Note: When I wrote the article, the price of Bitcoin was 67,500. Before I finished writing the article, it became 65,500. It went up and then down. So, who can predict the short-term market? If you don’t die in short-term trading, who will die? ​​

The market has started. During this period, Thirteen has been telling everyone in the article that they must hold on. The market may start at any time.

Every article has told everyone in the title. I wonder if Thirteen’s fans have held on to the chips in their hands? ​​

If you miss the opportunity, you can wait and see. Yesterday’s article focused on the 67,000 point. Now it has broken through. It depends on whether it can stand firm. If it stands firm at this position, then the market will enter a new stage.

At least in the short term, the market is unlikely to encounter a big correction, because there is only half a month before the election, and Lao Mi is unlikely to put risks in the capital market.

Of course, the market has indeed risen, but whether it can stand firm is still an unknown. As I said, if there is a correction, enter the market decisively.

Many new entrants are slapping their thighs. Today, many fans have been watching after registering. Now that the market is rising, they finally realized that it is time to enter the market.

​How to say it? This may be the human heart, buy when it rises and not buy when it falls.

In every round of bull and bear cycles, Thirteen will encounter a lot, which is also the life of the leeks in the entire currency circle.

Dare not buy when it falls, listen to all kinds of bad news, and buy crazily when it rises.

Compared with the price of 60,000 a few days ago, many people are very unwilling, but Thirteen believes that it is still possible to buy through fixed investment.

After all, the batch of leeks who entered the market earlier than you all entered the market above 70,000, and the current holding cost is still higher than you, so there is no need to worry too much.

​Focus: Focus on the position of 67,000.