趋势fomo阶段会诞生一个新的牛逼高市值上大所meme。其他都是要大打折扣的,毕竟不是疯牛,市场热钱不多。如果前面有了一个龙头了。后面的就要理性判断了,市值谨慎估计。 当然我并不是说龙二龙三没有赚钱机会。而是要冷静判断。比如 pepe 。比如之前 troll 后面的那些,比如当下 #bome 后面的或者其他链的。等等 建议大家可以回过头看 #pepe、#wif、#bome、#bonk 的历史数据。一般都有大 v站台或者有搜索热度,然后同时尤其是交易量很不错,k线走势也ok。再看看没有跑出来的项目。其实都是有其可寻找规律的。 最关键,对于MEME,大家一定要会做市值的预估。一定,而且是当下理性的预估。影响着你进场的仓位,出货的时机等等。切勿盲目fomo。即需要项目本身的分析,也需要外部环境的客观整合。 MEME的暴富神话比比皆是,有的可能就是运气,有的可能是集市场认知,信息差,经验,分析等于一体的。有的可能就是庄家的宣发套路稿子。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,关注甜梦,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
现在很多人的想法是,把钱还给我,我不玩了。市场难度非常大,难道以后无法站在把钱挣了吗?其实大可不必,因为依然存在确定性非常高的赚钱机会。定投btc也许是一条不错的选择,但是比较适合大资金,小资金想要暴富不太可能。 所以,除此之外,依然有一条暴富的道路,既轻松又简单,逻辑是,既然预测市场行情非常难,那我们就不预测的,当行情走出后,我们再行动!在币圈,有一个非常确定的现象,在一段下跌行情之后,btc作为风向标,当它开启上涨之后,山寨就会开启一波行情。 所以,我们的操作也非常简单,等待btc暴涨后,买入山寨币,而本质上,这是做一段趋势上涨的行情。1:入场信号非常好判断,判断一波趋势上涨,对于小白来说,有一个非常容易的标准,就是btc的连续上涨,而且它不是一两个大阳线,是谁都能体会到btc已经非常牛了,对于会懂技术和趋势的人来说,可以稍微提前一点时间判断,比如一些重要压力位,量能等等。 2:购买山寨币,这是我们的操作,之前的各类资金博弈,这个时候就会成为优点,因为会充分博弈,即使购买山寨的时候,btc已经到达顶部,依然需要1~2个月时间形成顶部再下跌,这就给山寨币充分的炒作时间。 并且更重要的是,在一段趋势行情中,山寨币不仅会普涨,板块也会进行轮动操作。这意味着,即使你节奏慢一拍错过了一波行情,还有其它的板块可以买入,比如这次的趋势行情,即使你错过了铭文,后来还有AI、Depin、Sol赛道、MEME、GameFi等,即使这些板块都没有参与,随便买的山寨币都可以有不错的利润。#PEPE创历史新高 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #Megadrop
每一轮都有VC币,而这一轮被Fud最严重,之前不少论调是因为币安上新太快从而吸血,但主要原因是VC组局的新币开盘即巅峰,导致给投资人的初始利润实在是太高了,动辄几十上百亿市值,砸个十倍又如何利润依然丰厚,一方面叫嚣着自己是价值币。 比如我对今天刚公布又要搞链把10亿人带入以太坊的Lens这种纯粹VC组局硬造出来叙事,但没任何拿得出手生态的项目都有生理性厌恶了,大概率又是天亡级,凭什么你们VC挂几个自己的Logo就可以把一个什么都没有的项目吹个几十亿的泡泡让散户来接? 所以我的策略是 1.如果是新币,币安上的最多2倍就走不要妄想格局,OK上的10亿市值以上都不要碰流动性根本撑不起来 2.把在上一轮发行且已经至少解锁50%以上的项目作为筛选标准之一,并严格关注你持仓列表的大额解锁,不要迷信解锁拉盘这种论调。 3.既然游戏规则已然如此,无法成为游戏规则的制定者,那就让自己成为参与者,尽量往一级走,成为这个游戏中的NPC而不是被用来练级爆金币的小怪。很多人说剑哥我就一小散哪有投项目的能力,一级不一定就必须要投资,在发Token之前你能拿到筹码全部都属于一级,如果你有技术,可以撸毛,如果你有时间,可以做Mod,如果你有资源,可以做贡献者等等方式,如果以上要素你都有,直接搞个项目也未尝不可 最后这段时间大家都普遍亏钱,天气也热,戾气很重,所以心情都不好,多和人聊聊天,陪陪家人出去走一走,不要碰合约,更不要碰你无法承担后果的债务,一定要留出至少够你几年生活的固定资金,祝大家都有美好的未来。 关注甜梦,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #PEPE创历史新高 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
大饼一直在60000万附近反复横跳,链上数据很明显,资金在流出大饼,流入以太,但是这需要一个漫长的过程,过程需要时间,所以导致了行情很寂静反复横跳,这对玩波段的用户来说是很磨人的,无论是合约还是现货,因为稍微格局一下就白玩了,可能还要亏一点,要是一直波段呢,养成了这种习惯,那行情真正来的时候,又吃不到大肉。 鱼和熊掌不可兼得,实难两全。 这里也震荡不了很久了,难熬的日子快要过去了,资金流入以太完成之后,拉升以太,再是山寨,大部分市值稍大的山寨,比方说matic,ltc,doge,这些大型老牌币,都有明显的游资大户建仓迹象。更别提一些没怎么拉的山寨了。 只要不是追涨杀跌,天天追那些热门币,涨完了,热度上来了,别人喊你梭哈,就没事。 热度是涨出来的,都拉涨那么多了,热度都起来了,一堆人买了,你跟着去买,不套你,套谁? 买在无人问津时,多埋伏,少跟风。因为赚钱的永远是小部分人,跟风买,大部分人都买,那庄家是来做慈善的? 多想想底层逻辑。 静待花开,区块链从不缺机会,缺的就是一点耐心。 永远记住,山寨跌10个月,只需要拉一个月,就能扭亏为盈。最简单的往往是最难的,因为诱惑太多,圈套太多,让我们一起做这个复杂圈子的明白人[并不简单][并不简单][并不简单] 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,关注甜梦,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。#PEPE创历史新高 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件

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