Rune Dog has broken a new record again. At that time, one Dog rune was airdropped for one rune, and now it is worth 8200U. At that time, the highest price of a rune was only 6200U. Now the airdropped rune has exceeded the highest price of the rune at that time.

What's more, the current rune stone is still worth 1200U. If you have been holding on to the rune stone until now, the total value exceeds 9400U. Congratulations to those friends who are still holding on.

Rune Dog is very popular now, and there has been talk of it being listed on Binance. The price has basically not adjusted. Some friends in the group asked me whether they should buy some Dog Rune now, fearing to miss out. I can understand that, this is human nature. When the Dog Rune fell to 2000U, I didn’t dare to buy it. Now it has risen to 8200U, and I’m afraid to miss out.

However, if you take action at this time, it may be like standing on the top of a mountain and blowing the wind. No one knows. This does not mean that the price of Dog Rune is very high now. Maybe it will be higher in the future, or maybe it is high now.

If it were me, I would definitely not buy it. After all, the Rune Stone was airdropped at 0 cost, and the Rune Dog was also airdropped at 0 cost. Now if I am asked to spend thousands of U to buy it, I can't do it. I really can't do it.

The route that our group members have always taken is to buy new stocks at the first level at low or even zero cost, and try not to buy at the second level. This is a more conservative approach, but we live longer. If you miss it, wait for the next project, the next one will be better.