Genre: Hero RPG

Blockchain: Private ETH Virtual Machine

Platform: Web page, IOS/Android/Mac/PC client is planned


Developed by game company N3TWORK Studios, raised $46 million

Basic gameplay——5V5 turn-based PVE

Players use the collected heroes to explore dungeons, earn XP, points, energy, HP and other in-game items by completing quests/looting treasure chests/breaking encounters/participating in battles, and win leaderboard rewards;

The battle is carried out in a round-based system. At the beginning of each round, the dice are rolled to determine the order of each hero's actions. As long as the hero is alive, he will take an action. The hero's attack mode is determined by the category. The goal is to get as many points as possible before being eliminated to enter the top of the leaderboard and get a large reward;


Daily Adventure: A dungeon map is procedurally generated from a series of quests, encounters, treasure chests, temples, battles, and starting heroes. The map is updated daily and the leaderboard is also generated daily.

Heroes are divided into 6 rarities, 5 elemental attributes, 3 professions, 7 types and 7 specialties; the higher the rarity, the higher the maximum evolution level and the highest level, but the fewer copies; there is a restraint relationship between the 5 elemental attributes, just like "rock-paper-scissors";

Each hero has 4 combat skills, namely basic skills, combat skills 1, combat skills 2 and ultimate skills. In addition to basic skills, there are 105 other skills. Combat skill 1 is determined by the hero's elemental attributes, occupation and type combination; combat skill 2 is determined by the hero's type and weapon characteristics combination; the ultimate skill is determined by the hero's elemental attributes, occupation and expertise characteristics combination, and the ultimate skill mana value not only increases over time, but also increases through certain skills or fate rewards to knock down opponents.

Basic attacks are determined by the hero's class.

Facing the hero's attack, the defender has three different defenses: parry, absorb, and deflect; all three methods are based on the damage type of the attack. If successful, the defender will not be affected, and the attacker will become the injured person.


1) PVE Dungeon


Seasonal ELO-style rankings, with a daily limit on the number of free entries into the arena, and daily leaderboard rewards based on ranking;

3) Guilds and Guild Activities

After joining the guild, you will receive two rewards for participating in the activities: personal ranking and guild ranking;

4) GVG (Guild vs. Guild)

5) GVE (Guild vs. Environment)


$LHU: Fixed total amount, obtained through activities and tournaments

HP: Utility token, unlimited, a fixed amount of rewards can be obtained every day through the game, tradable


Alpha: August 28th ~ September 5th

$LHU first mint: September

Official website: