Note: When I wrote this article, the price of Bitcoin was 67,500. Before I finished writing it, it became 65,500. It went up and down again. So, who can predict the short-term market? If you don’t die in short-term trading, who will die? ​​

The market has started. During this period, Thirteen has been telling everyone in his articles that they must hold on, as the market may start at any time.

Every article tells everyone the key points in the title. I wonder if Thirteen’s fans have grasped the chips in their hands? ​​

If you missed the opportunity, you can wait and see. Yesterday's article focused on the 67,000 point. Now it has been broken through, and it depends on whether it can hold its ground. If it holds its ground at this position, the market will enter a new stage.

At least in the short term, it is unlikely that the market will experience a major correction, because there is only half a month left before the election, and it is impossible for Trump to put the capital market at risk.

Of course, the market has indeed gone up, but whether it can stabilize is still an unknown. As I said before, if there is a pullback, enter the market decisively.

Many new entrants are very excited. Today, many fans have been waiting and watching after registering. Now that the market is picking up, they finally realize that it is time to enter the market.

How to say it? This may be the human nature, buy when the price is high and don’t buy when the price is low.

Thirteen will encounter a lot of these in every bull-bear cycle, and this is also the life situation of the leeks in the entire cryptocurrency circle.

I dare not buy when the price is falling, believing in all kinds of bad news, and I buy crazily when the price is rising.

Compared with the price of 60,000 a few days ago, many people are very unwilling, but Shisan believes that it is still possible to buy it through fixed investment.

After all, those who entered the market earlier than you all entered the market at above 70,000, and their current holding costs are still higher than yours, so there is no need to worry too much.

​Focus: Pay special attention to the position of 67000.


Someone left me a message yesterday saying: "Whenever I feel hopeless about the market, I come back to read Thirteen's articles."

The change from despair to hope is so fast. This is the magic of the cryptocurrency world. In fact, if you stand from a God's perspective, you will find that it only increases by 3 to 4 points every day, which is not a large increase.

But this kind of increase happens to be the healthiest trend in the cryptocurrency world.

Nowadays, many people feel particularly uncomfortable watching others make money, which is even more uncomfortable than losing money in the past period of time.

After all, I have endured for such a long time, and there was finally a trend of taking off, but I missed it because of my lack of determination.

In fact, if you miss it, you miss it.

This is investment. The most important thing is your mentality. What’s important is what to do next?

The market may have a brief correction next. If it reaches around 65,000, enter the market and increase the dose, especially Ethereum, TON, and SOL. Everyone can pay attention to them.

Follow the method that Shisan told everyone in the circle to arrange positions reasonably and minimize risks.

You must do this so that you can buy at the bottom when the price drops and make money when the price rises.

This is what a qualified investor is.


Every rise is not without reason.

When U.S. stocks perform well, the cryptocurrency market tends to do well as well.

Especially Trump has received good news again:

According to data from the prediction website Polymarket, Trump's probability of being elected as the US president in 2024 has risen to 56.9%, while Vice President Harris' probability of being elected has dropped to 42.6%.

The cryptocurrency market often experiences market fluctuations due to some so-called positive factors. I believe this is no surprise today. After the news was digested, the market has returned to today’s starting point.

However, the upward trend has not changed. It has now tentatively broken through the 67,000 level. It will definitely go up next time or a few more times.

Finally, I hope everyone can face the ups and downs of the short-term market correctly and not take it too seriously, otherwise you will not be able to survive with the current volatility.

Sometimes there is a lot of money in the account, and sometimes a lot of money disappears. It's really confusing.

As a long-term investor, face the market calmly and separate long-term positions from short-term positions. Keep the long-term positions unchanged, regardless of whether the market goes up or down, and use short-term positions to deal with extreme risks.

Our goal is not more than 67,000 bitcoins, but at least more than 10 bitcoins. How far have we come now?

The cryptocurrency market has not yet gotten really crazy, how far is it from here?

That’s all for today, everyone have a good rest and see you tomorrow.