In the age distribution of cryptocurrency project founders in 2024, we can observe the following clear trends:

Dominant age group: According to statistics from X blogger AB Kuai.Dong, founders aged 30-40 occupy a dominant position, occupying 16 seats in major online projects. This data highlights the current trend of middle-aged founders in the cryptocurrency field.

Other age groups: founders aged 40-55 followed closely, occupying 8 seats. This shows that while young people are still active in the cryptocurrency space, middle-aged and senior individuals also hold significant influence. There are relatively few founders aged 15-30, only 4. This data may be down compared to the past, suggesting that the youth myth in the cryptocurrency field may be gradually ending.

Age distribution changes: There appear to be fewer young founders compared to the past, while the proportion of middle-aged and senior founders is increasing. This may reflect the fact that the cryptocurrency space is undergoing a transition from an early stage to a mature stage, in which experience and expertise become more important.

To sum up, the age distribution of cryptocurrency project founders in 2024 is dominated by 30-40 years old. The influence of middle-aged and senior people is gradually increasing, while the number of young founders is relatively decreasing. This change may reflect development trends in the cryptocurrency field and changes in market demand.