A joke about the nature of altcoins and A-shares

In this weakest bull market, the nature of altcoins is that leeks are prostitutes, and project parties/VCs/market makers/exchanges are bully prostitutes who come to get sex for free.

Every time a prostitute reaches into his pocket, you think he is going to pay, but he takes out a new condom and fucks the leeks. Altcoin season? That is the lady's fantasy that the prostitute will pay.

You don't have to lie to the leeks, as long as there are three positive lines, he will lie to himself!

The nature of A-shares is that this is a buffet restaurant. Unlike altcoins, there is a chef called the national team here, and if you eat here, you don't have to pay unless it is the last round of the main meal.

The chef directly opens the freezer to show you that there are enough ingredients for three or five rounds of turnover (500 billion swap facilities, 300 billion repurchase loans). You can come and eat, and there may be more than three or five rounds. There are also dozens or hundreds of favorable policies such as fiscal policies and land policies to be released later.

But once the door is closed, all customers in the venue must pay for everyone's orders, because the opening limit down cannot be cut at all.

Smart people have already eaten and quietly left the table. If you are late to realize it and still don't want to leave, you will clink your bowl with chopsticks, and fantasize about the next delicious and rich main course. The result is the huge bill for this feast. There is always someone to pay for the feast, and this time it is you who pays.

Focus: Follow me to communicate more wealth codes. Take a look when you pay attention. There are many things that cannot be said here. You will be surprised if you take a look.

#加密市场急跌 #大A香还是大饼香 #非农人数大幅升温