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"How many cooperation models are there in Shenzhen studios at present?" 20240712 #清水哥日记From June 12th to July 12th, I basically spent half of my time in Shenzhen taking classes. During this period, I visited many studios and had a lot of feelings. The Web3 atmosphere in Shenzhen is really good, and there are a lot of people to communicate with. Sometimes when I visit a studio, I may find that there are several studios in the same building. Each studio usually has a few people, and some have more than a dozen people. Judging from the studios I have visited so far, most of them share offices. Shared office means that several people will be in the same office, each with his or her own workstation. They share the various rents together, and each person explores projects that he or she is good at based on his or her expertise. Every week, everyone holds a weekly meeting where everyone shares their views on various projects. Ultimately, everyone decides whether to do the project based on their own circumstances and executes it themselves. This is what we call a super individual. Project sharing and execution is done by everyone using their own funds and execution capabilities, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses.

"How many cooperation models are there in Shenzhen studios at present?" 20240712 #清水哥日记

From June 12th to July 12th, I basically spent half of my time in Shenzhen taking classes. During this period, I visited many studios and had a lot of feelings. The Web3 atmosphere in Shenzhen is really good, and there are a lot of people to communicate with.
Sometimes when I visit a studio, I may find that there are several studios in the same building. Each studio usually has a few people, and some have more than a dozen people. Judging from the studios I have visited so far, most of them share offices.
Shared office means that several people will be in the same office, each with his or her own workstation. They share the various rents together, and each person explores projects that he or she is good at based on his or her expertise. Every week, everyone holds a weekly meeting where everyone shares their views on various projects. Ultimately, everyone decides whether to do the project based on their own circumstances and executes it themselves. This is what we call a super individual. Project sharing and execution is done by everyone using their own funds and execution capabilities, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses.
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《Get Debank's XP rewards at 0 cost, maybe there will be airdrops in the future》 20240709 #清水哥日记I'm sorry, my fans and family, I'm back. I was out of touch with the school for half a month and now I'm starting to resume my normal work. The market has been slow recently and there haven't been any particularly good projects, otherwise I would have been really upset. Currently, you can claim Debank’s XP rewards at no cost, and the claim period is one month. It is recommended that you claim them all, as there may be airdrops later. Claim link: XP rewards are determined based on the assets, credit, and social ranking on the chain, and must meet any of the following conditions: 1. Active on-chain addresses in 2024 (initiated at least one transaction)

《Get Debank's XP rewards at 0 cost, maybe there will be airdrops in the future》 20240709 #清水哥日记

I'm sorry, my fans and family, I'm back. I was out of touch with the school for half a month and now I'm starting to resume my normal work. The market has been slow recently and there haven't been any particularly good projects, otherwise I would have been really upset.
Currently, you can claim Debank’s XP rewards at no cost, and the claim period is one month. It is recommended that you claim them all, as there may be airdrops later.
Claim link:
XP rewards are determined based on the assets, credit, and social ranking on the chain, and must meet any of the following conditions:
1. Active on-chain addresses in 2024 (initiated at least one transaction)
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"I lost contact for another 7 days, recharged myself and invested in myself, and set off on the road to study" 20240625 #清水哥日记We are leaving for Shenzhen tonight to start the second phase of learning thinking strategies, which will last for 7 days from June 26th to July 1st. Many people who know me are interested in the course I am taking, so let me briefly introduce it. The Chinese name of this course is Thinking Strategy, but I personally feel that these four words cannot summarize the course content. The course is mainly experiential teaching, divided into two stages, the first stage is 8968, and the second stage is 25688. The course is quite expensive. I was persuaded to join the class by my benefactor Ziqi. When Ziqi told me that I must attend this class, I actually found it difficult to accept it.

"I lost contact for another 7 days, recharged myself and invested in myself, and set off on the road to study" 20240625 #清水哥日记

We are leaving for Shenzhen tonight to start the second phase of learning thinking strategies, which will last for 7 days from June 26th to July 1st.
Many people who know me are interested in the course I am taking, so let me briefly introduce it. The Chinese name of this course is Thinking Strategy, but I personally feel that these four words cannot summarize the course content. The course is mainly experiential teaching, divided into two stages, the first stage is 8968, and the second stage is 25688. The course is quite expensive.
I was persuaded to join the class by my benefactor Ziqi. When Ziqi told me that I must attend this class, I actually found it difficult to accept it.
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"The Papillon testnet staking project ends at 5pm today" 20240624 #清水哥日记The Babylon & Chakra testnet staking ends at 5pm today. There is no cost. You can go to the project DC to get SBTC for free, but there are many people and it is difficult to get it. Or you can buy SBTC directly. The cost of one number is about 1.5U. If you have many numbers, you can buy more and divide them into other wallets. Depending on your own situation, it will take about 30 minutes for the purchase to arrive in your account. If there are many people, it may take longer. After receiving (purchasing) SBTC, you can go to pledge. It takes about 1 hour for the pledge to be approved (depending on the block situation). After the pledge is approved, you can complete the tasks of Galaxy, which are mainly Twitter follow, forward, like, join DC, join Telegram and other routine operations. Therefore, if you want to operate, you need to do it 2 hours in advance, after all, it ends at 5 pm today, Dyor.

"The Papillon testnet staking project ends at 5pm today" 20240624 #清水哥日记

The Babylon & Chakra testnet staking ends at 5pm today. There is no cost. You can go to the project DC to get SBTC for free, but there are many people and it is difficult to get it.
Or you can buy SBTC directly. The cost of one number is about 1.5U. If you have many numbers, you can buy more and divide them into other wallets. Depending on your own situation, it will take about 30 minutes for the purchase to arrive in your account. If there are many people, it may take longer.
After receiving (purchasing) SBTC, you can go to pledge. It takes about 1 hour for the pledge to be approved (depending on the block situation). After the pledge is approved, you can complete the tasks of Galaxy, which are mainly Twitter follow, forward, like, join DC, join Telegram and other routine operations. Therefore, if you want to operate, you need to do it 2 hours in advance, after all, it ends at 5 pm today, Dyor.
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"Some details to pay attention to when using Ybot runes to buy new platforms" 20240623 #清水哥日记Currently, more and more people are beginning to participate in the airdrops in the BTC ecosystem, and in the process of airdrops, playing runes may be a good choice. According to Gas8, each rune costs 0.75U, and there is no handling fee for placing an order. After selling in the market, the wallet will be directly BTC, and there is no need to transfer BTC to the wallet separately. Therefore, runes are a good choice for interaction in the BTC ecosystem. At present, we basically use the Ybot platform to play runes. It has low cost, can be infinitely accelerated, and no longer afraid of being buried. In addition, YBot also integrates monitoring dashboards and rune integration of various addresses. At present, except that the use of Ybot requires a private key (it is recommended to use a new wallet), the overall situation is still very good. However, it is said that there will be an opportunity to upgrade to a platform that does not require a private key in the future. Looking forward to it.

"Some details to pay attention to when using Ybot runes to buy new platforms" 20240623 #清水哥日记

Currently, more and more people are beginning to participate in the airdrops in the BTC ecosystem, and in the process of airdrops, playing runes may be a good choice.
According to Gas8, each rune costs 0.75U, and there is no handling fee for placing an order. After selling in the market, the wallet will be directly BTC, and there is no need to transfer BTC to the wallet separately. Therefore, runes are a good choice for interaction in the BTC ecosystem.
At present, we basically use the Ybot platform to play runes. It has low cost, can be infinitely accelerated, and no longer afraid of being buried. In addition, YBot also integrates monitoring dashboards and rune integration of various addresses. At present, except that the use of Ybot requires a private key (it is recommended to use a new wallet), the overall situation is still very good. However, it is said that there will be an opportunity to upgrade to a platform that does not require a private key in the future. Looking forward to it.
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《Binance's Megadrop airdrop has been launched, cost 6U, profit 25U》 20240620 #清水哥日记Binance's Megadrop Lista event airdropped Lista tokens today. By staking 0.01BNB, which is about 6U, you can get 36 Lista, which is worth about 25U, a 4-fold profit. Moreover, the staked 0.01BNB can also be released. In such a weak market, it is already a good project. Congratulations to friends who have participated in multiple accounts. Binance's Megadrop platform has held the Lista event for the second time. The first one was the BounceBit event, which was similar to this one. It also required staking about 6U of BTC, but the profit was a little higher, with a maximum of 75U. From this, we can see that the new platform Megadrop, which has the background of a large platform, still has a certain wealth effect, but given the character of the Chinese people, I don't know to what extent the next Megadrop will be.

《Binance's Megadrop airdrop has been launched, cost 6U, profit 25U》 20240620 #清水哥日记

Binance's Megadrop Lista event airdropped Lista tokens today. By staking 0.01BNB, which is about 6U, you can get 36 Lista, which is worth about 25U, a 4-fold profit. Moreover, the staked 0.01BNB can also be released. In such a weak market, it is already a good project. Congratulations to friends who have participated in multiple accounts.
Binance's Megadrop platform has held the Lista event for the second time. The first one was the BounceBit event, which was similar to this one. It also required staking about 6U of BTC, but the profit was a little higher, with a maximum of 75U. From this, we can see that the new platform Megadrop, which has the background of a large platform, still has a certain wealth effect, but given the character of the Chinese people, I don't know to what extent the next Megadrop will be.
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"After studying abroad, how can the Bitcoin ecosystem interact at low cost?" 20240619 #清水哥日记I haven’t updated for a week. Some fans sent me private messages asking if something happened. First of all, thank you all for your concern. Brother Qingshui just went to Shenzhen for classes, and met a lot of people and studios. I found that the most frequently asked question was: The airdrop of Bitcoin Ecosystem is too profitable, how can I participate in Bitcoin Ecosystem next? I believe that most of the friends who brush Zksync and Layerzero are basically losing money. It can be said that the more you brush, the more you lose. Some people have been brushing ZK for 2 years. They have lost their money, time, and their dreams. After communicating with each other, I found that many people have actually made a lot of money in the Bitcoin ecosystem, of course, except for those who play the second level, while those who play the first level basically make money.

"After studying abroad, how can the Bitcoin ecosystem interact at low cost?" 20240619 #清水哥日记

I haven’t updated for a week. Some fans sent me private messages asking if something happened. First of all, thank you all for your concern. Brother Qingshui just went to Shenzhen for classes, and met a lot of people and studios. I found that the most frequently asked question was: The airdrop of Bitcoin Ecosystem is too profitable, how can I participate in Bitcoin Ecosystem next?
I believe that most of the friends who brush Zksync and Layerzero are basically losing money. It can be said that the more you brush, the more you lose. Some people have been brushing ZK for 2 years. They have lost their money, time, and their dreams.
After communicating with each other, I found that many people have actually made a lot of money in the Bitcoin ecosystem, of course, except for those who play the second level, while those who play the first level basically make money.
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"These two safety issues deserve attention" 20240611 #清水哥日记1. In recent days, there have been frequent cases of Ouyi. It is recommended to transfer the large assets of the exchange and OKX wallet to Binance or Onekey hardware wallet or Little Fox wallet for decentralized storage. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. When withdrawing cash, try a small amount first, and then make a second transfer after the account arrives. However, don't be in a hurry, make sure to transfer it first, and don't make a wrong transfer. At the same time, the Euro Exchange APP is updated. Mobile phone numbers, email addresses and passwords are only basic protections. Identity verification applications, two-factor authentication and pass keys must be turned on to achieve a high security level (entrance: upper left corner of the APP - avatar - security settings - security center)

"These two safety issues deserve attention" 20240611 #清水哥日记

1. In recent days, there have been frequent cases of Ouyi. It is recommended to transfer the large assets of the exchange and OKX wallet to Binance or Onekey hardware wallet or Little Fox wallet for decentralized storage. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. When withdrawing cash, try a small amount first, and then make a second transfer after the account arrives. However, don't be in a hurry, make sure to transfer it first, and don't make a wrong transfer.
At the same time, the Euro Exchange APP is updated. Mobile phone numbers, email addresses and passwords are only basic protections. Identity verification applications, two-factor authentication and pass keys must be turned on to achieve a high security level (entrance: upper left corner of the APP - avatar - security settings - security center)
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"About Pizza's selling strategy and the bottom warehouse airdrop thinking" 20240609 #清水哥日记The 5-word inscription Pizza has been fully airdropped, with the highest reaching 8.8U. One address can directly get 880U with a minimum guarantee number. While we are grateful for the love of the Unisat team, we can think about the selling strategy and how to make the Pizza play its value. I believe many people want to know, what will the price of Pizza be? In fact, it is difficult for anyone to judge this, but considering the current popularity, Pizza reaching 10U, that is, a market value of 200 million, may be a high probability event. After all, the airdrop has ended and the selling pressure in the market has also decreased a lot. However, no one will sell at the highest point, and don't expect yourself to sell at the highest price. Sell in batches at the right time to avoid affecting your mentality when the price falls back. At present, it is more appropriate. If you hold 1,000 pizzas, you can divide them into 20 portions, each with 50 pieces. Based on the current unit price of 7U, you will sell one portion for every 20% increase, and one portion for every 20% decrease on this basis. Of course, this is just an assumption. Everyone has their own selling strategy. Dyor

"About Pizza's selling strategy and the bottom warehouse airdrop thinking" 20240609 #清水哥日记

The 5-word inscription Pizza has been fully airdropped, with the highest reaching 8.8U. One address can directly get 880U with a minimum guarantee number. While we are grateful for the love of the Unisat team, we can think about the selling strategy and how to make the Pizza play its value.
I believe many people want to know, what will the price of Pizza be? In fact, it is difficult for anyone to judge this, but considering the current popularity, Pizza reaching 10U, that is, a market value of 200 million, may be a high probability event. After all, the airdrop has ended and the selling pressure in the market has also decreased a lot.
However, no one will sell at the highest point, and don't expect yourself to sell at the highest price. Sell in batches at the right time to avoid affecting your mentality when the price falls back. At present, it is more appropriate. If you hold 1,000 pizzas, you can divide them into 20 portions, each with 50 pieces. Based on the current unit price of 7U, you will sell one portion for every 20% increase, and one portion for every 20% decrease on this basis. Of course, this is just an assumption. Everyone has their own selling strategy. Dyor
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"Pizza airdrops are here, everyone is happy, order number 500U or above" 20240607 #清水哥日记Today can be said to be a good day for all the people. BRC20's five-character inscription Pizza is being airdropped one after another. You can check it in the Unisat wallet. The current floor price is 5.5 U. If you have at least 100 addresses, you can get 550 U. It's really a lot of meat. Friends with multiple accounts will be even more happy. If you need to sell or transfer it to someone else, you need to engrave the transfer inscription first. If the quantity is small, you can engrave it one by one in the wallet. If the quantity is large, you can use a main wallet to engrave in batches and send them to each wallet with pizza in batches. Before engraving the transfer inscription, you must remember to check whether the wallet has received the pizza. Only when it has arrived, the engraved transfer inscription will be valid.

"Pizza airdrops are here, everyone is happy, order number 500U or above" 20240607 #清水哥日记

Today can be said to be a good day for all the people. BRC20's five-character inscription Pizza is being airdropped one after another. You can check it in the Unisat wallet. The current floor price is 5.5 U. If you have at least 100 addresses, you can get 550 U. It's really a lot of meat. Friends with multiple accounts will be even more happy.
If you need to sell or transfer it to someone else, you need to engrave the transfer inscription first. If the quantity is small, you can engrave it one by one in the wallet. If the quantity is large, you can use a main wallet to engrave in batches and send them to each wallet with pizza in batches. Before engraving the transfer inscription, you must remember to check whether the wallet has received the pizza. Only when it has arrived, the engraved transfer inscription will be valid.
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"How to view the secondary purchase of Dog Rune" 20240604 #清水哥日记Rune Dog has broken a new record again. At that time, one Dog rune was airdropped for one rune, and now it is worth 8200U. At that time, the highest price of a rune was only 6200U. Now the airdropped rune has exceeded the highest price of the rune at that time. What's more, the current rune stone is still worth 1200U. If you have been holding on to the rune stone until now, the total value exceeds 9400U. Congratulations to those friends who are still holding on. Rune Dog is very popular now, and there has been talk of it being listed on Binance. The price has basically not adjusted. Some friends in the group asked me whether they should buy some Dog Rune now, fearing to miss out. I can understand that, this is human nature. When the Dog Rune fell to 2000U, I didn’t dare to buy it. Now it has risen to 8200U, and I’m afraid to miss out.

"How to view the secondary purchase of Dog Rune" 20240604 #清水哥日记

Rune Dog has broken a new record again. At that time, one Dog rune was airdropped for one rune, and now it is worth 8200U. At that time, the highest price of a rune was only 6200U. Now the airdropped rune has exceeded the highest price of the rune at that time.
What's more, the current rune stone is still worth 1200U. If you have been holding on to the rune stone until now, the total value exceeds 9400U. Congratulations to those friends who are still holding on.
Rune Dog is very popular now, and there has been talk of it being listed on Binance. The price has basically not adjusted. Some friends in the group asked me whether they should buy some Dog Rune now, fearing to miss out. I can understand that, this is human nature. When the Dog Rune fell to 2000U, I didn’t dare to buy it. Now it has risen to 8200U, and I’m afraid to miss out.
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"Rune multi-address management, this function is too powerful" 20240602 #清水哥日记It is recommended that when you issue new runes, you can receive them at different addresses. When placing orders to sell, you can also choose different platforms to place orders. This way, you can interact with different addresses of the wallet, and there may be surprises in the future. If there are multiple addresses, how to manage runes in different addresses can be managed uniformly through [Rune Multi-Address Viewer]. There is no need to link the wallet, just paste the wallet address to view. Link: Here you can clearly see the runes held by each address, the rune name, number of runs, current total value, rise and fall, and you can jump to the Unisat, OKX and ME markets with one click, which is convenient for buying and selling, and you will have a better understanding of your rune holdings and total positions.

"Rune multi-address management, this function is too powerful" 20240602 #清水哥日记

It is recommended that when you issue new runes, you can receive them at different addresses. When placing orders to sell, you can also choose different platforms to place orders. This way, you can interact with different addresses of the wallet, and there may be surprises in the future.
If there are multiple addresses, how to manage runes in different addresses can be managed uniformly through [Rune Multi-Address Viewer]. There is no need to link the wallet, just paste the wallet address to view.
Here you can clearly see the runes held by each address, the rune name, number of runs, current total value, rise and fall, and you can jump to the Unisat, OKX and ME markets with one click, which is convenient for buying and selling, and you will have a better understanding of your rune holdings and total positions.
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"How to quickly create a sub-account in Unisat Wallet" 20240531 #清水哥日记This year, the two major airdrops of the Bitcoin Ecosystem are the free airdrop of Runes in March, with the highest price being 6100U, and the free airdrop of Pizza Inscriptions in May, with a minimum of 100 Pizzas per account and a price of 370U, which once again ignited the idea of ​​everyone in the Bitcoin Ecosystem to have multiple accounts. Judging from the rules of these two airdrops, it can be said that the rules are very simple. For the rune airdrop, as long as the address has 3 NFTs (small pictures), it will be fine. For the Pizza airdrop, as long as the address has interacted once in the last 3 months (transfer, buying and selling runes, inscriptions, etc.), so those who have multiple accounts can really make a lot of money.

"How to quickly create a sub-account in Unisat Wallet" 20240531 #清水哥日记

This year, the two major airdrops of the Bitcoin Ecosystem are the free airdrop of Runes in March, with the highest price being 6100U, and the free airdrop of Pizza Inscriptions in May, with a minimum of 100 Pizzas per account and a price of 370U, which once again ignited the idea of ​​everyone in the Bitcoin Ecosystem to have multiple accounts.
Judging from the rules of these two airdrops, it can be said that the rules are very simple. For the rune airdrop, as long as the address has 3 NFTs (small pictures), it will be fine. For the Pizza airdrop, as long as the address has interacted once in the last 3 months (transfer, buying and selling runes, inscriptions, etc.), so those who have multiple accounts can really make a lot of money.
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"An An's Megadrop event is in progress, log in now" 20240530 #清水哥日记In Binance's Megadrop's first phase, about 6U of funds were pledged (you can apply for a refund), and the BB tokens you received later ranged from a maximum of 50U to a minimum of 35U. It can be said that you got at least 5 times the profit in the first phase. Now the second phase of Binance's Megadrop Lista event has started. Staking 0.01BNB, about 6U, can participate in one account. If conditions permit, you can have multiple accounts. Step 1: Download the Binance APP (Apple phones can use the Japanese Apple ID, and Android phones can directly download the file on the computer and pull the file over via a data cable to install it), and register an account with real-name authentication.

"An An's Megadrop event is in progress, log in now" 20240530 #清水哥日记

In Binance's Megadrop's first phase, about 6U of funds were pledged (you can apply for a refund), and the BB tokens you received later ranged from a maximum of 50U to a minimum of 35U. It can be said that you got at least 5 times the profit in the first phase.
Now the second phase of Binance's Megadrop Lista event has started. Staking 0.01BNB, about 6U, can participate in one account. If conditions permit, you can have multiple accounts.
Step 1: Download the Binance APP (Apple phones can use the Japanese Apple ID, and Android phones can directly download the file on the computer and pull the file over via a data cable to install it), and register an account with real-name authentication.
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"Bitcoin Ecosystem's airdrop is simple and easy. What will the next airdrop be like?" 20240529 #清水哥日记The pizzas have been redeemed, and Unisat has distributed money to everyone. Eligible addresses can receive at least 100 pizzas per number. Currently, 2U is available off-site, so 200U is guaranteed. There are about 200,000 addresses that receive the pizzas this time. Judging from the situation, it should be no problem for each member of the Spark community to have 5 numbers per person. At present, the Bitcoin ecosystem has had two large-scale airdrops, which are really very simple. The first one was the Runestone airdrop in March. At that time, the condition for the airdrop was that as long as there were 3 NFTs in the Unisat wallet, one Runestone would be directly airdropped. At that time, one Runestone was worth up to 0.09BTC, which is nearly 6,000U, equivalent to RMB 44,000. People who participated in the Bitcoin ecosystem in the early stage got a lot of Runesstones.

"Bitcoin Ecosystem's airdrop is simple and easy. What will the next airdrop be like?" 20240529 #清水哥日记

The pizzas have been redeemed, and Unisat has distributed money to everyone. Eligible addresses can receive at least 100 pizzas per number. Currently, 2U is available off-site, so 200U is guaranteed. There are about 200,000 addresses that receive the pizzas this time. Judging from the situation, it should be no problem for each member of the Spark community to have 5 numbers per person.
At present, the Bitcoin ecosystem has had two large-scale airdrops, which are really very simple. The first one was the Runestone airdrop in March. At that time, the condition for the airdrop was that as long as there were 3 NFTs in the Unisat wallet, one Runestone would be directly airdropped. At that time, one Runestone was worth up to 0.09BTC, which is nearly 6,000U, equivalent to RMB 44,000. People who participated in the Bitcoin ecosystem in the early stage got a lot of Runesstones.
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"How to get chips more cost-effectively in the Cook Rune IPO? Compare these methods" 20240528 #清水哥日记According to monitoring, the chain is launching a new rune COOK•THE•MEMPOOL, which has 7,687 addresses and is related to RSIC, so there is a certain amount of room for speculation. Because of the block progress limit (the end block is 848064), the current block progress is 36.61%. According to the progress, it is estimated that it will take about half a month to complete. You can choose to use low Gas to apply for new shares with Ybot. The cost is 0.75U per share. Don't worry, Dyor Ybot IPO link: Progress query:

"How to get chips more cost-effectively in the Cook Rune IPO? Compare these methods" 20240528 #清水哥日记

According to monitoring, the chain is launching a new rune COOK•THE•MEMPOOL, which has 7,687 addresses and is related to RSIC, so there is a certain amount of room for speculation.
Because of the block progress limit (the end block is 848064), the current block progress is 36.61%. According to the progress, it is estimated that it will take about half a month to complete. You can choose to use low Gas to apply for new shares with Ybot. The cost is 0.75U per share. Don't worry, Dyor
Ybot IPO link:
Progress query:
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《Free airdrop of 5-character pizza, off-market price 1.8U》 20240525 #清水哥日记The Bitcoin ecosystem has made a big move again. Anyone who has used the Unisat wallet to trade inscriptions, runes, etc. in the past three months can receive at least 100 pizzas for free. At present, Pizza is most likely the leader of the 5-character market. The off-market price is 1.8U per unit. A wallet can get at least 180U, which is equivalent to 1,300 yuan, which is equivalent to half a month's salary in a fourth-tier city. Congratulations to friends who have multiple accounts. If you haven't received it yet, hurry up and claim it. There are only 3 days left. Receiving condition: 1. 100 pizzas using unisat service within 3 months 2. 200 pizzas for those with more than 500 points

《Free airdrop of 5-character pizza, off-market price 1.8U》 20240525 #清水哥日记

The Bitcoin ecosystem has made a big move again. Anyone who has used the Unisat wallet to trade inscriptions, runes, etc. in the past three months can receive at least 100 pizzas for free.
At present, Pizza is most likely the leader of the 5-character market. The off-market price is 1.8U per unit. A wallet can get at least 180U, which is equivalent to 1,300 yuan, which is equivalent to half a month's salary in a fourth-tier city. Congratulations to friends who have multiple accounts. If you haven't received it yet, hurry up and claim it. There are only 3 days left.
Receiving condition:
1. 100 pizzas using unisat service within 3 months
2. 200 pizzas for those with more than 500 points
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"How does Warpcast interact? What are the precautions?" 20240524 #清水哥日记1. Opensea's NFT is limited to 48 hours, and one account can only mint one. Free mint only requires the Base chain to have ETH as the gas fee, and the gas is about 0.02U. This can increase the data activity of the Warpcast account. Opensea NFT link: 2. If you haven’t joined the Spark’s Warpcast group yet, you can click the link to join. It will be more convenient for everyone to follow each other. Remember to follow Brother Qingshui. Spark Warpcast fan group: Three: Some key points of Warpcast interaction:

"How does Warpcast interact? What are the precautions?" 20240524 #清水哥日记

1. Opensea's NFT is limited to 48 hours, and one account can only mint one. Free mint only requires the Base chain to have ETH as the gas fee, and the gas is about 0.02U. This can increase the data activity of the Warpcast account.
Opensea NFT link:
2. If you haven’t joined the Spark’s Warpcast group yet, you can click the link to join. It will be more convenient for everyone to follow each other. Remember to follow Brother Qingshui.
Spark Warpcast fan group:
Three: Some key points of Warpcast interaction:
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"The cost of the Joker Rune is 0.65U, the market price is 3.99U, and the profit is 6 times" 20240523 #清水哥日记A few days ago, our community bought the new rune clown JOKER•RUNES•COIN, the cost was 0.65U per piece, and now the floor price is 3.99U per piece, with a profit of 6 times. The market transaction is very active. Congratulations to the group members who got it. With the current 6 times profit, you can actually consider placing sell orders in batches. You should get your investment back first so that you will have more liquidity ready to participate in the next project. If you sell now, you may sell out quickly. So we have to choose to sell in batches. For example, 100 shares can be divided into 5 batches. Every time you reach a price level, you can sell a batch and keep a bottom warehouse.

"The cost of the Joker Rune is 0.65U, the market price is 3.99U, and the profit is 6 times" 20240523 #清水哥日记

A few days ago, our community bought the new rune clown JOKER•RUNES•COIN, the cost was 0.65U per piece, and now the floor price is 3.99U per piece, with a profit of 6 times. The market transaction is very active. Congratulations to the group members who got it.
With the current 6 times profit, you can actually consider placing sell orders in batches. You should get your investment back first so that you will have more liquidity ready to participate in the next project. If you sell now, you may sell out quickly. So we have to choose to sell in batches. For example, 100 shares can be divided into 5 batches. Every time you reach a price level, you can sell a batch and keep a bottom warehouse.
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"Warpcast social project, high financing, perhaps high returns" 20240522 #清水哥日记Be sure to register at least one Warpcast account for the Farcaster protocol. The cost of 5U is that it raised $150 million yesterday, with a total financing of $180 million and a valuation of $1 billion. It is likely to be a big deal. Don't miss this opportunity of small investment and big returns in the future. You need to use an Apple phone. Step 1: Click the link:, fill in your email address to register, preferably Google Mail, QQ Mail is also OK, 163 Mail doesn’t seem to work. Step 2: Open your mailbox, click Verify email in the email you received from Warpcast, and download Warpcast from the App Store.

"Warpcast social project, high financing, perhaps high returns" 20240522 #清水哥日记

Be sure to register at least one Warpcast account for the Farcaster protocol. The cost of 5U is that it raised $150 million yesterday, with a total financing of $180 million and a valuation of $1 billion. It is likely to be a big deal. Don't miss this opportunity of small investment and big returns in the future. You need to use an Apple phone.
Step 1: Click the link:, fill in your email address to register, preferably Google Mail, QQ Mail is also OK, 163 Mail doesn’t seem to work.
Step 2: Open your mailbox, click Verify email in the email you received from Warpcast, and download Warpcast from the App Store.
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