The seventh round of the 10,000u plan, started with 1000u on July 1, 2630u on July 7, cut yesterday's and today's orders, how should small funds turn over positions?

First of all, small funds have no advantages, so they must be steady and ruthless, stare at the best entry position, go in all at once, don't be greedy, don't worry about selling, make a profit stop position immediately after making a profit and wait for the next opportunity. Small funds must accumulate slowly through careful and patient waiting again and again, and screening opportunities is the key!

Secondly, in terms of position management, control the maximum stop loss of a single order, that is, you can bear a single order wrong, how much loss at most, small funds need to go all in, consider the loss to determine the position, the lower limit of the gambler is to lose everything, so that you lose the opportunity to turn over, and you can only keep charging money if you want to start over! Of course, after the next recharge, you can learn from the lesson, master the method, do a good job of stop loss and cooperate with good technical analysis ability, wait for the opportunity, and it is easy to recover the previous loss of the liquidation with a few transactions💸As long as you practice more times, you will get better and better!

Finally, when the loss occurs, you must cut the loss without hesitation. If you make a mistake, admit your problem. If you have cancer and don’t go to the hospital for treatment, let the cancer cells continue to spread and become advanced cancer, you can only wait to die. The same is true for stop loss. Cut off the loss order in time, turn the direction in time or wait and see or look for other opportunities, and use the profit to cover the loss, then the final profit is positive!

When the funds accumulate from a few hundred oil to two or three thousand oil, you must change the ultra-short-term play. You must try to hold the profitable orders. It is best to do trend bands. Generally, it is a three-stage rise. Going long makes money much faster than going short. Holding positions can also increase confidence. What you need to do when the funds accumulate is to learn to go short and learn to look at the trend of more than one hour! The above personal experience sharing, I hope it will be helpful to everyone! #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?