Recently, I have seen many gold diggers switch to the cryptocurrency circle on domestic self-media such as Xiaohongshu. That’s fine, after all, there were many gold diggers in the previous bull market. When the market is bad, they will continue to find honest people and avoid the edge.

These women have been given a special name - coin girls

There are lickers everywhere, whether in Douyin/Xiaohongshu or the cryptocurrency circle, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. The problem is that many coin girls are confused about the situation now, and they set their goals to become @heyibinance’s No. 1 sister, and even look down on No. 1 sister, which is really far from the truth.

A gentleman is open and honest. No. 1 sister posted a circle of friends today. It takes great courage and confidence to dare to make fun of herself like this. The difference is obvious.

#币媛 #捞女 #Web3