A fiscal policy of 1.4 trillion US dollars (10 trillion) can allow A-shares to break through the high point of 2015.

The market value of US stocks is about 60 trillion, about 420 trillion RMB, and the average daily trading volume is more than 300 billion US dollars, 0.5% of the total market value, converted into RMB 2.1 trillion. This is because the US stock market has the best resources in the world, technology and consumer listed companies, and global funds are pouring into the US market!

China's current total stock market value is more than 80 trillion, that is, 12 trillion US dollars. The daily trading volume has reached 2.4 trillion, which is comparable to the daily average trading volume of US stocks.

If someone predicts that the daily trading volume of A-shares will exceed 5 trillion, it will be more than double the high point of US stocks. In addition to the fact that A-shares are indeed crazy, is it because the Chinese people are too "gambling"? Deposits are accelerating and moving.

Especially in comparison with US stocks. The activity of the Chinese market is indeed closely related to its economic scale, the enthusiasm of investors and "gambling". Many investors hope to achieve rapid growth in wealth through the stock market, and this mentality has driven a surge in trading volume in the short term.

But this overheating phenomenon may also bring risks, especially in the absence of rational investment and long-term strategies. As deposits flow into the stock market at an accelerated pace, market volatility may increase in the future. We need to pay more attention to the fundamentals of the market and how to make rational investments in such an environment. What do you think will be the future trend of A-shares?

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