Recently, various voices have emerged one after another, discussing the so-called bull market, but many people do not seem to have made a profit from it, but are still in deep losses.

After experiencing a sharp drop in April, the altcoins rebounded slightly in May, but suffered a heavy blow in June. At present, the currencies that are still rising in the market are mostly a few strong and hot currencies, so choosing the right currency is particularly important. Bitcoin has broken through the high point of the previous bull market. If you have been losing money, you may want to examine whether there is a problem with your trading strategy.

It is never easy to make money in the currency circle. When entering this field for trading, the first task is to do a good job of risk management and adjust the trading mentality. Some people may dream of earning ten times or a hundred times the profit in the bull market, but I would say that being able to double is already a good result. Lowering expectations can avoid greater losses. As long as you do these well, even if you can't get rich, you will definitely surpass 80% of people.

The current market is in the wash stage. When most people think that the bull market has arrived, you should be vigilant: buy when no one cares, and sell when the crowd is bustling. Recently, altcoins have been falling continuously, and market panic has been intensifying. However, when panic reaches a certain level, the market may usher in a turnaround. At this time, those who have left the market may have missed the best opportunity.

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