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专注于加密市场,圈内布局二级市场优质潜力币。进社区讨论交流学习 关注公众号:南北兄弟
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Do short-term skills, win by accumulating day by day! Doing T is a technical job, which is based on our prediction of the daily trend of individual coins. The emphasis here is on prediction, not the feeling of watching the market. Many friends always do T based on their feelings. If they feel it is at a low level, they buy it, and the result is more and more trapped; if they feel it is at a high level, they sell it, and the result is that they sell it. To do T well, we must master the following points: 1. Don't be obsessed with doing intraday T. The main force makes a curve, and in some cases it is impossible to complete a cycle in one day. Only when the activity of individual coins is very good can the wash and pull-up be completed on the same day. So we must first judge which cycle we want to do T. If we do a 5-minute cycle, there will be about two opportunities a day; a 15-minute cycle will have about one opportunity a day; a 30-minute cycle will have about one opportunity every two days. The larger the cycle, the better the benefit, the smaller the risk, but the lower the efficiency. 2. Be sure to combine T with the market. All the main players will consider the trend of the market and follow the trend when they make moves. Therefore, when we do T, we must also combine the trend of the market, especially the intraday trend, to judge the intraday trend of the current individual currency. The lowest and highest points of the market are often the lowest and highest points of the individual currency every day. 3. Pay attention to the trend of the big cake moving average. The moving average is downward, which means that the main price control area today is at a low level, so our focus today is to buy at a low level. The moving average is upward, which means that the main price control area today is at a high level, so our focus is to sell at a high level. 4. Try to do the reverse T. Sell first and buy later. Even if you sell it, at least you will make a profit. Once you make a wrong judgment when buying first and selling later, the impact on your mentality is too great. To do the reverse T, the most important thing is to overcome greed, make a good prediction, believe in yourself, and execute firmly. The above are all high probabilities, which do not represent absolutes. They also need to be used flexibly in real trading. Of course, they also require long-term observation of individual currencies and understanding of the main operating habits. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC
Do short-term skills, win by accumulating day by day!

Doing T is a technical job, which is based on our prediction of the daily trend of individual coins. The emphasis here is on prediction, not the feeling of watching the market. Many friends always do T based on their feelings. If they feel it is at a low level, they buy it, and the result is more and more trapped; if they feel it is at a high level, they sell it, and the result is that they sell it. To do T well, we must master the following points:

1. Don't be obsessed with doing intraday T. The main force makes a curve, and in some cases it is impossible to complete a cycle in one day. Only when the activity of individual coins is very good can the wash and pull-up be completed on the same day. So we must first judge which cycle we want to do T. If we do a 5-minute cycle, there will be about two opportunities a day; a 15-minute cycle will have about one opportunity a day; a 30-minute cycle will have about one opportunity every two days. The larger the cycle, the better the benefit, the smaller the risk, but the lower the efficiency.

2. Be sure to combine T with the market. All the main players will consider the trend of the market and follow the trend when they make moves. Therefore, when we do T, we must also combine the trend of the market, especially the intraday trend, to judge the intraday trend of the current individual currency. The lowest and highest points of the market are often the lowest and highest points of the individual currency every day.

3. Pay attention to the trend of the big cake moving average. The moving average is downward, which means that the main price control area today is at a low level, so our focus today is to buy at a low level. The moving average is upward, which means that the main price control area today is at a high level, so our focus is to sell at a high level.

4. Try to do the reverse T. Sell first and buy later. Even if you sell it, at least you will make a profit. Once you make a wrong judgment when buying first and selling later, the impact on your mentality is too great. To do the reverse T, the most important thing is to overcome greed, make a good prediction, believe in yourself, and execute firmly.

The above are all high probabilities, which do not represent absolutes. They also need to be used flexibly in real trading. Of course, they also require long-term observation of individual currencies and understanding of the main operating habits.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC
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In the second half of the crypto bull market, what opportunities are there in each track? 1: Top sports events such as the European Cup on June 15 and the Olympics in July usually start to hype about 2 months in advance. SANTOS is the son of An, Por is endorsed by C Ronaldo, and AGK is endorsed by Messi. You must make arrangements, and it may be several times a month. 2: Ethereum Prague upgrade is coming! Ambush in advance $OP, $IMX, ETHFI, SSV, PENDLE, these coins will send you to the sky 3: Sol annual conference will be held in September this year, $jup, $pyth, $BOME will rise to the sky 4: There will be news of GPT5 release in the middle of the year, ocen, fet, agix will announce the details of the merger on May 2, $RNDR, $WLD heat and narrative directly Lafei 5: ETC will reduce production in June, there is hype heat, judging from the previous production reduction, etc will have a good round of growth before the reduction If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, leave a message #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC
In the second half of the crypto bull market, what opportunities are there in each track?

1: Top sports events such as the European Cup on June 15 and the Olympics in July usually start to hype about 2 months in advance. SANTOS is the son of An, Por is endorsed by C Ronaldo, and AGK is endorsed by Messi. You must make arrangements, and it may be several times a month.

2: Ethereum Prague upgrade is coming! Ambush in advance $OP, $IMX, ETHFI, SSV, PENDLE, these coins will send you to the sky

3: Sol annual conference will be held in September this year, $jup, $pyth, $BOME will rise to the sky

4: There will be news of GPT5 release in the middle of the year, ocen, fet, agix will announce the details of the merger on May 2, $RNDR, $WLD heat and narrative directly Lafei

5: ETC will reduce production in June, there is hype heat, judging from the previous production reduction, etc will have a good round of growth before the reduction

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, leave a message
#美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC
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When will there be another 100x coin? 100x coins are meaningless to most people. For 100x coins to be meaningful, three conditions must be met: 1. Buy more 2. Sell 100x 3. Cash out in time after clearing the warehouse For example, buying hundreds or thousands of dollars is not very meaningful. In fact, it is small money that can be held, but big money cannot be held. Those who really sell more than 100x have extremely good mentality. This is not just luck. You bought 100,000, 20 times, 50 times, and there are very few people who don’t sell. Only one in 100,000 who really sells 100x; This is the truth, and after buying, it can be turned into money, not be overwhelmed by victory, and decisively leave the market to play and enjoy life. The mentality of this kind of people is to overcome the greed in human nature. Knowing that there is still money to be made later, but not touching the top, how many people can do not eat the last bite, too few. There will definitely be 100x coins in 2025, and 70% of these 100x coins will be born in 2024-2025 If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message $BTC #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #以太坊ETF批准预期
When will there be another 100x coin?
100x coins are meaningless to most people. For 100x coins to be meaningful, three conditions must be met:
1. Buy more
2. Sell 100x
3. Cash out in time after clearing the warehouse
For example, buying hundreds or thousands of dollars is not very meaningful. In fact, it is small money that can be held, but big money cannot be held.
Those who really sell more than 100x have extremely good mentality. This is not just luck.
You bought 100,000, 20 times, 50 times, and there are very few people who don’t sell. Only one in 100,000 who really sells 100x;
This is the truth, and after buying, it can be turned into money, not be overwhelmed by victory, and decisively leave the market to play and enjoy life.
The mentality of this kind of people is to overcome the greed in human nature. Knowing that there is still money to be made later, but not touching the top, how many people can do not eat the last bite, too few.
There will definitely be 100x coins in 2025, and 70% of these 100x coins will be born in 2024-2025

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

$BTC #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #以太坊ETF批准预期
加密市场是个很好的阶层切换之路 保持社会流动,就是要保持社会底层或者说基层到中产的通道,这样大家才有奋斗的欲望,因为从基层到中产,日子是一天比一天好的。 但是没有哪个国家所谓向上的通道是从中产到上层的,中产到上层的天花板很明显,明显到牢不可破,没有好运气或者过人的天赋就别痴心妄想了。 至于所谓的固化?不存在的,对中产来说,向下的大门永远打开着。 研究光荣革命的利伯曼不是说过么,从英国光荣革命以后300年的历史看,英国中产不断坠入底层,底层又不断更新之前爬上来的中产,保证了国家的强大和国民素质的提高。 炒币、炒股等金融投资或者投机,只要带炒基本上就会发生中低层快速切换。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #BTC走势分析 $BTC






如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言

#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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To get rich in a bull market, here are 6 things to think about 1 Although the bull market is generally rising, the hype is still centered on the sector. And if a coin soars, it will drive the hype of its sector. After a coin explodes, it will become the leader and cause the popularity of its sector projects 2 There are opportunities everywhere in the bull market, but if you are greedy and want to catch them everywhere, it will definitely not be good in the end. On the contrary, as long as you catch the main rising wave of a sector, it is enough to make you a lot of money. If you are lucky, you can catch the main rising wave of the sector rotation and the second wave, and you will make unimaginable wealth. For example, the sudden popularity of chatgpt triggered the outbreak of the AI ​​sector, and the release of Sora also triggered a wave of rises. For example, in the second half of 21, the popularity of the metaverse triggered the craze of GameFi in the currency circle 3 What is different from the past is that this round of bull market has many people with money and professional institutions. Instead of chasing hot spots, it is better to focus on good projects/sectors and dig deep to get higher returns. The market valuation of hot projects is relatively sufficient, and non-hot sectors may have high multiples. 4 It is necessary to distinguish between awesome and potential returns. A very awesome project may not make you money, and the reason is still that the market will fully price it. That is, the projects that everyone is optimistic about may not necessarily have a very large increase. 5 Although it is very refreshing to have a full position in a sector, you may also miss the entire bull market, and it is not recommended because of the high risk. It is recommended to use the method of concentration + limited quantity. Divide into several key points and secondary points. The overall control is in one number. 6 The hype of the sector is uncertain most of the time, which is why you have to wait for the wind to come in the bull market. Because the time of hype cannot be determined. The Shanghai upgrade has led to the certainty of the hype of LIDO and SSV. But its disadvantage is that because of its strong certainty, the increase you can participate in may not be very large. That's because there are always many people who will plan ahead. The most typical example is this year's Cancun upgrade, where the increase of arb and OP lags behind other coins. If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC
To get rich in a bull market, here are 6 things to think about

1 Although the bull market is generally rising, the hype is still centered on the sector. And if a coin soars, it will drive the hype of its sector. After a coin explodes, it will become the leader and cause the popularity of its sector projects

2 There are opportunities everywhere in the bull market, but if you are greedy and want to catch them everywhere, it will definitely not be good in the end. On the contrary, as long as you catch the main rising wave of a sector, it is enough to make you a lot of money. If you are lucky, you can catch the main rising wave of the sector rotation and the second wave, and you will make unimaginable wealth. For example, the sudden popularity of chatgpt triggered the outbreak of the AI ​​sector, and the release of Sora also triggered a wave of rises. For example, in the second half of 21, the popularity of the metaverse triggered the craze of GameFi in the currency circle

3 What is different from the past is that this round of bull market has many people with money and professional institutions. Instead of chasing hot spots, it is better to focus on good projects/sectors and dig deep to get higher returns. The market valuation of hot projects is relatively sufficient, and non-hot sectors may have high multiples.

4 It is necessary to distinguish between awesome and potential returns. A very awesome project may not make you money, and the reason is still that the market will fully price it. That is, the projects that everyone is optimistic about may not necessarily have a very large increase.

5 Although it is very refreshing to have a full position in a sector, you may also miss the entire bull market, and it is not recommended because of the high risk. It is recommended to use the method of concentration + limited quantity. Divide into several key points and secondary points. The overall control is in one number.

6 The hype of the sector is uncertain most of the time, which is why you have to wait for the wind to come in the bull market. Because the time of hype cannot be determined. The Shanghai upgrade has led to the certainty of the hype of LIDO and SSV. But its disadvantage is that because of its strong certainty, the increase you can participate in may not be very large. That's because there are always many people who will plan ahead. The most typical example is this year's Cancun upgrade, where the increase of arb and OP lags behind other coins.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC
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The various aspects of the cryptocurrency circle: the gap between the rich and the poor in the cryptocurrency circle 5% of users: cryptocurrency account: 2 million to 20 million RMB 10% of users: cryptocurrency account: 500,000 to 2 million RMB 20% of users: cryptocurrency account: 100,000 to 500,000 RMB 65% of users: cryptocurrency account: 0 to 100,000 RMB The richer you are, the more you can hold on to your coins, and then the richer you are The cryptocurrency circle will only exacerbate the gap between the rich and the poor and make the class more and more consolidated. #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? $BTC
The various aspects of the cryptocurrency circle: the gap between the rich and the poor in the cryptocurrency circle

5% of users: cryptocurrency account: 2 million to 20 million RMB

10% of users: cryptocurrency account: 500,000 to 2 million RMB

20% of users: cryptocurrency account: 100,000 to 500,000 RMB

65% of users: cryptocurrency account: 0 to 100,000 RMB

The richer you are, the more you can hold on to your coins, and then the richer you are
The cryptocurrency circle will only exacerbate the gap between the rich and the poor and make the class more and more consolidated.

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? $BTC
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Only buy coins that you can understand and recognize its logic, and you will not lose money easily. Even if you lose money later, it is a clear loss. Although you lose money, you gain experience and wisdom. If you follow others blindly every time you buy, you will lose money without knowing why. After five or ten years of speculation, you still get nothing. Share your own operation: The success rate of coins that you participate in with a light position is only 20%, which is hard to imagine. Because I didn't think clearly, I just wanted to speculate and make quick money, so I participated in it without knowing why. It proves the saying: Money doesn't come in a hurry! But the success rate of coins that are heavily invested is as high as 80%. It proves the saying: God will not kill those who are all-in. So to sum up, it is: control your hands, make fewer moves, wait patiently, seize opportunities, and make heavy moves. Only give yourself 3 opportunities to make heavy moves a year, and stop participating after you use them up. The more transactions you make, the higher the probability of losing money. If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 $BTC
Only buy coins that you can understand and recognize its logic, and you will not lose money easily.
Even if you lose money later, it is a clear loss.
Although you lose money, you gain experience and wisdom.

If you follow others blindly every time you buy,
you will lose money without knowing why.
After five or ten years of speculation, you still get nothing.

Share your own operation:
The success rate of coins that you participate in with a light position is only 20%, which is hard to imagine. Because I didn't think clearly, I just wanted to speculate and make quick money, so I participated in it without knowing why.
It proves the saying: Money doesn't come in a hurry!

But the success rate of coins that are heavily invested is as high as 80%. It proves the saying: God will not kill those who are all-in.

So to sum up, it is: control your hands, make fewer moves, wait patiently, seize opportunities, and make heavy moves.
Only give yourself 3 opportunities to make heavy moves a year, and stop participating after you use them up. The more transactions you make, the higher the probability of losing money.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message
#BTC走势分析 $BTC
现在的行情走势哪里是底? 因为已经跌破了59000这个强支撑,下面到52000之间几乎没有任何阻碍。 通过斐波那契,可以看出0.618这和位置60000已经跌破。接下来就是0.5这个位置,这个位置就是56000。 不过这个位置跌破的可能性非常高,唯一的强支撑就是下面的0.382,也就是52000这个强支撑了。 如果发生黑天鹅极端情况,这个位置也跌破,那就非常恐怖了,意味着比特币这一轮的涨幅全部要重头来过,至少需要1~2个月,行情才能重新找到支点。 不过这种情况发生的可能性很低,我们也不要过度担忧,一个指标大家要重点关注,那就是资金量,判断是牛市还是熊市,有一个非常关键的指标:资金量。 如果资金大量从币圈流出,那么币圈就非常危险了,但现在这个情况并不是,资金还在持续流入,而行情且在下跌,出现了一个背离的情况,通常来说,大周期上看这个位置是不错的进场机会了,很多人担心熊市就此开启,从资金量这个要素来说,几乎不可能,也许我们心心念的黄金坑出现了。 当别人恐慌的时候,我们应该冷静。 你我现在都非常煎熬,大家最好蜷缩翅膀,好好的保护好自己,别一天天到处释放各种利空的恐惧情绪,影响别人,现货大家就放心拿着,你现在所有的亏损都是账面浮亏,如果你相信比特币会到10万,只要你能够拿住就永远不会亏。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #BTC走势分析 $BTC









如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言
#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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The causes of the alt season (i.e., the surge of small cryptocurrencies in a specific period of time) are usually closely related to the overall liquidity and market sentiment of the market, rather than being directly determined by a single factor of interest rate cuts or hikes. First, the alt season in 2021 was not directly triggered by interest rate cuts. In fact, interest rate cuts usually occur during economic downturns as a means of stimulating the economy. However, if the interest rate cuts are accompanied by "post-disaster reconstruction" policies or similar large-scale liquidity releases, they may drive the overall market up, including the cryptocurrency market. The large-scale water release policies in 2020, especially after the election, laid the foundation for the bull market in 2021. Similarly, the alt season in 2017 was not directly caused by interest rate hikes. Interest rate hikes usually mean economic prosperity and inflationary pressures, but this does not directly equate to a market decline. In fact, the rise and fall of the market during the interest rate hike cycle depends on a variety of factors, such as market sentiment, capital flow, etc. In 2017, despite the background of interest rate hikes, the market seemed to remain optimistic about the prospects of cryptocurrencies, so the alt season occurred. In short, the emergence of the alt season has more to do with market liquidity, market sentiment, and investor expectations. When liquidity increases, funds are more likely to flow into the market, driving up prices, especially for altcoins with smaller market capitalization and greater volatility. Therefore, when market liquidity is abundant and market sentiment is optimistic, altcoin seasons are often more likely to occur. However, it should be noted that such increases are often short-term and high-risk, and investors should be cautious. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 $BTC
The causes of the alt season (i.e., the surge of small cryptocurrencies in a specific period of time) are usually closely related to the overall liquidity and market sentiment of the market, rather than being directly determined by a single factor of interest rate cuts or hikes.

First, the alt season in 2021 was not directly triggered by interest rate cuts. In fact, interest rate cuts usually occur during economic downturns as a means of stimulating the economy. However, if the interest rate cuts are accompanied by "post-disaster reconstruction" policies or similar large-scale liquidity releases, they may drive the overall market up, including the cryptocurrency market. The large-scale water release policies in 2020, especially after the election, laid the foundation for the bull market in 2021.

Similarly, the alt season in 2017 was not directly caused by interest rate hikes. Interest rate hikes usually mean economic prosperity and inflationary pressures, but this does not directly equate to a market decline. In fact, the rise and fall of the market during the interest rate hike cycle depends on a variety of factors, such as market sentiment, capital flow, etc. In 2017, despite the background of interest rate hikes, the market seemed to remain optimistic about the prospects of cryptocurrencies, so the alt season occurred.

In short, the emergence of the alt season has more to do with market liquidity, market sentiment, and investor expectations. When liquidity increases, funds are more likely to flow into the market, driving up prices, especially for altcoins with smaller market capitalization and greater volatility. Therefore, when market liquidity is abundant and market sentiment is optimistic, altcoin seasons are often more likely to occur. However, it should be noted that such increases are often short-term and high-risk, and investors should be cautious.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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Several major positive factors in 24 years have laid the foundation for the continuation of the bull market. The next few months will be the spring of altcoins: 1. In May, the Bitcoin L2 network stack will undergo a "Satoshi Nakamoto" upgrade, and Bitcoin focuses on technological progress and application expansion. 2. Ethereum spot ETF is expected to be approved in May, further promoting Ethereum's market position and influence. 3. The US presidential election will stage a battle for votes in the crypto field. In the final, Kennedy boasted that if elected, he would invest the entire US budget in the blockchain field and draw a grand blueprint for the future of cryptocurrency. 4. The Federal Reserve expects to cut interest rates twice this year. This move will undoubtedly attract more traditional financial funds to flow into the currency circle and inject new vitality into the crypto market. We don't have to worry too much about the Fed's interest rate cut policy. It's still a few months away from the end of the year, and the number of interest rate cuts is still difficult to predict. However, the views of BlackRock's investment officers provide us with valuable reference. Rick Reed, BlackRock's chief investment officer for global fixed income, believes that the Federal Reserve has room to cut interest rates twice this year. There is nothing to analyze about the technical indicators at present. It fluctuates sideways, and the copycat is rebounding and falling. Next, it will continue to fall and buy in batches. Now it is considered the bottom range, and the price is very beautiful. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 $BTC
Several major positive factors in 24 years have laid the foundation for the continuation of the bull market. The next few months will be the spring of altcoins:

1. In May, the Bitcoin L2 network stack will undergo a "Satoshi Nakamoto" upgrade, and Bitcoin focuses on technological progress and application expansion.

2. Ethereum spot ETF is expected to be approved in May, further promoting Ethereum's market position and influence.

3. The US presidential election will stage a battle for votes in the crypto field. In the final, Kennedy boasted that if elected, he would invest the entire US budget in the blockchain field and draw a grand blueprint for the future of cryptocurrency.

4. The Federal Reserve expects to cut interest rates twice this year. This move will undoubtedly attract more traditional financial funds to flow into the currency circle and inject new vitality into the crypto market. We don't have to worry too much about the Fed's interest rate cut policy.

It's still a few months away from the end of the year, and the number of interest rate cuts is still difficult to predict. However, the views of BlackRock's investment officers provide us with valuable reference. Rick Reed, BlackRock's chief investment officer for global fixed income, believes that the Federal Reserve has room to cut interest rates twice this year.

There is nothing to analyze about the technical indicators at present. It fluctuates sideways, and the copycat is rebounding and falling. Next, it will continue to fall and buy in batches. Now it is considered the bottom range, and the price is very beautiful.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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A few words of advice from an old hand in the cryptocurrency circle: Don’t go all in at once: When buying cryptocurrencies, you have to be slow, don’t pounce on them like a hungry wolf. You have to bet slowly and slowly, slowly find the right time to make a move, don’t bet all your money at the beginning, otherwise you will lose everything. Withdraw money in time after making money: When you see that there is more money in your account, don’t be greedy, you have to stop in time. Set a stop profit and stop loss, make money steadily, don’t let the time go by when you can’t even get your capital back. Don’t believe everything you hear: I heard that Zhang San and Li Si made a lot of money by buying something? Don’t rush to follow the trend, by the time you hear it, the daylily will be cold. You have to have your own opinions, don’t be led by the nose by others. Don’t hang on a tree: Don’t think that a certain coin is so awesome that you should leave as soon as you make money, don’t always think that it will keep rising. You have to find the next opportunity and withdraw in time to survive in the cryptocurrency circle for a long time. Running fast is not the key, living long is the hard truth. Slow accumulation is the way to go: Don't always think about getting rich all at once, that's pure daydreaming. You have to learn to save money slowly, like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger. Don't invest too much at the beginning, the key is to keep the principal. In the currency circle, leave yourself a way out, so that you can laugh at the end. Investment, you have to be steady and don't be carried away by impulse. In short, you have to be awesome in the currency circle, don't be carried away by impulse. Stay calm and rational, and you can make a lot of money. If you feel helpless, confused, and want to know more about the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 $BTC
A few words of advice from an old hand in the cryptocurrency circle:

Don’t go all in at once: When buying cryptocurrencies, you have to be slow, don’t pounce on them like a hungry wolf. You have to bet slowly and slowly, slowly find the right time to make a move, don’t bet all your money at the beginning, otherwise you will lose everything.

Withdraw money in time after making money: When you see that there is more money in your account, don’t be greedy, you have to stop in time. Set a stop profit and stop loss, make money steadily, don’t let the time go by when you can’t even get your capital back.

Don’t believe everything you hear: I heard that Zhang San and Li Si made a lot of money by buying something? Don’t rush to follow the trend, by the time you hear it, the daylily will be cold. You have to have your own opinions, don’t be led by the nose by others.

Don’t hang on a tree: Don’t think that a certain coin is so awesome that you should leave as soon as you make money, don’t always think that it will keep rising. You have to find the next opportunity and withdraw in time to survive in the cryptocurrency circle for a long time. Running fast is not the key, living long is the hard truth.

Slow accumulation is the way to go: Don't always think about getting rich all at once, that's pure daydreaming. You have to learn to save money slowly, like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger. Don't invest too much at the beginning, the key is to keep the principal. In the currency circle, leave yourself a way out, so that you can laugh at the end. Investment, you have to be steady and don't be carried away by impulse.

In short, you have to be awesome in the currency circle, don't be carried away by impulse. Stay calm and rational, and you can make a lot of money.

If you feel helpless, confused, and want to know more about the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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Knowing these four rules of Bitcoin, you won't lose money in the currency circle! First, the Bitcoin bull-bear cycle rotates every four years. The bull market lasts for one and a half years, and the bear market lasts for three years. The bull markets were 2012-2013, 2016-2017, and 2020-2021. The next bull market is generally recognized to be 2024-2025. Second, the Bitcoin halving market, the bull market will start in the next 6 months, this is the real halving market, this time it may start in mid-to-late June. Third, the lowest point of the bear market. After the bull market, Bitcoin will fall by 70%-90%. Usually, we buy the bottom position after a 70% drop and then hoard the currency. If there are two bottoming out, we will also buy boldly. At present, the bottom of the bear market in 2023 is around 15,400, and the bottoming out in May 2024 may be around 53,000. If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Knowing these four rules of Bitcoin, you won't lose money in the currency circle!

First, the Bitcoin bull-bear cycle rotates every four years. The bull market lasts for one and a half years, and the bear market lasts for three years. The bull markets were 2012-2013, 2016-2017, and 2020-2021. The next bull market is generally recognized to be 2024-2025.

Second, the Bitcoin halving market, the bull market will start in the next 6 months, this is the real halving market, this time it may start in mid-to-late June.

Third, the lowest point of the bear market. After the bull market, Bitcoin will fall by 70%-90%. Usually, we buy the bottom position after a 70% drop and then hoard the currency. If there are two bottoming out, we will also buy boldly. At present, the bottom of the bear market in 2023 is around 15,400, and the bottoming out in May 2024 may be around 53,000.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Many people are worried about whether Bitcoin will fall below 60,000, or even below 50,000? I think there is nothing to worry about, because the price range of 50,000 to 60,000 is the cost price for many institutions and big investors, and so far, they have not made much money. As for the market trend, I personally think there is no need to be too pessimistic! The bull market is still there, it is just temporarily eating grass, and it is not full yet! Bitcoin has fluctuated between 60,000 and 73,000 for more than 40 days, and it may fluctuate for another 30 days at most, and then the next wave of market should come. In other words, the longer the fluctuation time, the more favorable it is for the next market! For those who have already held a full position, just turn off your phone and wait for the market to improve before harvesting! Many altcoins have basically returned to the low point before the rise, and now is the best time to get on board. As long as you have a stable mentality, continue to hold it well! The next wave of market will definitely exceed your imagination, and the increase will also make you stunned! So, to survive, you must also have some courage! If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Many people are worried about whether Bitcoin will fall below 60,000, or even below 50,000?

I think there is nothing to worry about, because the price range of 50,000 to 60,000 is the cost price for many institutions and big investors, and so far, they have not made much money. As for the market trend, I personally think there is no need to be too pessimistic! The bull market is still there, it is just temporarily eating grass, and it is not full yet!

Bitcoin has fluctuated between 60,000 and 73,000 for more than 40 days, and it may fluctuate for another 30 days at most, and then the next wave of market should come. In other words, the longer the fluctuation time, the more favorable it is for the next market!

For those who have already held a full position, just turn off your phone and wait for the market to improve before harvesting! Many altcoins have basically returned to the low point before the rise, and now is the best time to get on board. As long as you have a stable mentality, continue to hold it well!

The next wave of market will definitely exceed your imagination, and the increase will also make you stunned! So, to survive, you must also have some courage!

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
根据之前美国收割全球的布局逻辑,预测一下 2024年接下来会发生的事情: 1.美国加息利率6-8%,基于这个条件接下来: 2.加息美国美元增加,美股技术回调后继续往上 涨: 3.美国制造业和进出口力度加大,美元会倾向于持 续贬值,促进贸易,美元指数跌到100以下; 4.黄金会持续上涨区间在2500-2700; 5.国际石油价格升,突破100,有可能到120; 6.美国通胀加剧,CPI继续上涨,促进逐步加息; 7.加息后回美国的美元泡沫涌向BTC,BTC在回调后继续上涨; 8.ETH的ETF通过,ETH系普涨 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC









如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
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1. In terms of time: the decline since mid-March has lasted for 50 days. According to the historical rhythm of BTC, during the bull market in 2017 and 2021, the bottoming out of the correction lasted only 35 days at most. Therefore, this round of decline took much longer than in the past 2. From the moving average: some coins just stepped back on the weekly MA20 (BTC, ETH, SOL, DOGE, BCH), some just stepped back on the weekly MA60 (OP, APT), and some completely fell through (ARB). BTC stepped back on the weekly MA20 many times during the bull market in 2017, and did not step back on the weekly MA20 during the bull market in 2021. Therefore, it can be determined that the rhythm of this round of BTC is different from that in 2021 3. In terms of emotions: the rebound process of this round of decline was not accompanied by strong bullish sentiment (funding fees, contract holdings, futures premium), and the lower the price, the heavier the bearish sentiment. It is completely different from the emotions before 312 and 519 Let's talk about the viewpoint: 1. The weekly bull market is still there. The weekly moving average is still in a perfect bullish arrangement, and this decline is just a retracement of the weekly MA20. This trend is very common in individual US stocks, but it has never appeared in the historical trend of BTC (referring to the long time of this callback). Some people are worried about the long-term oscillation trend after the end of the 19-year bull market. At that time, the weekly moving average was in a tangled state, and now it is a perfect bullish arrangement of the weekly line, so it is believed that this adjustment time will not be as long as after the end of the 19-year bull market 2. Optimistically, there should be a strong rebound after stepping back on the weekly MA20, and you can pay attention to the market performance in the next 1 or 2 weeks. Pessimistically, if the bulls are very weak, it can also fluctuate sideways above the weekly MA20. In either case, new highs will continue to be set in the future. The possibility of BTC falling below the weekly MA20 to the weekly MA60 is subjectively considered to be extremely small 3. Many cottages have fallen through this round of decline (1 because most cottages have low positions, and 2 if they continue to fall, they will destroy the long arrangement of the weekly moving average, and it will take a long time to sort out in the future). Combined with the high position of BTC.D, we can pay attention to the opportunities in the alt season. I will try to do some short-term alt bullishness next. Finally, some thoughts: 1. The market has repeatedly broken some traditional rules of the currency circle (there was no buying climax in May 21, the new high at the end of 21 did not continue to rise, the bear market in 22 fell below the high of the previous bull market, and the new high in 24 had the longest adjustment time in history).Therefore, the unique rules of the cryptocurrency circle will gradually become ineffective in the future. 2. Before BTC hit a new high, I had expected that this round of bull market would retrace the weekly MA20 several times like in 2017, instead of directly pulling to the top without retracement like in 2021 (I personally think that the bull market in 2021 will reach its peak in May instead of November). Because if the bull market wants to last for a long time, it must have a large-scale correction and turnover like in 2017 in the middle to prolong the bull market process and give newcomers more time to enter the market. If it is pulled sharply like in 2021, the bull market will last for a shorter period of time. But this round of adjustment is still quite unexpected to me. Because during the adjustment, the sentiment was already pessimistic (reaching the level of the adjustment in January 2021), but it continued to fall afterwards. Finally, from the perspective of the shorts, the structure from March to May is a distribution structure, which makes sense. But from the weekly line, there is not enough time. Even if there is a distribution here, BTC will have the need to test the previous high again in the future, and the altcoins will also take this opportunity to pull up and ship. So don't worry about spot If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $BNB $ETH
1. In terms of time: the decline since mid-March has lasted for 50 days. According to the historical rhythm of BTC, during the bull market in 2017 and 2021, the bottoming out of the correction lasted only 35 days at most. Therefore, this round of decline took much longer than in the past

2. From the moving average: some coins just stepped back on the weekly MA20 (BTC, ETH, SOL, DOGE, BCH), some just stepped back on the weekly MA60 (OP, APT), and some completely fell through (ARB). BTC stepped back on the weekly MA20 many times during the bull market in 2017, and did not step back on the weekly MA20 during the bull market in 2021. Therefore, it can be determined that the rhythm of this round of BTC is different from that in 2021

3. In terms of emotions: the rebound process of this round of decline was not accompanied by strong bullish sentiment (funding fees, contract holdings, futures premium), and the lower the price, the heavier the bearish sentiment. It is completely different from the emotions before 312 and 519

Let's talk about the viewpoint:
1. The weekly bull market is still there. The weekly moving average is still in a perfect bullish arrangement, and this decline is just a retracement of the weekly MA20. This trend is very common in individual US stocks, but it has never appeared in the historical trend of BTC (referring to the long time of this callback).
Some people are worried about the long-term oscillation trend after the end of the 19-year bull market. At that time, the weekly moving average was in a tangled state, and now it is a perfect bullish arrangement of the weekly line, so it is believed that this adjustment time will not be as long as after the end of the 19-year bull market

2. Optimistically, there should be a strong rebound after stepping back on the weekly MA20, and you can pay attention to the market performance in the next 1 or 2 weeks. Pessimistically, if the bulls are very weak, it can also fluctuate sideways above the weekly MA20. In either case, new highs will continue to be set in the future.
The possibility of BTC falling below the weekly MA20 to the weekly MA60 is subjectively considered to be extremely small

3. Many cottages have fallen through this round of decline (1 because most cottages have low positions, and 2 if they continue to fall, they will destroy the long arrangement of the weekly moving average, and it will take a long time to sort out in the future).
Combined with the high position of BTC.D, we can pay attention to the opportunities in the alt season. I will try to do some short-term alt bullishness next.

Finally, some thoughts:
1. The market has repeatedly broken some traditional rules of the currency circle (there was no buying climax in May 21, the new high at the end of 21 did not continue to rise, the bear market in 22 fell below the high of the previous bull market, and the new high in 24 had the longest adjustment time in history).Therefore, the unique rules of the cryptocurrency circle will gradually become ineffective in the future.

2. Before BTC hit a new high, I had expected that this round of bull market would retrace the weekly MA20 several times like in 2017, instead of directly pulling to the top without retracement like in 2021 (I personally think that the bull market in 2021 will reach its peak in May instead of November).
Because if the bull market wants to last for a long time, it must have a large-scale correction and turnover like in 2017 in the middle to prolong the bull market process and give newcomers more time to enter the market. If it is pulled sharply like in 2021, the bull market will last for a shorter period of time.
But this round of adjustment is still quite unexpected to me. Because during the adjustment, the sentiment was already pessimistic (reaching the level of the adjustment in January 2021), but it continued to fall afterwards.

Finally, from the perspective of the shorts, the structure from March to May is a distribution structure, which makes sense. But from the weekly line, there is not enough time. Even if there is a distribution here, BTC will have the need to test the previous high again in the future, and the altcoins will also take this opportunity to pull up and ship. So don't worry about spot

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $BNB $ETH
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100U Strategy for Newbies: The Key to a Steady Start For new investors in the cryptocurrency circle, how to trade safely and effectively with limited initial funds (such as less than 1000U) is a question that everyone is concerned about. Today, I bring you a set of proven 100U strategies to help novices get started steadily in the ocean of digital currencies. Assuming that you have 1000U of starting funds, my suggestion is to divide it into 10 separate parts and invest only 100U in each transaction. For the choice of leverage, I suggest that novices start with a relatively low 20 times, which will help you better manage your trading mentality. The remaining 900U can be deposited into a wealth management account as a reserve for subsequent replenishment or emergency. During the transaction, if all 100U are unfortunately lost, please be sure to stay calm and don't rush to replenish your position. At this time, what you need to do is to deeply reflect on the transaction process, find out the reasons for the mistakes, and give yourself 1-2 days of rest time to wait for the next suitable trading opportunity. Remember, the Bitcoin market is volatile, but opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. After you adjust your mentality, you can divide the remaining 900U into 10 parts again, and trade each part of 90U. This time, you need to be more cautious and try to earn back the previously lost funds. Assuming that you successfully make a profit of 300U, I strongly recommend that you keep 100U as profit and transfer the remaining 200U to relieve psychological pressure and leave more room for future transactions. In contract trading, the importance of position management is self-evident. Even with a 10x leverage, if the direction is misjudged, once the price fluctuates by more than 10%, your position may face the risk of liquidation. Therefore, please be sure to keep a light position and avoid full position trading. An experienced trader, even if the success rate is only 60%, can achieve stable returns through fine position management. In order to reduce risks, I strongly recommend that novices learn more about trading, have a deep understanding of market rules, and set reasonable stop loss and take profit points in each transaction. Stop loss can help you control losses, while take profit can protect your profits from being swallowed by market fluctuations. In addition, when the overall loss reaches a certain proportion (such as 2%), you should be alert in time and consider reducing or clearing your position. For novices, it is a wise choice to start with small funds and high leverage, so that you can gradually become familiar with the rhythm of the market and trading strategies. At the same time, maintaining a good attitude and sufficient patience are also the keys to successful trading. In trading, do not blindly chase ups and downs, but flexibly adjust your strategy according to the actual situation of the market. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that you must remain calm and rational in trading, and do not be swayed by the market's emotions. Through continuous learning and practice, I believe you will be able to achieve satisfactory results in the world of digital currency. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 $BTC
100U Strategy for Newbies: The Key to a Steady Start

For new investors in the cryptocurrency circle, how to trade safely and effectively with limited initial funds (such as less than 1000U) is a question that everyone is concerned about. Today, I bring you a set of proven 100U strategies to help novices get started steadily in the ocean of digital currencies.

Assuming that you have 1000U of starting funds, my suggestion is to divide it into 10 separate parts and invest only 100U in each transaction. For the choice of leverage, I suggest that novices start with a relatively low 20 times, which will help you better manage your trading mentality. The remaining 900U can be deposited into a wealth management account as a reserve for subsequent replenishment or emergency.

During the transaction, if all 100U are unfortunately lost, please be sure to stay calm and don't rush to replenish your position. At this time, what you need to do is to deeply reflect on the transaction process, find out the reasons for the mistakes, and give yourself 1-2 days of rest time to wait for the next suitable trading opportunity. Remember, the Bitcoin market is volatile, but opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

After you adjust your mentality, you can divide the remaining 900U into 10 parts again, and trade each part of 90U. This time, you need to be more cautious and try to earn back the previously lost funds. Assuming that you successfully make a profit of 300U, I strongly recommend that you keep 100U as profit and transfer the remaining 200U to relieve psychological pressure and leave more room for future transactions.

In contract trading, the importance of position management is self-evident. Even with a 10x leverage, if the direction is misjudged, once the price fluctuates by more than 10%, your position may face the risk of liquidation. Therefore, please be sure to keep a light position and avoid full position trading. An experienced trader, even if the success rate is only 60%, can achieve stable returns through fine position management.

In order to reduce risks, I strongly recommend that novices learn more about trading, have a deep understanding of market rules, and set reasonable stop loss and take profit points in each transaction. Stop loss can help you control losses, while take profit can protect your profits from being swallowed by market fluctuations. In addition, when the overall loss reaches a certain proportion (such as 2%), you should be alert in time and consider reducing or clearing your position.

For novices, it is a wise choice to start with small funds and high leverage, so that you can gradually become familiar with the rhythm of the market and trading strategies. At the same time, maintaining a good attitude and sufficient patience are also the keys to successful trading. In trading, do not blindly chase ups and downs, but flexibly adjust your strategy according to the actual situation of the market.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that you must remain calm and rational in trading, and do not be swayed by the market's emotions. Through continuous learning and practice, I believe you will be able to achieve satisfactory results in the world of digital currency.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 $BTC
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Rolling, in simple terms, means trying more and losing more, and making enough money in one go. For example, you make 5,000 yuan by delivering food for half a year. Then you start with 300 US dollars, about 2,000 yuan. Each time, you open a 100-fold bet with 10 US dollars. You read that right, it is 10 US dollars. Before opening, you should judge whether it will rise or fall. Don't switch back and forth. Just identify one based on your own judgment. If you lose 50 times, it means that you made a wrong judgment. Then go back and continue to deliver food until the rise and fall trend reverses. If you lose 20 times and the trend is right, congratulations, as long as it rises or falls by more than 1%, it will become 20. Take out the profit of 10 yuan and continue to open a 100-fold bet. This is called rolling. Another 1% will become 40. The rise or fall of 11% is about 10,000 US dollars. Don't invest any extra money, just roll the position. Bitcoin can rise or fall by 10% three or four times a month. Give yourself a goal. When it reaches 5,000 or 10,000, you will stop rolling the position. Simply take the profit. If you can't control your greed, you will definitely burst the position in the end. This wave is over, and you may have tens of thousands of dollars, and then wait until you think you are sure of a rising or falling trend (maybe it will take several months), and then take 500 dollars to start opening. You read that right, it is still 500 dollars, and you still open 10 dollars each time. If you are lucky enough to encounter a one-sided market, it is very likely to make millions in a few days, but it may not be possible to wait for one or two years for your judgment to be completely accurate and just avoid the ups and downs. I can't help it, I can't control my hands, I have no patience, and I don't have a strict execution plan. I will be 100% liquidated and bankrupted when playing contracts. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message #灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? $BTC
Rolling, in simple terms, means trying more and losing more, and making enough money in one go. For example, you make 5,000 yuan by delivering food for half a year. Then you start with 300 US dollars, about 2,000 yuan.

Each time, you open a 100-fold bet with 10 US dollars. You read that right, it is 10 US dollars. Before opening, you should judge whether it will rise or fall. Don't switch back and forth. Just identify one based on your own judgment. If you lose 50 times, it means that you made a wrong judgment. Then go back and continue to deliver food until the rise and fall trend reverses.

If you lose 20 times and the trend is right, congratulations, as long as it rises or falls by more than 1%, it will become 20. Take out the profit of 10 yuan and continue to open a 100-fold bet. This is called rolling. Another 1% will become 40. The rise or fall of 11% is about 10,000 US dollars. Don't invest any extra money, just roll the position. Bitcoin can rise or fall by 10% three or four times a month.

Give yourself a goal. When it reaches 5,000 or 10,000, you will stop rolling the position. Simply take the profit. If you can't control your greed, you will definitely burst the position in the end.
This wave is over, and you may have tens of thousands of dollars, and then wait until you think you are sure of a rising or falling trend (maybe it will take several months), and then take 500 dollars to start opening. You read that right, it is still 500 dollars, and you still open 10 dollars each time. If you are lucky enough to encounter a one-sided market, it is very likely to make millions in a few days, but it may not be possible to wait for one or two years for your judgment to be completely accurate and just avoid the ups and downs.

I can't help it, I can't control my hands, I have no patience, and I don't have a strict execution plan. I will be 100% liquidated and bankrupted when playing contracts.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar introduction to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment, and leave a message

#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? $BTC
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Four principles of fund management: 1. After opening an order, you must set a stop loss. You must set a stop loss. You must develop a habit. You must set a stop loss when opening an order. You must not think that you are hedging or have any fluke mentality. If you are still trapped or your position is still liquidated, you will be s sooner or later. 2. The stop loss amount for each trial order shall not exceed 2% of the total amount (depending on your own risk tolerance. I suggest setting it at 1% at the beginning. If you can make stable profits, you can set it to a certain amount depending on your own risk). 3. Strictly stop loss, if the total capital loss is 30%, unconditionally close the position and exit immediately. 4. If you forget to stop loss, you must close the position immediately after discovering it. You must not expect to close the position after a rebound or think about adding positions to spread the losses. Almost all big guys die in this regard. You can survive 10 times, but if you can't survive once, the previous 9 times will be reset to zero. 5. Initial learning does not recommend adding positions, just open a fixed position each time. If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Four principles of fund management:

1. After opening an order, you must set a stop loss. You must set a stop loss. You must develop a habit. You must set a stop loss when opening an order. You must not think that you are hedging or have any fluke mentality. If you are still trapped or your position is still liquidated, you will be s sooner or later.

2. The stop loss amount for each trial order shall not exceed 2% of the total amount (depending on your own risk tolerance. I suggest setting it at 1% at the beginning. If you can make stable profits, you can set it to a certain amount depending on your own risk).

3. Strictly stop loss, if the total capital loss is 30%, unconditionally close the position and exit immediately.

4. If you forget to stop loss, you must close the position immediately after discovering it. You must not expect to close the position after a rebound or think about adding positions to spread the losses. Almost all big guys die in this regard. You can survive 10 times, but if you can't survive once, the previous 9 times will be reset to zero.

5. Initial learning does not recommend adding positions, just open a fixed position each time.

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#BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Set up stop-profit and stop-loss: Stop-profit and stop-loss can be said to be the key to whether or not to make a profit. In several transactions, we must make the total profit greater than the total loss. It is not difficult to achieve this. Just do the following: ① Each stop loss ≤ 5% of the total funds; ② Each profit > 5% of the total funds; ③ Total transaction win rate > 50% If the above requirements are met (profit-loss ratio greater than 1 and win rate greater than 50%), you can achieve profit. Of course, you can also have a high profit-loss ratio and a low win rate, or a low profit-loss ratio and a high win rate. Anyway, as long as the total profit is positive, the total profit = initial principal × (average profit × win rate - average loss × loss rate). In the Bit King trading system, it is expected that there will be 30% fluctuation before it will be taken, so the profit-loss ratio of Bit King will be very high, which is one of the fundamental reasons for the Bit King's incredible returns. However, many people tend to stop when they make a profit in actual combat, and bite the bullet when they lose money, and they know that this is wrong, but they just can't control it. This is the weakness of human nature. Greed and fear need to be controlled by fund management. If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message #BTC走势分析 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC
Set up stop-profit and stop-loss:

Stop-profit and stop-loss can be said to be the key to whether or not to make a profit. In several transactions, we must make the total profit greater than the total loss. It is not difficult to achieve this. Just do the following:

① Each stop loss ≤ 5% of the total funds;
② Each profit > 5% of the total funds;
③ Total transaction win rate > 50%

If the above requirements are met (profit-loss ratio greater than 1 and win rate greater than 50%), you can achieve profit. Of course, you can also have a high profit-loss ratio and a low win rate, or a low profit-loss ratio and a high win rate. Anyway, as long as the total profit is positive, the total profit = initial principal × (average profit × win rate - average loss × loss rate). In the Bit King trading system, it is expected that there will be 30% fluctuation before it will be taken, so the profit-loss ratio of Bit King will be very high, which is one of the fundamental reasons for the Bit King's incredible returns. However, many people tend to stop when they make a profit in actual combat, and bite the bullet when they lose money, and they know that this is wrong, but they just can't control it. This is the weakness of human nature. Greed and fear need to be controlled by fund management.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC
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Trading is gambling, there is no technique. Poor people play with skills, rich people play with courage. If you want to change your situation, you should not learn skills, but have a rich heart. Trading is gambling, there is no technique. Find a favorable position in the fluctuating market and enter. If you are wrong, you will close the position. If you are right, set a range and keep increasing the position. Use the opening price as the closing price. Although nine out of ten times you will be closed out and most of the time you will not gain anything, as long as you get two big extreme market conditions right in a year, it will be enough for you not to open orders for three years. All you have to do is wait patiently, put yourself on the right side before the big market starts, and keep increasing the position and holding it patiently after it starts. The reason why most people can't make money is that they keep going in and out of the market to make short-term differences, are unwilling to wait patiently, hold patiently, dare not win, are not greedy enough, and dare not make money to death. The goal of trading is to catch a big extreme market, and the rest of the time is to test the market. When the big market does not come, just ensure that your funds do not suffer too much loss. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. All short-term fluctuations and small trends should be abandoned at the original price. If you want to make money, make big money. Open the K-line chart and look at the market in the past year from the daily and weekly levels. There have been at least three or four extreme continuous surges and plunges. Any wave of market is enough to make you cross a class as long as you are greedy enough. If you keep going in and out of it to buy the bottom and touch the top, you will only get the handling fee to the exchange and the money to the dog dealer. Futures are used to gamble big money, not to make pocket money every day. Yu'ebao makes money steadily every day. The idea of ​​making small money will die sooner or later, because it takes a lot of market risks to make a little money, and it is possible to lose it at any time. Only by letting go of your hands and feet and being bold, and catching that super extreme big market, a big market is enough to change your class. Such an idea is speculation, and thinking about making stable money every day is working. If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me.Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment and leave a message #BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Trading is gambling, there is no technique.

Poor people play with skills, rich people play with courage. If you want to change your situation, you should not learn skills, but have a rich heart.

Trading is gambling, there is no technique. Find a favorable position in the fluctuating market and enter. If you are wrong, you will close the position. If you are right, set a range and keep increasing the position. Use the opening price as the closing price. Although nine out of ten times you will be closed out and most of the time you will not gain anything, as long as you get two big extreme market conditions right in a year, it will be enough for you not to open orders for three years. All you have to do is wait patiently, put yourself on the right side before the big market starts, and keep increasing the position and holding it patiently after it starts.

The reason why most people can't make money is that they keep going in and out of the market to make short-term differences, are unwilling to wait patiently, hold patiently, dare not win, are not greedy enough, and dare not make money to death.

The goal of trading is to catch a big extreme market, and the rest of the time is to test the market. When the big market does not come, just ensure that your funds do not suffer too much loss. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. All short-term fluctuations and small trends should be abandoned at the original price. If you want to make money, make big money.

Open the K-line chart and look at the market in the past year from the daily and weekly levels. There have been at least three or four extreme continuous surges and plunges. Any wave of market is enough to make you cross a class as long as you are greedy enough. If you keep going in and out of it to buy the bottom and touch the top, you will only get the handling fee to the exchange and the money to the dog dealer. Futures are used to gamble big money, not to make pocket money every day. Yu'ebao makes money steadily every day. The idea of ​​making small money will die sooner or later, because it takes a lot of market risks to make a little money, and it is possible to lose it at any time. Only by letting go of your hands and feet and being bold, and catching that super extreme big market, a big market is enough to change your class. Such an idea is speculation, and thinking about making stable money every day is working.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to know more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me.Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment and leave a message

#BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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