Binance Square
区块链老韭菜,土澳大狮兄社区创始人,Defi OG,区块链项目研究上瘾患者,枯坐高级选手,数字游民,喜爱分享但不作为投资建议。 大狮兄领路,区块链不迷路。
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It has been a long time since I have seen a low market value and then value discovery all the way to billions of FDV, such as the former $OHM. The most indispensable thing in the cryptocurrency circle is the myth of getting rich quickly. The three idiots have raised everyone's appetite too high over the years, and the landing has proved to be a big deal. No wonder the circle has been feeling low recently. Why can it become a god? Because it is a brand-new way of distributing chips. Most people don't understand it. A few people understand it and enter it, and then work hard to provide value discovery, and finally win the unanimous fomo of retail investors in the East and the West. When a chip distribution method is understood by the general public, it is basically at the end of the game, and most people basically can't make money, such as the recent studio's airdrop was reversed. To be honest, the entry threshold of the studio is much lower than in previous years, and the information and tools in the market are relatively transparent. Everyone is rolling with each other, forcing some shameless project parties to PUA and choose concubines. To put it simply, it is just a market supply and demand relationship. Is the era of hair-pulling completely over? Maybe it is not complete yet, and it can move forward a bit by inertia, but it is undoubtedly not suitable for newcomers to break in. It is inevitable that a large number of studios will go bankrupt in the future, just like the studios that were everywhere after Arb launched the airdrop, but 80% of them died in less than a year. It's time to expect a new way of playing in the market The former originator of Defi $YFI The former originator of airdrops $UNI The former originator of Gamefi $AXS The former originator of sports distribution coins $GMT The former originator of inscriptions $ORDI Liquidity is difficult now, but do you really not want to buy coins or have no money to buy coins? The problem is that we haven't seen the interesting, potential and low-market-value targets like OHM. People just don't want to take over some greedy and shameless VC coins. I personally think the next great project should meet the following conditions: 1. Relatively fair distribution (may not be understood or fully exposed by the public at the beginning) 2. Low initial market value (no more than 10 million FDV) 3. Story logic can be accepted by both the East and the West #暴富 #币圈神话
It has been a long time since I have seen a low market value and then value discovery all the way to billions of FDV, such as the former $OHM. The most indispensable thing in the cryptocurrency circle is the myth of getting rich quickly. The three idiots have raised everyone's appetite too high over the years, and the landing has proved to be a big deal. No wonder the circle has been feeling low recently.

Why can it become a god? Because it is a brand-new way of distributing chips. Most people don't understand it. A few people understand it and enter it, and then work hard to provide value discovery, and finally win the unanimous fomo of retail investors in the East and the West.

When a chip distribution method is understood by the general public, it is basically at the end of the game, and most people basically can't make money, such as the recent studio's airdrop was reversed.

To be honest, the entry threshold of the studio is much lower than in previous years, and the information and tools in the market are relatively transparent. Everyone is rolling with each other, forcing some shameless project parties to PUA and choose concubines. To put it simply, it is just a market supply and demand relationship.

Is the era of hair-pulling completely over? Maybe it is not complete yet, and it can move forward a bit by inertia, but it is undoubtedly not suitable for newcomers to break in. It is inevitable that a large number of studios will go bankrupt in the future, just like the studios that were everywhere after Arb launched the airdrop, but 80% of them died in less than a year.

It's time to expect a new way of playing in the market
The former originator of Defi $YFI
The former originator of airdrops $UNI
The former originator of Gamefi $AXS
The former originator of sports distribution coins $GMT
The former originator of inscriptions $ORDI

Liquidity is difficult now, but do you really not want to buy coins or have no money to buy coins? The problem is that we haven't seen the interesting, potential and low-market-value targets like OHM. People just don't want to take over some greedy and shameless VC coins.

I personally think the next great project should meet the following conditions:
1. Relatively fair distribution (may not be understood or fully exposed by the public at the beginning)
2. Low initial market value (no more than 10 million FDV)
3. Story logic can be accepted by both the East and the West

#暴富 #币圈神话
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Binance’s new wealth creation initiative – authoritative interpretation of the airdrop model by HODLersMany people are paying attention to this news today. Let me make a wild guess as to why Binance is going to hold another HODLer airdrop when it already has Launchpad, Launchpool, and Megadrop. Read carefully, this is related to whether you can get the most popular tokens for free through Binance Exchange. First of all, there is a high probability that Launchpad will no longer exist. The reason is that there are compliance issues. After all, it is a crowdfunding project where you spend $BNB to buy coins. This is also a side confirmation of my previous speculation in the ama of a sister a while ago. Launchpool changed Pad to a model of holding $BNB and then taking a snapshot to airdrop tokens. The compliance risk is gone, and everyone has been enjoying this benefit happily. The problem is that the scale has basically been figured out by everyone, and many people are using the periodicity to make swings or short-term borrowing coins to buy new shares. Although it provides the strongest dividend attribute support for the price of $BNB, it is not strong enough.

Binance’s new wealth creation initiative – authoritative interpretation of the airdrop model by HODLers

Many people are paying attention to this news today. Let me make a wild guess as to why Binance is going to hold another HODLer airdrop when it already has Launchpad, Launchpool, and Megadrop. Read carefully, this is related to whether you can get the most popular tokens for free through Binance Exchange.

First of all, there is a high probability that Launchpad will no longer exist. The reason is that there are compliance issues. After all, it is a crowdfunding project where you spend $BNB to buy coins. This is also a side confirmation of my previous speculation in the ama of a sister a while ago.

Launchpool changed Pad to a model of holding $BNB and then taking a snapshot to airdrop tokens. The compliance risk is gone, and everyone has been enjoying this benefit happily. The problem is that the scale has basically been figured out by everyone, and many people are using the periodicity to make swings or short-term borrowing coins to buy new shares. Although it provides the strongest dividend attribute support for the price of $BNB, it is not strong enough.
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Is the wind of domestic public opinion starting to change? Beginning to recognize digital gold The ICBC report pointed out that from the birth of Bitcoin (BTC) to the progress of Ethereum (ETH) and the exploration of central bank digital currency (CBDC), market demand has driven innovation in the field of digital currency. ICBC said: "Bitcoin has successfully maintained scarcity similar to gold through its mathematical consensus mechanism" This flagship cryptocurrency solves problems such as divisibility, authenticity verification and portability. The report added that although Bitcoin's monetary attributes are weakening, its position as an asset is consolidating. Meanwhile, Ethereum provides "technical power for a digital future" and positions itself as "digital oil" that can power countless applications across the web3 ecosystem. The report also highlights the key role that stablecoins play in bridging the gap between the digital currency market and the real world. Stablecoins peg their value to traditional assets such as fiat currencies, providing stability to the volatile cryptocurrency market. ICBC said that stablecoins are able to facilitate seamless transactions and provide reliable value storage, making them an important tool for daily financial activities and a bridge for integrating digital currencies into the global financial system. In addition, CBDCs represent a major innovation in the modern monetary system. By digitizing fiat currencies, central banks can improve the efficiency of payment systems, reduce transaction costs, and enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy. The report states that CBDCs can simplify cross-border transactions, reduce reliance on intermediaries, and provide greater financial inclusion by providing digital financial services to the unbanked population. The report states that the development and implementation of CBDC infrastructure requires careful consideration of privacy, security, and regulatory implications to ensure its success and widespread adoption. The report concludes that although the development vision of each digital currency is different, they all aim to improve financial inclusion, security, and payment efficiency. As digital currencies continue to develop, developers and policymakers need to focus on balancing sustainability, security, and efficiency
Is the wind of domestic public opinion starting to change? Beginning to recognize digital gold

The ICBC report pointed out that from the birth of Bitcoin (BTC) to the progress of Ethereum (ETH) and the exploration of central bank digital currency (CBDC), market demand has driven innovation in the field of digital currency.

ICBC said: "Bitcoin has successfully maintained scarcity similar to gold through its mathematical consensus mechanism"

This flagship cryptocurrency solves problems such as divisibility, authenticity verification and portability. The report added that although Bitcoin's monetary attributes are weakening, its position as an asset is consolidating.

Meanwhile, Ethereum provides "technical power for a digital future" and positions itself as "digital oil" that can power countless applications across the web3 ecosystem.

The report also highlights the key role that stablecoins play in bridging the gap between the digital currency market and the real world. Stablecoins peg their value to traditional assets such as fiat currencies, providing stability to the volatile cryptocurrency market.

ICBC said that stablecoins are able to facilitate seamless transactions and provide reliable value storage, making them an important tool for daily financial activities and a bridge for integrating digital currencies into the global financial system.

In addition, CBDCs represent a major innovation in the modern monetary system. By digitizing fiat currencies, central banks can improve the efficiency of payment systems, reduce transaction costs, and enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy.

The report states that CBDCs can simplify cross-border transactions, reduce reliance on intermediaries, and provide greater financial inclusion by providing digital financial services to the unbanked population.

The report states that the development and implementation of CBDC infrastructure requires careful consideration of privacy, security, and regulatory implications to ensure its success and widespread adoption.

The report concludes that although the development vision of each digital currency is different, they all aim to improve financial inclusion, security, and payment efficiency. As digital currencies continue to develop, developers and policymakers need to focus on balancing sustainability, security, and efficiency
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Listen to the advice: Replace the most secure and easy-to-use wallet at the moment and get the airdrop Brother Lion has been using the rabbit wallet Rabby to replace the little fox Metamask for a while. I have to say that it is much more useful than the unprogressive Metamask in terms of functions. Today, I saw that the official Rabby said that the second season of points will be launched. I thought I should spend some time to popularize it to the community partners, so that more people can experience the fun of upgrading weapons that are indispensable every day, and get the future airdrops (Rabby rabbit wallet is from @DeBankDeFi. Debank and Rabby, which have raised tens of millions of US dollars, are likely to issue coins in this cycle) Talk about the advantages of my personal experience: 1. Authorization check The most commonly used and popular function of debank used to be not to check the wallet balance, but to check and cancel the wallet authorization. Now it is directly put into the rabbit wallet, and you can very intuitively see which authorizations are currently at risk in your wallet address and remind you to cancel them. 2. Simulate transactions to ensure safety This function really helped me avoid problems several times. Before the transaction on the chain, he will simulate the transaction and see what risks there are. You can only continue if you click to ignore the risk. 3. Enable the transfer whitelist Now dust poisoning and phishing are extremely frequent. You can enable the whitelist and only transfer to your pre-set wallet, which basically eliminates this type of fraud. 4. Wallet assets are clear at a glance Rabbit Wallet directly integrates the asset management function of debank, and you can see all the valuable assets on all chains at a glance. It's so convenient. The above are the functions that I think are most valuable to users. Now that phishing is so rampant, these functions can greatly improve your survival rate in the chain world, especially for newcomers in the currency circle, and there are many other thoughtful designs. In addition, the Chinese interface is very good for Chinese people, so you don’t have to worry about looking at the tacky Chinese interface. To be honest, I rarely experience 100% matching of advertising slogans and results. At first I thought it was bragging, but after you try it once, you will find that the little fox really can’t go back. The degree of humanization directly crushes that thing to the ground. The browser plug-in version is already very mature. It is very convenient to migrate from Little Fox. It can be done in 3 minutes. There are also mobile and desktop versions. Go and try it. Portal: #钱包 #安全出金小常识 #Rabby钱包
Listen to the advice: Replace the most secure and easy-to-use wallet at the moment and get the airdrop

Brother Lion has been using the rabbit wallet Rabby to replace the little fox Metamask for a while. I have to say that it is much more useful than the unprogressive Metamask in terms of functions.

Today, I saw that the official Rabby said that the second season of points will be launched. I thought I should spend some time to popularize it to the community partners, so that more people can experience the fun of upgrading weapons that are indispensable every day, and get the future airdrops (Rabby rabbit wallet is from @DeBankDeFi. Debank and Rabby, which have raised tens of millions of US dollars, are likely to issue coins in this cycle)

Talk about the advantages of my personal experience:

1. Authorization check
The most commonly used and popular function of debank used to be not to check the wallet balance, but to check and cancel the wallet authorization.

Now it is directly put into the rabbit wallet, and you can very intuitively see which authorizations are currently at risk in your wallet address and remind you to cancel them.

2. Simulate transactions to ensure safety
This function really helped me avoid problems several times. Before the transaction on the chain, he will simulate the transaction and see what risks there are. You can only continue if you click to ignore the risk.

3. Enable the transfer whitelist
Now dust poisoning and phishing are extremely frequent. You can enable the whitelist and only transfer to your pre-set wallet, which basically eliminates this type of fraud.

4. Wallet assets are clear at a glance
Rabbit Wallet directly integrates the asset management function of debank, and you can see all the valuable assets on all chains at a glance. It's so convenient.

The above are the functions that I think are most valuable to users. Now that phishing is so rampant, these functions can greatly improve your survival rate in the chain world, especially for newcomers in the currency circle, and there are many other thoughtful designs.

In addition, the Chinese interface is very good for Chinese people, so you don’t have to worry about looking at the tacky Chinese interface.

To be honest, I rarely experience 100% matching of advertising slogans and results. At first I thought it was bragging, but after you try it once, you will find that the little fox really can’t go back. The degree of humanization directly crushes that thing to the ground.

The browser plug-in version is already very mature. It is very convenient to migrate from Little Fox. It can be done in 3 minutes. There are also mobile and desktop versions. Go and try it.


#钱包 #安全出金小常识 #Rabby钱包
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The most incredible hacking incident I have seen since I entered the circle for so many years Just saw a friend expose a theft incident. The hacker directly used the social engineering data he bought to make a fake ID card, and then used AI to generate a fake head portrait video, deceived Okx's manual review, reset all the verification information, and stole more than 3 million dollars! This is simply incredible, just like the plot in the movie, too f*cking scary😱 The victim should have a lot of information leaked, KYC information, account ID, email, etc., have all been leaked. The only way to deal with it now is to protect your privacy and try not to show off your wealth in a high-profile manner. After all, it is not easy to make money in all walks of life this year, and the hostility is very strong. As long as I look like a poor guy, the hacker will be too lazy to make a fake ID for me, right? BTW, I also have to remind all exchanges that in the future, sensitive operations such as password retrieval and 2FA reset must be added with KYC-like facial recognition, and manual review is not allowed. #黑客攻击 #AI板块强势进击 #黑客入侵
The most incredible hacking incident I have seen since I entered the circle for so many years

Just saw a friend expose a theft incident. The hacker directly used the social engineering data he bought to make a fake ID card, and then used AI to generate a fake head portrait video, deceived Okx's manual review, reset all the verification information, and stole more than 3 million dollars!

This is simply incredible, just like the plot in the movie, too f*cking scary😱

The victim should have a lot of information leaked, KYC information, account ID, email, etc., have all been leaked.

The only way to deal with it now is to protect your privacy and try not to show off your wealth in a high-profile manner. After all, it is not easy to make money in all walks of life this year, and the hostility is very strong. As long as I look like a poor guy, the hacker will be too lazy to make a fake ID for me, right?

BTW, I also have to remind all exchanges that in the future, sensitive operations such as password retrieval and 2FA reset must be added with KYC-like facial recognition, and manual review is not allowed.

#黑客攻击 #AI板块强势进击 #黑客入侵
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Blockchain is already influencing the US presidential election. After the ETF bull market, the next narrative will be the election bull market. Support Trump, come on! It’s up to you to make a fortune.
Blockchain is already influencing the US presidential election. After the ETF bull market, the next narrative will be the election bull market. Support Trump, come on! It’s up to you to make a fortune.
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《Binance's New POOL -- NOTCOIN Alternative Perspective Analysis and Price Forecast》 Today, Bouncebit finished mining and listing, and it was a successful delivery with a low opening and high closing. Then we need to focus on the next Pool project, which is Notcoin. There are many articles on the market analyzing this project itself. The angle I want to talk about may be slightly different. I want to analyze the big background of Notcoin more, and then see how to seize the wave of wealth that Notcoin may bring. After all, the time when this pool project was launched (midnight) can show the difference from other regular pools. Notcoin's selection represents Binance's attempt to allocate new chips under the current specific market sentiment and market conditions, and it is also an attempt to introduce traffic from outside the circle. What is Notcoin in one sentence: It is a viral spread game that can earn coins by clicking, similar to WeChat games, but it is a Telegram version. Why was it chosen by Binance and OK to be listed on the Pool at the same time? Is it because the project itself has commendable highlights or mechanisms? Is it because it is beautifully made? Is it because it is endorsed by a large institution? No! He has none of the above. There are only two highlights and fundamentals: 1. It has a massive user base - more than 30 million users, and once had hundreds of thousands of daily active users close to millions. 2. No VC, close to 100% circulation (catering to the current industry's antipathy towards high-valued, low-circulation VC coins) At the same time, it also represents a narrative that the cryptocurrency industry urgently needs - fresh blood outside the circle. After all, Telegram is the world's fifth largest instant messaging software and has 800 million active users. The TON chain shoulders the heavy responsibility of attracting new users to the coin circle, and NOTCOIN is the first attempt to go out of the circle. Now you can understand why this game seems so simple, even a little boring and stupid, right? Because a little bit of complexity may keep many Web2 users out of the door. So, this game is a tool for TON chain to divert traffic from Telegram. What everyone really deserves attention is whether this $NOT will have a spring if it succeeds in making money (after all, it is relatively free of the VC gathering, super high valuation, low circulation and other problems that everyone criticizes), and whether the TON ecosystem will have a spring. Are you ready for the next Notcoin with the knowledge and tools? Next, I will write a series of popular science articles about the TON ecosystem and start introducing some potential TON projects. From the perspective of TON's chip allocation, I would like to remind you of a few points: 1. 100% unlocking when listing does not mean that 100% of the tokens will enter the transaction at the opening, including the airdrops belonging to miners may not be fully received, and there is uncertainty about the time when the distribution outside the miners enters the secondary market. 2. At present, 794,900 NFTs have been produced by the game. According to the official ratio (1:1000), 8 billion tokens can be exchanged, that is, the initial number of tokens may be between 10 billion and 15 billion. 3. DWF is the market maker of $NOT, and DWF is also a very early hardcore supporter and promoter of the TON ecosystem. It can be said that they have a close relationship. About token price prediction: Currently, the floor price of 10,000 $NOT NFTs in the market is 14.6 $TON , and if we calculate it at 7 dollars per $TON , the price of each $NOT is 0.01 dollars. That is to say, the estimated FDV of the project in the pre-sale market has reached 1 billion. Since the secondary market has seen a money-making effect after the launch of $BB this time, and people tend to view this coin as a Meme, I personally think that it is possible that the price will open low and go high, and the final price after the opening will be between 0.008-0.012. Considering DWF's trading style, if the market sentiment is stable at the opening, the possibility of a surge is not ruled out. In addition, the amount of NOTCOIN given to Binance pool this time is very small, accounting for only 3% of the total. Unlike other projects, this project has a huge initial circulation, so the pool income is likely to be very limited, and it is not recommended to borrow BNB for mining. But everyone still needs to pay attention to $TON. If the listing price of $NOT is good, it is likely to continue to bring upward momentum to $TON, not to mention that $TON has not yet been listed on Binance for spot trading. #notcoin #TON生态 #新币挖矿
《Binance's New POOL -- NOTCOIN Alternative Perspective Analysis and Price Forecast》

Today, Bouncebit finished mining and listing, and it was a successful delivery with a low opening and high closing. Then we need to focus on the next Pool project, which is Notcoin.

There are many articles on the market analyzing this project itself. The angle I want to talk about may be slightly different. I want to analyze the big background of Notcoin more, and then see how to seize the wave of wealth that Notcoin may bring. After all, the time when this pool project was launched (midnight) can show the difference from other regular pools.

Notcoin's selection represents Binance's attempt to allocate new chips under the current specific market sentiment and market conditions, and it is also an attempt to introduce traffic from outside the circle.

What is Notcoin in one sentence:
It is a viral spread game that can earn coins by clicking, similar to WeChat games, but it is a Telegram version.

Why was it chosen by Binance and OK to be listed on the Pool at the same time? Is it because the project itself has commendable highlights or mechanisms? Is it because it is beautifully made? Is it because it is endorsed by a large institution?

No! He has none of the above.

There are only two highlights and fundamentals:

1. It has a massive user base - more than 30 million users, and once had hundreds of thousands of daily active users close to millions.

2. No VC, close to 100% circulation (catering to the current industry's antipathy towards high-valued, low-circulation VC coins)

At the same time, it also represents a narrative that the cryptocurrency industry urgently needs - fresh blood outside the circle. After all, Telegram is the world's fifth largest instant messaging software and has 800 million active users. The TON chain shoulders the heavy responsibility of attracting new users to the coin circle, and NOTCOIN is the first attempt to go out of the circle.

Now you can understand why this game seems so simple, even a little boring and stupid, right? Because a little bit of complexity may keep many Web2 users out of the door. So, this game is a tool for TON chain to divert traffic from Telegram.

What everyone really deserves attention is whether this $NOT will have a spring if it succeeds in making money (after all, it is relatively free of the VC gathering, super high valuation, low circulation and other problems that everyone criticizes), and whether the TON ecosystem will have a spring. Are you ready for the next Notcoin with the knowledge and tools?

Next, I will write a series of popular science articles about the TON ecosystem and start introducing some potential TON projects.

From the perspective of TON's chip allocation, I would like to remind you of a few points:

1. 100% unlocking when listing does not mean that 100% of the tokens will enter the transaction at the opening, including the airdrops belonging to miners may not be fully received, and there is uncertainty about the time when the distribution outside the miners enters the secondary market.

2. At present, 794,900 NFTs have been produced by the game. According to the official ratio (1:1000), 8 billion tokens can be exchanged, that is, the initial number of tokens may be between 10 billion and 15 billion.

3. DWF is the market maker of $NOT, and DWF is also a very early hardcore supporter and promoter of the TON ecosystem. It can be said that they have a close relationship.

About token price prediction:

Currently, the floor price of 10,000 $NOT NFTs in the market is 14.6 $TON , and if we calculate it at 7 dollars per $TON , the price of each $NOT is 0.01 dollars. That is to say, the estimated FDV of the project in the pre-sale market has reached 1 billion.

Since the secondary market has seen a money-making effect after the launch of $BB this time, and people tend to view this coin as a Meme, I personally think that it is possible that the price will open low and go high, and the final price after the opening will be between 0.008-0.012. Considering DWF's trading style, if the market sentiment is stable at the opening, the possibility of a surge is not ruled out.

In addition, the amount of NOTCOIN given to Binance pool this time is very small, accounting for only 3% of the total. Unlike other projects, this project has a huge initial circulation, so the pool income is likely to be very limited, and it is not recommended to borrow BNB for mining.

But everyone still needs to pay attention to $TON. If the listing price of $NOT is good, it is likely to continue to bring upward momentum to $TON, not to mention that $TON has not yet been listed on Binance for spot trading.

#notcoin #TON生态 #新币挖矿
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Thanks to the clues provided by my friend Jennifer, Brother Big Lion took some time to read the "2024 Cryptocurrency Adoption and Sentiment Report" today and refined some of the key points mentioned in it. Although it is just some data from the United States, it still surprises me to be honest. The growth is so fast! On the other hand, it also shows how wise Trump is now starting to publicly win over the encryption community. Lets come look: 1. Increase in cryptocurrency ownership: The proportion of U.S. adults who own cryptocurrency has increased significantly, reaching 40% in 2024, compared to 30% in 2023. This represents approximately 93 million people. (Nearly half of American adults speculate in currencies! The proportion of American adults who hold stocks is more than 60%) 2. Positive Outlook for Bitcoin ETFs: The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) is seen as positive, with 46% of Americans believing it will have a positive impact on the blockchain industry. 3. Gender Dynamics: Cryptocurrency ownership among women has increased from 18% to 29% over the past year, indicating increased diversity in the cryptocurrency space. (Welcome girls to come to the currency circle to scan goods) 4.21% of non-owners said the anticipated Bitcoin ETF made them more likely to invest in the cryptocurrency. This means that as many as 29 million more Americans may soon join the market. About 63% of current cryptocurrency holders expect to acquire more cryptocurrencies in the next year. 5. Popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, with 76% of cryptocurrency owners holding Bitcoin in 2024. Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Cardano also remain popular. What’s funny is that only 12% of people hold $USDC, and only 11% hold $SOL (are you sure you don’t want to buy $BTC , $ETH and $Doge?) 6. Concerns and Challenges: Despite increased adoption, concerns about cryptocurrencies’ unstable value and lack of government protection remain. Cybersecurity issues are also a significant concern especially among current owners. 7. Cryptocurrency as an Investment: Many people view cryptocurrencies as a means of diversifying their investments, showing significant interest in the technology and its future potential. However, the market remains volatile, with many investors experiencing profits and losses. 8. Most of the respondents entered the market during the 2020-2021 bull market, and only 2% entered the market in 2023. 9. The number of people who intend to buy cryptocurrencies in 2024 has increased significantly, and the number of people who verbally express their willingness to invest has increased by 10%. Regulatory outlook and technological development: The document discusses ongoing regulatory considerations and technological advances, such as the Bitcoin halving event, which is expected to affect supply and value. Can this report make you more confident as a cryptocurrency practitioner/investor? We can only be regarded as the youth of cryptocurrency. #2024区块链报导 #基本面 #Cryptocurency
Thanks to the clues provided by my friend Jennifer, Brother Big Lion took some time to read the "2024 Cryptocurrency Adoption and Sentiment Report" today and refined some of the key points mentioned in it.

Although it is just some data from the United States, it still surprises me to be honest. The growth is so fast! On the other hand, it also shows how wise Trump is now starting to publicly win over the encryption community.

Lets come look:

1. Increase in cryptocurrency ownership: The proportion of U.S. adults who own cryptocurrency has increased significantly, reaching 40% in 2024, compared to 30% in 2023. This represents approximately 93 million people. (Nearly half of American adults speculate in currencies! The proportion of American adults who hold stocks is more than 60%)

2. Positive Outlook for Bitcoin ETFs: The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) is seen as positive, with 46% of Americans believing it will have a positive impact on the blockchain industry.

3. Gender Dynamics: Cryptocurrency ownership among women has increased from 18% to 29% over the past year, indicating increased diversity in the cryptocurrency space. (Welcome girls to come to the currency circle to scan goods)

4.21% of non-owners said the anticipated Bitcoin ETF made them more likely to invest in the cryptocurrency. This means that as many as 29 million more Americans may soon join the market. About 63% of current cryptocurrency holders expect to acquire more cryptocurrencies in the next year.

5. Popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, with 76% of cryptocurrency owners holding Bitcoin in 2024. Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Cardano also remain popular. What’s funny is that only 12% of people hold $USDC, and only 11% hold $SOL (are you sure you don’t want to buy $BTC , $ETH and $Doge?)

6. Concerns and Challenges: Despite increased adoption, concerns about cryptocurrencies’ unstable value and lack of government protection remain. Cybersecurity issues are also a significant concern especially among current owners.

7. Cryptocurrency as an Investment: Many people view cryptocurrencies as a means of diversifying their investments, showing significant interest in the technology and its future potential. However, the market remains volatile, with many investors experiencing profits and losses.

8. Most of the respondents entered the market during the 2020-2021 bull market, and only 2% entered the market in 2023.

9. The number of people who intend to buy cryptocurrencies in 2024 has increased significantly, and the number of people who verbally express their willingness to invest has increased by 10%.

Regulatory outlook and technological development:

The document discusses ongoing regulatory considerations and technological advances, such as the Bitcoin halving event, which is expected to affect supply and value.

Can this report make you more confident as a cryptocurrency practitioner/investor? We can only be regarded as the youth of cryptocurrency.

#2024区块链报导 #基本面 #Cryptocurency
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Thanks to the clues provided by my friend Jennifer, Brother Big Lion took some time to read the "2024 Cryptocurrency Adoption and Sentiment Report" today and refined some of the key points mentioned in it. Although it is just some data from the United States, it still surprises me to be honest. The growth is so fast! On the other hand, it also shows how wise Trump is now starting to publicly win over the encryption community. Lets come look: 1. Increase in cryptocurrency ownership: The proportion of U.S. adults who own cryptocurrency has increased significantly, reaching 40% in 2024, compared to 30% in 2023. This represents approximately 93 million people. (Nearly half of American adults speculate in currencies! The proportion of American adults who hold stocks is more than 60%) 2. Positive Outlook for Bitcoin ETFs: The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) is seen as positive, with 46% of Americans believing it will have a positive impact on the blockchain industry. 3. Gender Dynamics: Cryptocurrency ownership among women has increased from 18% to 29% over the past year, indicating increased diversity in the cryptocurrency space. (Welcome girls to come to the currency circle to scan goods) 4.21% of non-owners said the anticipated Bitcoin ETF made them more likely to invest in the cryptocurrency. This means that as many as 29 million more Americans may soon join the market. About 63% of current cryptocurrency holders expect to acquire more cryptocurrencies in the next year. 5. Popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, with 76% of cryptocurrency owners holding Bitcoin in 2024. Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Cardano also remain popular. What’s funny is that only 12% of people hold $USDC, and only 11% hold $SOL (are you sure you don’t want to buy $BTC , $ETH and $Doge?) 6. Concerns and Challenges: Despite increased adoption, concerns about cryptocurrencies’ unstable value and lack of government protection remain. Cybersecurity issues are also a significant concern especially among current owners. 7. Cryptocurrency as an Investment: Many people view cryptocurrencies as a means of diversifying their investments, showing significant interest in the technology and its future potential. However, the market remains volatile, with many investors experiencing profits and losses. 8. Most of the respondents entered the market during the 2020-2021 bull market, and only 2% entered the market in 2023. 9. The number of people who intend to buy cryptocurrencies in 2024 has increased significantly, and the number of people who verbally express their willingness to invest has increased by 10%. Regulatory prospects and technological developments: The document discusses ongoing regulatory considerations and technological advances, such as the Bitcoin halving event, which is expected to affect supply and value. Can this report make you more confident as a cryptocurrency practitioner/investor? We can only be regarded as the youth of cryptocurrency. #2024区块链报导 #基本面 #Cryptocurency
Thanks to the clues provided by my friend Jennifer, Brother Big Lion took some time to read the "2024 Cryptocurrency Adoption and Sentiment Report" today and refined some of the key points mentioned in it.

Although it is just some data from the United States, it still surprises me to be honest. The growth is so fast! On the other hand, it also shows how wise Trump is now starting to publicly win over the encryption community.

Lets come look:

1. Increase in cryptocurrency ownership: The proportion of U.S. adults who own cryptocurrency has increased significantly, reaching 40% in 2024, compared to 30% in 2023. This represents approximately 93 million people. (Nearly half of American adults speculate in currencies! The proportion of American adults who hold stocks is more than 60%)

2. Positive Outlook for Bitcoin ETFs: The potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) is seen as positive, with 46% of Americans believing it will have a positive impact on the blockchain industry.

3. Gender Dynamics: Cryptocurrency ownership among women has increased from 18% to 29% over the past year, indicating increased diversity in the cryptocurrency space. (Welcome girls to come to the currency circle to scan goods)

4.21% of non-owners said the anticipated Bitcoin ETF made them more likely to invest in the cryptocurrency. This means that as many as 29 million more Americans may soon join the market. About 63% of current cryptocurrency holders expect to acquire more cryptocurrencies in the next year.

5. Popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, with 76% of cryptocurrency owners holding Bitcoin in 2024. Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Cardano also remain popular. What’s funny is that only 12% of people hold $USDC, and only 11% hold $SOL (are you sure you don’t want to buy $BTC , $ETH and $Doge?)

6. Concerns and Challenges: Despite increased adoption, concerns about cryptocurrencies’ unstable value and lack of government protection remain. Cybersecurity issues are also a significant concern especially among current owners.

7. Cryptocurrency as an Investment: Many people view cryptocurrencies as a means of diversifying their investments, showing significant interest in the technology and its future potential. However, the market remains volatile, with many investors experiencing profits and losses.

8. Most of the respondents entered the market during the 2020-2021 bull market, and only 2% entered the market in 2023.

9. The number of people who intend to buy cryptocurrencies in 2024 has increased significantly, and the number of people who verbally express their willingness to invest has increased by 10%.

Regulatory prospects and technological developments:

The document discusses ongoing regulatory considerations and technological advances, such as the Bitcoin halving event, which is expected to affect supply and value.

Can this report make you more confident as a cryptocurrency practitioner/investor? We can only be regarded as the youth of cryptocurrency.

#2024区块链报导 #基本面 #Cryptocurency
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Trump just expressed support for cryptocurrency and accepted cryptocurrency donations! This year is an election year, and nothing will be surprising. Trump, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks much more handsome today. It is estimated that his grass-roots team finally took a fancy to the votes (and donations) in the hands of crypto voters. Data from April 2023 showed that 17% of American adults have invested in or held cryptocurrencies. This is already a group that cannot be ignored. The symbolic significance of his opening up to cryptocurrency donations is actually quite large. Basically, he is standing on the aura of crypto-friendliness, and there is a high probability that he will receive a lot of donations from the industry. The amount of funds obtained is also positively correlated with the success of the campaign. If Trump wins, the next US government will definitely be crypto-friendly. The SEC is likely to change blood, and the policy will be greenlit. Isn’t the liquidity that everyone expects gradually coming? If Trump opens an account on Tiktok next, and then posts a short video about cryptocurrency, then the buffs in the younger generation group will be full. #BTC走势分析 #大盘走势 $BTC $BNB $SOL
Trump just expressed support for cryptocurrency and accepted cryptocurrency donations!

This year is an election year, and nothing will be surprising. Trump, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks much more handsome today. It is estimated that his grass-roots team finally took a fancy to the votes (and donations) in the hands of crypto voters. Data from April 2023 showed that 17% of American adults have invested in or held cryptocurrencies. This is already a group that cannot be ignored.

The symbolic significance of his opening up to cryptocurrency donations is actually quite large. Basically, he is standing on the aura of crypto-friendliness, and there is a high probability that he will receive a lot of donations from the industry. The amount of funds obtained is also positively correlated with the success of the campaign.

If Trump wins, the next US government will definitely be crypto-friendly. The SEC is likely to change blood, and the policy will be greenlit. Isn’t the liquidity that everyone expects gradually coming?

If Trump opens an account on Tiktok next, and then posts a short video about cryptocurrency, then the buffs in the younger generation group will be full.

#BTC走势分析 #大盘走势 $BTC $BNB $SOL
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If we compare our happiness index with the misfortunes of others, then 99.9999% of the people in the world today should feel very happy. Because a hapless guy actually fell for an extremely old-fashioned phishing scam and lost 71 million US dollars (1,155 bitcoins), and it is highly likely that he will not be able to get it back. This phishing is also called dust attack. The principle is that the scammer will use a wallet with the same beginning and ending as your wallet address or the interactive wallet address to transfer a very small amount of money to you. Many people copy the address directly in the transaction history for convenience. When they see the same beginning and ending, they easily think that their wallet address is misled to transfer to the scammer. How much knowledge you have to keep how much wealth you have. Even if this guy didn't step into this pit, he would step into other pits. Large transfers do not make small confirmations, and the wallet address does not store nicknames. Who else can they cheat if not you? The funniest thing is the bunch of beggars below. Just pick a few: 1. Hi, brother, you are really great. Can you share your happiness with me? I haven't been happy for a long time. 2. I am a student who lost my only tuition fee because of speculation. I don't know what to do now, I am very confused. Brother, you can't spend so much money in life if you are free. Can you help me? Help me through this difficulty. I pray. God wants you to get this wealth. Thank you for having mercy on me. 3. Brother, you are free now. You can't spend so much money in your life. Can you help me? It is really very, very difficult for me now. I lose money on playing contracts, I lose money on the chain. After all the losses, can you help me? I pray to God that you can get this wealth and help me, a poor man, so that a good person can live a safe life.
If we compare our happiness index with the misfortunes of others, then 99.9999% of the people in the world today should feel very happy. Because a hapless guy actually fell for an extremely old-fashioned phishing scam and lost 71 million US dollars (1,155 bitcoins), and it is highly likely that he will not be able to get it back.

This phishing is also called dust attack. The principle is that the scammer will use a wallet with the same beginning and ending as your wallet address or the interactive wallet address to transfer a very small amount of money to you. Many people copy the address directly in the transaction history for convenience. When they see the same beginning and ending, they easily think that their wallet address is misled to transfer to the scammer.

How much knowledge you have to keep how much wealth you have. Even if this guy didn't step into this pit, he would step into other pits. Large transfers do not make small confirmations, and the wallet address does not store nicknames. Who else can they cheat if not you?

The funniest thing is the bunch of beggars below. Just pick a few:

1. Hi, brother, you are really great. Can you share your happiness with me? I haven't been happy for a long time.

2. I am a student who lost my only tuition fee because of speculation. I don't know what to do now, I am very confused. Brother, you can't spend so much money in life if you are free. Can you help me? Help me through this difficulty. I pray. God wants you to get this wealth. Thank you for having mercy on me.

3. Brother, you are free now. You can't spend so much money in your life. Can you help me? It is really very, very difficult for me now. I lose money on playing contracts, I lose money on the chain. After all the losses, can you help me? I pray to God that you can get this wealth and help me, a poor man, so that a good person can live a safe life.
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Ethereum's last glory--Eigenlayer is here Eigenlayer officially released a statement early this morning, $EIGEN is confirmed to be launched on May 10th. Whether @eigenlayer is Ethereum's last glory or a big scam will be revealed in 10 days. The current valuation given by the market has reached a terrifying 30 billion FDV. This project will be listed on all industry exchanges including Binance when it opens. Let's take a look at how much the airdrop can gain. I have sorted out some of the more important information at present to facilitate everyone to quickly understand the situation. 1. The name of the token is $Eigen. The total supply of Eigen tokens at the time of release is 1.67 billion. The foundation will allocate 45% of the tokens to its community. This is further divided into staking (15%), community plans (15%) and ecosystem development (15%). 2. 15% of the total tokens will be issued to stakers, of which 5% will be issued on May 10, and this 5% is based on the snapshot of March 15. Therefore, those who participate after this date may not have coins in the first airdrop. 3. You can start checking airdrops now: (no signature required, so it is safe and secure) 4. Claims must be made within 120 days after May 10, otherwise they will expire 5. Because there are too many participating agreements, the points need to be calculated and issued in two parts. Season 1: 5% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (83.68 million), and then divided into Phase 1: 4.54% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (75.91 million) Phase 2: 0.46% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (7.77 million) 6. The first airdrop on May 10 only counted direct restake and liquidity pledge agreements. LRT and other complex DeFi protocol users need to wait until the second airdrop of the first season (many people cried at once, such as me). Any use of LRT + rsETH tokens from the Kelp project deposited in @Pendle, @Equilibrium, @Penpie and similar protocols will only be available in the second phase of the first season. (Users who bought Pendle Yt are heartbroken again). I will write this much for now and will gradually add to it later.
Ethereum's last glory--Eigenlayer is here

Eigenlayer officially released a statement early this morning, $EIGEN is confirmed to be launched on May 10th. Whether @eigenlayer is Ethereum's last glory or a big scam will be revealed in 10 days. The current valuation given by the market has reached a terrifying 30 billion FDV. This project will be listed on all industry exchanges including Binance when it opens. Let's take a look at how much the airdrop can gain.

I have sorted out some of the more important information at present to facilitate everyone to quickly understand the situation.

1. The name of the token is $Eigen. The total supply of Eigen tokens at the time of release is 1.67 billion. The foundation will allocate 45% of the tokens to its community. This is further divided into staking (15%), community plans (15%) and ecosystem development (15%).

2. 15% of the total tokens will be issued to stakers, of which 5% will be issued on May 10, and this 5% is based on the snapshot of March 15. Therefore, those who participate after this date may not have coins in the first airdrop.

3. You can start checking airdrops now: (no signature required, so it is safe and secure)

4. Claims must be made within 120 days after May 10, otherwise they will expire

5. Because there are too many participating agreements, the points need to be calculated and issued in two parts. Season 1: 5% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (83.68 million), and then divided into
Phase 1: 4.54% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (75.91 million)
Phase 2: 0.46% of the initial total supply of EIGEN (7.77 million)

6. The first airdrop on May 10 only counted direct restake and liquidity pledge agreements. LRT and other complex DeFi protocol users need to wait until the second airdrop of the first season (many people cried at once, such as me).

Any use of LRT + rsETH tokens from the Kelp project deposited in @Pendle, @Equilibrium, @Penpie and similar protocols will only be available in the second phase of the first season. (Users who bought Pendle Yt are heartbroken again).

I will write this much for now and will gradually add to it later.
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Many people have felt the biting cold recently, and many friends in the circle have begun to doubt whether we are still in the bull market. The main reasons for this feeling should be the altcoin market with more declines than increases, the weak opening of new coins, and the confusion of not seeing the hot sectors. However, looking at $BTC, which is still fluctuating between 62K-65K, it seems that the bull market is still there. In the final analysis, the root cause of this situation is -- liquidity shortage. That is, after the BTC ETF opened this blood transfusion artery for a period of time, the market has not welcomed other fresh blood to enter. With the continuous entry of heavyweight new altcoins, the circle cannot reach a consensus on the hot sectors and each plays its own game, resulting in further dilution of liquidity. Why are everyone eyeing Binance? Because Binance has the best spot liquidity in the current crypto market. But when Binance's secondary performance is not good after the new listing, it means that the liquidity of the market is really very poor, and the effect of other new listings can only be worse. The sudden rise of Meme tokens in this cycle is largely a rebellion of retail investors against the existing power class in the currency circle. Anyway, you guys are all here to suck liquidity and can't reach a consensus. You can't even come up with a decent Ponzi narrative, so why don't you just play the 100% circulating Meme. How much money comes in, how many people play, and how the chips are all visible. I would rather play Pvp simply and roughly than take the blunt knife to cut my meat. Now, the liquidity of blue-chip altcoins in the market is even less, what to do? Boil, wait for the water to come The general environment of the lack of liquidity in the currency circle is the global liquidity shortage caused by the delay in the US dollar interest rate cut. Although cryptocurrencies are called decentralized and BTC is called digital gold, they are still financial risk assets at this stage. Altcoins are even more of a bubble built on risky assets. The narrative is actually still very fragile and will inevitably be affected by the big economic cycle. It is temporarily unable to be independent. Recalling the big bull market in 2020-2021, in addition to the awesome Ponzi concepts such as Defi, what is more important is the flooding of money and the huge amount of funds entering the market. Whether retail investors or institutions, they all desperately want to get more water, and at that time, risky assets are the buckets for collecting water. The more risky assets one has, the more water one can get.Even without an ETF, BTC has become one of the targets of mainstream financial institutions in the United States. After all, it can be speculated. The overflow of funds went to the copycats, creating a copycat bull market. When will the water come? In the short term, @CryptoHayes mentioned the Quarterly Refinancing Announcement (QRA) expected to be released by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on May 1. Hayes detailed some fiscal decisions that Yellen might make, which he believes will re-accelerate the development of the cryptocurrency market. "As expected, tax revenues added about $200 billion to the Treasury General Account (TGA). Forget the Fed's 2024 Q2 meeting in May. The refund announcement will be made next week. What game will Yellen play? Here are some options: 1. Stop issuing Treasury bonds by reducing TGA to zero, which means injecting $1 trillion in liquidity. 2. Shift more borrowing to Treasury bills, thereby draining funds from RRP (reverse repurchase agreements), which means injecting $400 billion in liquidity. 3. Combine 1 and 2, no long-term bonds, only notes, and reduce TGA and RRP at the same time, which will inject $1.4 trillion in liquidity. Trillion dollars of liquidity. If any of the above three situations occur, investors can expect stocks and cryptocurrencies to rebound. In the medium and long term, wait for the world's major countries, led by the United States, to enter a rate cut cycle, and the funds in the market will begin to become abundant. The reason why funds in the market have become conservative recently is that everyone has begun to predict that the Federal Reserve will only cut interest rates once in 2024, which is far lower than the approximately 6 25 basis point rate cuts they expected at the beginning of this year. But no matter what, interest rates will always be cut. I have repeatedly said before that time is our friend, and there will always be a time to open the wallet. What we have to do is to live until then and not leave the table. Looking back at the poor liquidity of the cottage now, is it really a bad thing? Not necessarily. When the market is not good, when everyone is afraid, a little bit of the market will be magnified, but once the market improves, a little pull will also be magnified. So either take advantage of the downturn of the cottage to slowly invest in some favorite targets, or always pay attention to the fundamentals of good liquidity and rush in as soon as the market starts to reverse. The current market is also waiting for an opportunity, a catalyst, not a direct shock death. There are still opportunities to make money in the market, whether it is new or furious, lower expectations, control risk exposure, and grab some money with high certainty. Don't rush to laugh at the new coins on Binance, especially the pool. After all, from a historical perspective, almost none of them have not set new highs. It is indeed difficult to make money recently. Don't bother, wait for the wind to come, and encourage each other.
Many people have felt the biting cold recently, and many friends in the circle have begun to doubt whether we are still in the bull market. The main reasons for this feeling should be the altcoin market with more declines than increases, the weak opening of new coins, and the confusion of not seeing the hot sectors.

However, looking at $BTC , which is still fluctuating between 62K-65K, it seems that the bull market is still there.

In the final analysis, the root cause of this situation is -- liquidity shortage.

That is, after the BTC ETF opened this blood transfusion artery for a period of time, the market has not welcomed other fresh blood to enter. With the continuous entry of heavyweight new altcoins, the circle cannot reach a consensus on the hot sectors and each plays its own game, resulting in further dilution of liquidity.

Why are everyone eyeing Binance? Because Binance has the best spot liquidity in the current crypto market. But when Binance's secondary performance is not good after the new listing, it means that the liquidity of the market is really very poor, and the effect of other new listings can only be worse.

The sudden rise of Meme tokens in this cycle is largely a rebellion of retail investors against the existing power class in the currency circle. Anyway, you guys are all here to suck liquidity and can't reach a consensus. You can't even come up with a decent Ponzi narrative, so why don't you just play the 100% circulating Meme. How much money comes in, how many people play, and how the chips are all visible. I would rather play Pvp simply and roughly than take the blunt knife to cut my meat.

Now, the liquidity of blue-chip altcoins in the market is even less, what to do?

Boil, wait for the water to come

The general environment of the lack of liquidity in the currency circle is the global liquidity shortage caused by the delay in the US dollar interest rate cut. Although cryptocurrencies are called decentralized and BTC is called digital gold, they are still financial risk assets at this stage. Altcoins are even more of a bubble built on risky assets. The narrative is actually still very fragile and will inevitably be affected by the big economic cycle. It is temporarily unable to be independent.

Recalling the big bull market in 2020-2021, in addition to the awesome Ponzi concepts such as Defi, what is more important is the flooding of money and the huge amount of funds entering the market. Whether retail investors or institutions, they all desperately want to get more water, and at that time, risky assets are the buckets for collecting water. The more risky assets one has, the more water one can get.Even without an ETF, BTC has become one of the targets of mainstream financial institutions in the United States. After all, it can be speculated. The overflow of funds went to the copycats, creating a copycat bull market.

When will the water come?

In the short term, @CryptoHayes mentioned the Quarterly Refinancing Announcement (QRA) expected to be released by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on May 1. Hayes detailed some fiscal decisions that Yellen might make, which he believes will re-accelerate the development of the cryptocurrency market.

"As expected, tax revenues added about $200 billion to the Treasury General Account (TGA). Forget the Fed's 2024 Q2 meeting in May. The refund announcement will be made next week. What game will Yellen play? Here are some options:

1. Stop issuing Treasury bonds by reducing TGA to zero, which means injecting $1 trillion in liquidity.

2. Shift more borrowing to Treasury bills, thereby draining funds from RRP (reverse repurchase agreements), which means injecting $400 billion in liquidity.

3. Combine 1 and 2, no long-term bonds, only notes, and reduce TGA and RRP at the same time, which will inject $1.4 trillion in liquidity. Trillion dollars of liquidity.

If any of the above three situations occur, investors can expect stocks and cryptocurrencies to rebound.

In the medium and long term, wait for the world's major countries, led by the United States, to enter a rate cut cycle, and the funds in the market will begin to become abundant. The reason why funds in the market have become conservative recently is that everyone has begun to predict that the Federal Reserve will only cut interest rates once in 2024, which is far lower than the approximately 6 25 basis point rate cuts they expected at the beginning of this year.

But no matter what, interest rates will always be cut. I have repeatedly said before that time is our friend, and there will always be a time to open the wallet. What we have to do is to live until then and not leave the table.

Looking back at the poor liquidity of the cottage now, is it really a bad thing? Not necessarily. When the market is not good, when everyone is afraid, a little bit of the market will be magnified, but once the market improves, a little pull will also be magnified. So either take advantage of the downturn of the cottage to slowly invest in some favorite targets, or always pay attention to the fundamentals of good liquidity and rush in as soon as the market starts to reverse.

The current market is also waiting for an opportunity, a catalyst, not a direct shock death. There are still opportunities to make money in the market, whether it is new or furious, lower expectations, control risk exposure, and grab some money with high certainty. Don't rush to laugh at the new coins on Binance, especially the pool. After all, from a historical perspective, almost none of them have not set new highs.

It is indeed difficult to make money recently. Don't bother, wait for the wind to come, and encourage each other.
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China has started to crack down on rebates and order-carrying (criminal detention)! Someone on Weibo revealed that he was arrested and vomited the stolen money for order-carrying two or three years ago. The crime was suspected of online gambling and he was detained. The so-called teachers who carry orders, especially contract orders, are trembling. In fact, most small platforms cannot compete with Binance, OK and other large exchanges in mainstream spot, and new coins cannot beat second-tier exchanges in spot. What to do? In order to survive, you can only use crooked brains, do contracts, ask people to carry orders, and the dirtiest thing is that you still eat customer losses. BKEX, 58Coin and the like were like this in the past, and they were criticized by many people in the industry as cancer. If you are in China, it is best to stay in line and trade in cryptocurrencies. You already have one more way to make money than most Chinese people. Doesn't the country know that a large number of people are using VPNs and drilling holes to trade cryptocurrencies? It's just that they are too lazy to care. After all, what they want to protect is that most leeks will not be cut by the sickle outside of A-shares. In addition, it is also a big risk warning for exchanges that have contracts. If the rebate is considered as an accessory to the casino, what about the people who operate the casino? Now, when all the Chinese employees of Coinsafe asked to withdraw from the mainland, or move to Singapore or the Middle East, it was quite forward-looking. If you still want to issue coins in China, take orders, and pull people to high leverage, then you can only wish for the best. Everyone knows that the domestic police uncle is short of money, and the practitioners in the currency circle are big fat meat.
China has started to crack down on rebates and order-carrying (criminal detention)!

Someone on Weibo revealed that he was arrested and vomited the stolen money for order-carrying two or three years ago. The crime was suspected of online gambling and he was detained.

The so-called teachers who carry orders, especially contract orders, are trembling. In fact, most small platforms cannot compete with Binance, OK and other large exchanges in mainstream spot, and new coins cannot beat second-tier exchanges in spot.

What to do? In order to survive, you can only use crooked brains, do contracts, ask people to carry orders, and the dirtiest thing is that you still eat customer losses. BKEX, 58Coin and the like were like this in the past, and they were criticized by many people in the industry as cancer.

If you are in China, it is best to stay in line and trade in cryptocurrencies. You already have one more way to make money than most Chinese people. Doesn't the country know that a large number of people are using VPNs and drilling holes to trade cryptocurrencies? It's just that they are too lazy to care. After all, what they want to protect is that most leeks will not be cut by the sickle outside of A-shares.

In addition, it is also a big risk warning for exchanges that have contracts. If the rebate is considered as an accessory to the casino, what about the people who operate the casino? Now, when all the Chinese employees of Coinsafe asked to withdraw from the mainland, or move to Singapore or the Middle East, it was quite forward-looking.

If you still want to issue coins in China, take orders, and pull people to high leverage, then you can only wish for the best. Everyone knows that the domestic police uncle is short of money, and the practitioners in the currency circle are big fat meat.
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Renzo pre-market information collation and opening price prediction After two days of slacking off, it’s time to collate new pools and predictions. This time, let’s talk about our old friend @renzo I don’t want to elaborate on what Renzo does, because I’ve talked about it too many times before. First, let’s take a look at some of Renzo’s fundamental data so far. -More than 100 Defi projects have been connected, and 7+ mainnets have been connected -132W+ ETH deposited, and the number of independent deposit wallets exceeds 500K -It is the only protocol that can provide protection for all AVS and get TVL corresponding incentives (airdrops) -Ranked second among all Restaking protocols, and the gap with @ether_fi is rapidly narrowing -Provided 12% of the shares for airdrops Some time ago, when Renzo announced the airdrop rules, there was a lot of controversy, and it also encountered depeg. I sorted it out. 1. Renzo’s snapshot on the 26th has ended. In the end, the total score of the first snapshot was 1.7 billion points, so it is about 2.4-2.6 points per $Rez token. 2. Renzo set the airdrop score at 360 points, and a large number of low-security accounts were reversed (I also have quite a few). I asked about it, and the team said that there were too many low-security accounts. How many? 83% of the wallets were below 360 points, and these 83% of wallets only contributed 1.7% of the total score. In fact, it is understandable. If all low-security accounts are given, it is likely that no one will be satisfied. (The low-security strategy will have to be updated in the future, and the tricks that everyone knows will fail) 3. ezETH was de-anchored when someone sniped the nesting dolls on the chain that day, and many people used this to Fud Renzo. Today I see that the peg rate has returned to 98%-99%, and some people sold ezETH for ETH in panic, which is a bloody chip. In fact, this kind of precise attack on the chain is a very common part of the Defi ecosystem. Since someone chooses greed, they will naturally bear risks. Someone once Fud stETH, and the most was 20% off. With the opening of withdraw, everything is smoothed out. At least the Renzo team pulled the exchange rate back much faster. Opening price prediction $Rez tokens will be available for 1050M tokens at the opening. For comparison, if FDV can reach the same 4.4B when it goes public, then it can be estimated that the approximate listing price of $Rez will be around 0.44. Because Renzo opens the claim on the chain one hour in advance, it is highly likely that the recharge will not be unavailable, and it is likely that small pool transactions will appear on the chain first.Therefore, the most likely influencing factor is the secondary market sentiment on the opening day. The performance of the previous Binance new coins after listing was not ideal, and the recent low sentiment of the copycat is a deduction. If it is still like this on the opening day, then the secondary market needs to be cautious, and it will be better if it is below 0.35. Of course, from a fundamental point of view, I personally think that $Rez is much better than the previous ones. It is one of the star projects of Restaking, the main narrative of Ethereum. The secondary market will not be too bad. You can refer to the situation of Etherfi's secondary market, which has also exploded several times. Today, ETH started to rise, driving the market of many related tracks (Restaking, second layer, etc.). If it can continue to rise in the next two days, then $Rez should be more stable when it opens above 0.5. #binancepool#BinanceNews #Restaking
Renzo pre-market information collation and opening price prediction

After two days of slacking off, it’s time to collate new pools and predictions. This time, let’s talk about our old friend @renzo

I don’t want to elaborate on what Renzo does, because I’ve talked about it too many times before.

First, let’s take a look at some of Renzo’s fundamental data so far.

-More than 100 Defi projects have been connected, and 7+ mainnets have been connected
-132W+ ETH deposited, and the number of independent deposit wallets exceeds 500K
-It is the only protocol that can provide protection for all AVS and get TVL corresponding incentives (airdrops)
-Ranked second among all Restaking protocols, and the gap with @ether_fi is rapidly narrowing
-Provided 12% of the shares for airdrops

Some time ago, when Renzo announced the airdrop rules, there was a lot of controversy, and it also encountered depeg. I sorted it out.

1. Renzo’s snapshot on the 26th has ended. In the end, the total score of the first snapshot was 1.7 billion points, so it is about 2.4-2.6 points per $Rez token.

2. Renzo set the airdrop score at 360 points, and a large number of low-security accounts were reversed (I also have quite a few). I asked about it, and the team said that there were too many low-security accounts. How many? 83% of the wallets were below 360 points, and these 83% of wallets only contributed 1.7% of the total score.
In fact, it is understandable. If all low-security accounts are given, it is likely that no one will be satisfied.
(The low-security strategy will have to be updated in the future, and the tricks that everyone knows will fail)

3. ezETH was de-anchored when someone sniped the nesting dolls on the chain that day, and many people used this to Fud Renzo. Today I see that the peg rate has returned to 98%-99%, and some people sold ezETH for ETH in panic, which is a bloody chip.
In fact, this kind of precise attack on the chain is a very common part of the Defi ecosystem. Since someone chooses greed, they will naturally bear risks. Someone once Fud stETH, and the most was 20% off. With the opening of withdraw, everything is smoothed out. At least the Renzo team pulled the exchange rate back much faster.

Opening price prediction
$Rez tokens will be available for 1050M tokens at the opening. For comparison, if FDV can reach the same 4.4B when it goes public, then it can be estimated that the approximate listing price of $Rez will be around 0.44.

Because Renzo opens the claim on the chain one hour in advance, it is highly likely that the recharge will not be unavailable, and it is likely that small pool transactions will appear on the chain first.Therefore, the most likely influencing factor is the secondary market sentiment on the opening day.

The performance of the previous Binance new coins after listing was not ideal, and the recent low sentiment of the copycat is a deduction. If it is still like this on the opening day, then the secondary market needs to be cautious, and it will be better if it is below 0.35. Of course, from a fundamental point of view, I personally think that $Rez is much better than the previous ones. It is one of the star projects of Restaking, the main narrative of Ethereum. The secondary market will not be too bad. You can refer to the situation of Etherfi's secondary market, which has also exploded several times.

Today, ETH started to rise, driving the market of many related tracks (Restaking, second layer, etc.). If it can continue to rise in the next two days, then $Rez should be more stable when it opens above 0.5.
#binancepool#BinanceNews #Restaking
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Recently, I have seen many gold diggers switch to the cryptocurrency circle on domestic self-media such as Xiaohongshu. That’s fine, after all, there were many gold diggers in the previous bull market. When the market is bad, they will continue to find honest people and avoid the edge. These women have been given a special name - coin girls There are lickers everywhere, whether in Douyin/Xiaohongshu or the cryptocurrency circle, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. The problem is that many coin girls are confused about the situation now, and they set their goals to become @heyibinance’s No. 1 sister, and even look down on No. 1 sister, which is really far from the truth. A gentleman is open and honest. No. 1 sister posted a circle of friends today. It takes great courage and confidence to dare to make fun of herself like this. The difference is obvious. #币媛 #捞女 #Web3
Recently, I have seen many gold diggers switch to the cryptocurrency circle on domestic self-media such as Xiaohongshu. That’s fine, after all, there were many gold diggers in the previous bull market. When the market is bad, they will continue to find honest people and avoid the edge.

These women have been given a special name - coin girls

There are lickers everywhere, whether in Douyin/Xiaohongshu or the cryptocurrency circle, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. The problem is that many coin girls are confused about the situation now, and they set their goals to become @heyibinance’s No. 1 sister, and even look down on No. 1 sister, which is really far from the truth.

A gentleman is open and honest. No. 1 sister posted a circle of friends today. It takes great courage and confidence to dare to make fun of herself like this. The difference is obvious.

#币媛 #捞女 #Web3
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Big event: Stripe is about to start supporting $USDC, which is a big step for cryptocurrency to enter the traditional world! Maybe many domestic friends don’t know @stripe. It is a giant service provider that most people in the world cannot avoid online shopping except China. It is similar to the way you spend money on Taobao/PDD. In addition, there are a large number of people who open their own online stores abroad. Whether you are a company or an individual merchant, you have to use Stripe to build a payment system. It can be said that it feeds a large number of e-commerce people. In the H round of financing in 2021, it received a valuation of US$95 billion and is also the fourth most valuable private company in the world, second only to ByteDance, SpaceX and SHEIN. To be honest, I am used to using U transfer or buying things (buying Saga mobile phones). Now I have physiological intolerance to all payment methods that require filling in bank accounts and cannot be received in real time. Strip may really allow a large number of people outside the circle to gradually develop a sense of dependence this time, which is a great help for the currency circle to gain fresh blood. In addition, in the press conference last night, Strip used $USDC of the Solana network when demonstrating. It is highly likely that the network that supports cryptocurrency payments in the future will also be Solan, which is also a huge benefit to $SOL . The mainstream world in Europe and the United States supports Solana in all aspects. Our world is gradually being encrypted, let's enjoy it! #solana #Stripe #加密货币
Big event: Stripe is about to start supporting $USDC , which is a big step for cryptocurrency to enter the traditional world!

Maybe many domestic friends don’t know @stripe. It is a giant service provider that most people in the world cannot avoid online shopping except China. It is similar to the way you spend money on Taobao/PDD. In addition, there are a large number of people who open their own online stores abroad. Whether you are a company or an individual merchant, you have to use Stripe to build a payment system. It can be said that it feeds a large number of e-commerce people.

In the H round of financing in 2021, it received a valuation of US$95 billion and is also the fourth most valuable private company in the world, second only to ByteDance, SpaceX and SHEIN.

To be honest, I am used to using U transfer or buying things (buying Saga mobile phones). Now I have physiological intolerance to all payment methods that require filling in bank accounts and cannot be received in real time. Strip may really allow a large number of people outside the circle to gradually develop a sense of dependence this time, which is a great help for the currency circle to gain fresh blood.

In addition, in the press conference last night, Strip used $USDC of the Solana network when demonstrating. It is highly likely that the network that supports cryptocurrency payments in the future will also be Solan, which is also a huge benefit to $SOL . The mainstream world in Europe and the United States supports Solana in all aspects.

Our world is gradually being encrypted, let's enjoy it!

#solana #Stripe #加密货币
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MegaDrop's first project Bouncebit nanny-level tutorialBouncebit's event has started this morning. Most of the veterans have completed the tasks and are getting their points. I played it myself and found that it is still a bit troublesome for many newbies. A whole day has passed, and less than 30,000 people have completed the task. I promised to give you a tutorial before, so I will take some time to teach you step by step. The activity is mainly divided into two parts: 1. Deposit BNB regularly 2. Go to Web3 wallet to do the task 1. How to deposit BNB regularly Click the small yellow picture in the upper left corner of the App to open the service menu and find Financial Management. Select 15-120 days

MegaDrop's first project Bouncebit nanny-level tutorial

Bouncebit's event has started this morning. Most of the veterans have completed the tasks and are getting their points. I played it myself and found that it is still a bit troublesome for many newbies.
A whole day has passed, and less than 30,000 people have completed the task. I promised to give you a tutorial before, so I will take some time to teach you step by step.
The activity is mainly divided into two parts:
1. Deposit BNB regularly
2. Go to Web3 wallet to do the task

1. How to deposit BNB regularly
Click the small yellow picture in the upper left corner of the App to open the service menu and find Financial Management.

Select 15-120 days
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Cz is not a perfect person. I have heard many people complain about him, such as being stingy 😃 , and there are many gossips, but at least the positive impact he has brought to the crypto industry is huge. In the early stage, many people who made money before him either retired to enjoy life, or took up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to curse their mother (Teacher Li), or continued to launch various garbage projects to harvest, or spent almost all the money and came out to make money by showing off their face. CZ is richer than most of them, but he is still in the Build industry seriously, and through Binance, he is setting some bottom lines in the industry. For example: Since Binance started to do contracts, have you found that other bugs such as needles and order failures have become less? For example: Binance is still the CEX with the strictest control over the insider trading of listed coins. How many employees have been cleared for insider trading? For example: The founder always maintains first-line communication with users. Sister @heyibinance is very active on WeChat, Telegram and Twitter. If there is something, she will always respond to customer service at the first line. Looking at this wealth, how many can you find? For example: Cex will never touch customer assets. This is a huge temptation. SBF couldn't resist and was imprisoned, and Sun Ge has always kept the controversy to himself. This time, CZ has been certified by the United States that he has not touched anything. Otherwise, the prosecutor would not start with 36 months, but 360 months. I really love the crypto industry, so I respect those who are seriously promoting the development of the industry. Although I often joke that CZ will fall as soon as he tweets and shouts more, I have never doubted that my cousin @cz_binance is definitely one of the important figures in promoting the development of the industry. These letters of support show another side of CZ that most people don't see, and they are definitely helpful for the punishment. Looking forward to a good result, bless #cz判罚 #赵长鹏
Cz is not a perfect person. I have heard many people complain about him, such as being stingy
, and there are many gossips, but at least the positive impact he has brought to the crypto industry is huge.

In the early stage, many people who made money before him either retired to enjoy life, or took up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to curse their mother (Teacher Li), or continued to launch various garbage projects to harvest, or spent almost all the money and came out to make money by showing off their face.

CZ is richer than most of them, but he is still in the Build industry seriously, and through Binance, he is setting some bottom lines in the industry.

For example: Since Binance started to do contracts, have you found that other bugs such as needles and order failures have become less?

For example: Binance is still the CEX with the strictest control over the insider trading of listed coins. How many employees have been cleared for insider trading?

For example: The founder always maintains first-line communication with users. Sister @heyibinance is very active on WeChat, Telegram and Twitter. If there is something, she will always respond to customer service at the first line. Looking at this wealth, how many can you find?

For example: Cex will never touch customer assets. This is a huge temptation. SBF couldn't resist and was imprisoned, and Sun Ge has always kept the controversy to himself. This time, CZ has been certified by the United States that he has not touched anything. Otherwise, the prosecutor would not start with 36 months, but 360 months.

I really love the crypto industry, so I respect those who are seriously promoting the development of the industry. Although I often joke that CZ will fall as soon as he tweets and shouts more, I have never doubted that my cousin @cz_binance is definitely one of the important figures in promoting the development of the industry.

These letters of support show another side of CZ that most people don't see, and they are definitely helpful for the punishment. Looking forward to a good result, bless

#cz判罚 #赵长鹏
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In the cryptocurrency world, you can bet on anything. Even the judgment of my cousin CZ is open on Poymarket.
In the cryptocurrency world, you can bet on anything. Even the judgment of my cousin CZ is open on Poymarket.
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