Bitcoin has been jumping around 600 million. The on-chain data is very obvious. Funds are flowing out of Bitcoin and into Ethereum. However, this requires a long process, which takes time. Therefore, the market is very quiet and jumps repeatedly. This is very annoying for users who play the band, whether it is a contract or spot, because if you play a little bit, you will play in vain, and you may even lose a little. If you keep playing the band and develop this habit, you will not be able to eat big meat when the market really comes.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

The volatility here will not last long. The hard days are about to pass. After the funds flow into Ethereum, Ethereum will rise, and then the cottage. Most of the cottages with a slightly larger market value, such as MATIC, LTC, DOGE, these large and old coins, have obvious signs of large hot money building positions. Not to mention some cottages that have not been pulled up much.

As long as you don't chase the rise and fall, chase those popular coins every day, and after the rise, the heat comes up, and others call you to go all in, it's okay.

The popularity is due to the increase. It has risen so much, the popularity has risen, and a lot of people have bought it. If you follow suit, who else can be trapped?

Buy when no one cares, ambush more, follow the trend less. Because it is always a small number of people who make money. If most people buy by following the trend, then the dealer is here to do charity? Think more about the underlying logic.

Wait for the flowers to bloom. Blockchain never lacks opportunities, but it lacks a little patience.

Always remember that the cottage fell for 10 months, and it only takes one month to turn losses into profits. The simplest is often the most difficult, because there are too many temptations and traps. Let us be the wise people in this complex circle together [not simple] [not simple] [not simple]

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