BTC rebounded in both support ranges given yesterday. Those who watch the market should be able to get it easily. This kind of rebound is a market after a partial oversold, so it is necessary to enter and exit quickly.

From the 1H trend structure, the accelerated decline in the morning made the market show a clear bearish trend. In this case, the short-term rise space is very limited.

From the 4H trend, after the big negative line penetrated, the market has not yet formed a bottoming structure, that is, there is still room for downward movement to a certain extent. Don't rush to participate in short-term chips here. Wait until the price hits a new low before grabbing the rebound. The reference points are as follows:

Short-term support 57049~57738 (watch the market), sharp drop and rebound range 56682~55789, short-term suppression 60255~60768.

#加密市场急跌 #Telegram创始人被捕 #以太坊基金会