We judge the boom in bull market wealth from a financial perspective.

It mainly comes from the superimposed release of three waves of funds

1. Bitcoin's switching funds and the large-scale copycat market are all after Bitcoin's large-scale rise.

Then the market also formed a consensus. Bitcoin rose first, and then copycats flew everywhere. In addition to consensus, the more important point is that Bitcoin's profit-making funds will enter altcoins. Just imagine, if Bitcoin reaches 100,000 US dollars, the total market value will reach 2 trillion US dollars. Even if only 5%-10% of the funds are switched to altcoins, that is 100 billion to 200 billion in funds. You must know that the issuance of 1 billion US dollars in USDT can usually make people climax, let alone 100 billion US dollars.

2. Short-term funds in the market often undergo a wave of adjustments before a market wave begins.

Many people will panic and cut their flesh, leaving their hands full of utensils. While Bitcoin is rising, it is basically in a state of shortfall, and is often in a situation where it is afraid to buy. As the market continues to rise, these shorted funds will begin to slowly buy. . Due to the large scale of the market, tens of billions of dollars are often bought during a rise that starts from the bottom.

3. With the first two waves of new funds, there will be skyrocketing coins and a skyrocketing leader.

For example, 21-year-old doge and shib. Those who are in the car will also be brought in by his relatives and friends. Even in 2021, many of my friends only knew about Bitcoin and Dogecoin, and had never even heard of Ethereum. The entry of new people is often like this. They buy a little bit to test the waters. After a while, they find that the price has risen. Leave it to qunjiawei: zy202007072🤯🤯 I believe that the currency circle is indeed a place full of gold. Then I regretted buying less, continued to increase investment, and entered the market quickly.

From a financial perspective, I understand the three major logics of the bull market. Only then can you see clearly when the big one will come. So starting from this logic, it is impossible to get big now

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