How to break out from the bottom?

1. Try not to work. If you can't, work while finding a reliable product to sell. As long as you start selling things, you will quickly enter the most realistic social model so that you can grow the fastest and see the most realistic and objective world.

2. If you have to work to survive at the beginning, you should also work with the mentality of a boss.

3. Read more books on business, marketing, sociology, and psychology in your spare time to improve your thinking and cognition. Don't read those love-related books without moaning. Reading the wrong book is more terrible than taking the wrong medicine.

4. Say more good things about others, help others more, praise others more, and compliment others more. Complain less about others, say less bad things about others, and offend less. #BTC走势预测 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落