In random interviews after the E-war, many Germans even missed the NC Germany before the war, because the economic development had improved and the unemployment rate had decreased. After the Y-war, the German economy plummeted due to the world economic crisis and the unemployment rate increased a lot, but due to the development of NC, the German economy has become better.

In the five years after the NC came to power, the number of unemployed people in Germany dropped to 1 million, and the entire NC government promoted social welfare and organized people to participate in welfare vacations, which many people later missed and was also the NC's economic miracle.

In the previous article, I wrote that x had the support of media tycoons, but of course, the media tycoons were not the only ones behind him. After he came to power, he listed a timetable and preached about launching an unemployment offensive and solving the unemployment problem in his first speech, which would last for about four years.

How to solve the problem of unemployment? Mainly reduce the replacement of manual labor by machines, expand the bureaucracy and increase the number of state civil servants. X personally planned the national highway network construction project at that time, and the NC government also attached great importance to it. These highways are still in use today. There are different opinions about highways.

In addition, a loan was invented. Married people can apply for a loan. If a woman does not work and gives birth to four children, she does not have to pay back the loan. After this item was introduced, it effectively stimulated population growth and increased the fertility rate. Women's original jobs were vacated, which solved the unemployment problem. Of course, it is not limited to this. After the NC came to power, it also used various methods to solve the unemployment problem, but the most fundamental thing is to work for the country and the country pays wages. However, due to the heavy reparations after World War I, there was actually no money, and they had to prepare for war and expand the army. Fighting a war is also very expensive. Where does the money come from?

Here I want to talk about a person, that is Schacht. After reading some of his deeds, I found that he was a very talented person. He was born in Teinlif (formerly Germany, now Denmark) in 1887. His father was a German-American citizen and his mother was of Danish descent. His father had extensive connections in the financial world, and Schacht himself was very capable, so he quickly became a financial elite. In 1916, he became one of the directors of the German National Bank. In 1923, Schacht was ordered to save the German monetary circulation system in the disaster. Later, he became the president of the nc German Imperial Bank and the Minister of Economics. He was very familiar with Wall Street financiers and attracted a lot of loans and investments. This is only a small part of his deeds. He also did a lot of things about economics. I am very interested and will analyze it slowly later, hahahaha.

As Minister of Economy, he created a fiscal system to help the country save money, which was essentially barter, importing raw materials and then industrializing finished products. When Germany was engaged in trade with other countries, it did not want to spend foreign exchange, so it came up with a solution and signed settlement agreements with more than a dozen countries.

Not only did they save money, they also issued a kind of foreign trade bill, which was guaranteed by the central bank and could be used by military and other enterprises without using money. In plain words, it was to wash the bills and print more money. The market circulated it by default, but it was a disguised form of money, and then slowly injected liquidity.

Because preparing for war, including infrastructure, requires a lot of money. When the expenditure is greater than the economic growth, a dictatorship economy will be generated. In 1932, one year after the NC came to power, there was still a little surplus. Two years later, the fiscal deficit reached 800 million marks, and by 1938 it reached 9.5 billion marks. If the NC continued to rely on printing money to solve the problem, it would cause a series of hyperinflation. But the NC had another way, which was to rob openly. Who did they rob? Of course, the Japanese, plundering their wealth.

When Germany began to show signs of bankruptcy in 1937, it began to force the Jews to leave, and set very strict conditions for them to leave. In fact, the conditions were about the outflow of money, and no one was allowed to take any money with them.

It was not until the fiscal deficit reached 95 marks that nationwide destruction began, including looting of shops and homes, and the direct confiscation of about 8 billion marks of property.

Although looting could solve some problems, it could not solve the fundamental problem. Schacht also wrote a letter to Hitler, indicating that unlimited spending had dragged the finances to collapse.

What to do? Start a war to rob other countries. In 1939, Germany attacked Poland, starting the Second World War. But in fact, Greece was also planning to start the war in 1940, but due to a series of problems, it was launched ahead of schedule.

Some people say that the First World War was caused by Schacht's dismissal, and some say it was caused by road construction, etc. But no matter what the reason is, it is all about the struggle for money and interests. We will look at it slowly later. Including Mussolini, they are all very distinctive figures who have led to historical changes.

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