The following is a summary of the relevant information about MultiAdaptive's data availability layer Testnet 1.0 that supports Bitcoin Layer 2:

Company Background and Rename: MultiAdaptive was formerly known as DomiconLabs. It recently changed its name to MultiAdaptive and launched its first native multi-chain data availability technology stack.

Technology Stack and Features: MultiAdaptive's data availability layer Testnet 1.0 specifically supports Bitcoin Layer 2. The technology uses KZG-based broadcast proof, data sampling, and data auditing to protect data and detect malicious activities. On the Bitcoin network, it uses Bitcoin scripts for user and node signature verification, data storage planning, and data storage commitments in a manner similar to issuing NFTs.

Significance for Bitcoin Layer 2: The launch of Testnet 1.0 marks a major step forward for the Bitcoin ecosystem towards native data availability solutions. By paying storage fees directly on the Bitcoin network, it improves the transparency and security of fee payments.

Technical Features and Benefits:

Native Multi-Chain Support: The technology not only supports Bitcoin, but also aims to expand to more ecosystems to cope with growing demand.

Data Protection: Use advanced encryption and auditing techniques to protect data and ensure data integrity and security.

Transparent and secure payment: Paying storage fees directly on the Bitcoin network reduces intermediaries and improves payment efficiency and security. Market impact and prospects: MultiAdaptive's move may attract more developers and projects to settle in the Bitcoin second-layer network, and promote the accelerated development of the Bitcoin ecosystem in payment, DeFi, NFT and other fields. As the infrastructure of the Bitcoin ecosystem becomes more and more complete, MultiAdaptive's technology is expected to provide strong data support for the Bitcoin second-layer network and promote the progress of the entire ecosystem.

In summary, MultiAdaptive's data availability layer Testnet 1.0 that supports Bitcoin's second layer is a forward-looking and innovative technical solution. It not only improves the data availability of the Bitcoin second-layer network, but also injects new vitality into the development of the entire ecosystem.