Bitcoin has remained stable at $62,000 for two consecutive days. This is good news, especially for the entire market. The emergence of altcoins means that the market liquidity is sufficient and investment opportunities are increasing.

Whether it is the inflow of external funds or internal funds, it can bring opportunities to the currency circle. As long as the market has opportunities, it can overcome difficulties; opportunities often appear quietly in silence. As long as the market does not continue to fall to the previous low, there may be a turnaround in the future.

The first week of October is coming to an end. After half a year of decline, the market at the beginning of the month is always uneasy, but if it can be stabilized, the subsequent market will be more optimistic. The recent normal inflow of Bitcoin ETFs has also brought signs of stopping the decline, which are all positive signals.

If this trend continues, it is very likely to break through $70,000 in October. Once it rushes up, the following November US election and possible interest rate cuts will bring benefits to the market.

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