CPI falls!

Unemployment rate rises! !

Non-farm data is whitewashed every month, and the truth is finally revealed by the revision after the month. The market has long been immune to non-farm data, and the Fed's lies are on the verge of collapse. If there is no interest rate cut in September, the 2008 crisis may be repeated.

Looking back at history, Japan responded quickly, but now a certain big country seems to be stuck in the quagmire and has not moved.

The urgency is beyond words, and the public is looking for answers.

It is quite ridiculous to withdraw liquidity to protect the exchange rate.

Worried that 2023 will become a year of misjudgment for a group of decision makers, and collectively face the crisis of stepping down.

The successor is inevitably uneasy, and the road ahead is unknown.

Objectively speaking, the Fed has done its best, but it is not an omnipotent god.

If we can have half the skills and wisdom of the Fed, the situation today may be very different.

After all, it is difficult to have high expectations for monkeys to fight against modern people.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC走势分析