
Type: Dynamic music chart game

Blockchain: BSC

Platform: App Store/Google Play Download


Received investment from well-known institutions such as Haskey, Mask, and Nct. Currently, the number of registered users on the entire platform exceeds 200,000

How to play:

In Sonorus, you can earn points by voting for popular music and earn BNB points by nominating potential popular songs. You can also earn a fixed value (5%) of the song votes sold. The points will be converted into $SNS tokens when listed on Binance. Players can also purchase DJ nodes in Sonorus to earn daily token income.


There is no threshold. You only need to download Sonorus, register an account, link/create a wallet, and deposit BNB to become a Sonorus member.

1. Music Voting System Rules

Players choose attractive and popular songs, buy any number of votes, and then sell the votes when the song rankings rise and the song price increases, earning BNB price difference and platform points. Of course, the song price will also depreciate as the song popularity rankings fall, resulting in losses.

The whole process is equivalent to spot trading! The difference is that the starting price of each song launched on the Sonorus platform is 0.0002BNB. Every time a player buys a ticket, the song price will increase by 0.000002BNB; every time a player sells a ticket, the song price will decrease by 0.000002BNB.

A simple cost-profit example is as follows: A player casts 50 votes on a song that has not been voted on before.

Cost = total price of 50 votes + 5% reward from song nominees + 2% platform service fee (2% of the total amount of each transaction, currently not collected)

       =25*49*0.000002+50*0.002+(25*49*0.000002+50*0.002)*0.05  =0.0130725(BNB)

When the song has 100 votes, the player chooses to sell the 50 votes, and the profit is as follows:

Profit = the sum of the price of the last 50 votes decreasing by 0.000002 for each ticket sold - the cost of the first 50 votes - 5% reward for the song nominee - 2% platform service fee (2% of the total amount of each transaction, currently not collected)

       =50*50*0.000002-(25*49*0.000002+50*0.002)*0.05 -[50*50*0.000002-(25*49*0.000002+50*0.002)*0.05]*0.05



2. Details of the Music Nomination System

Players need to pay 0.1BNB for each song they nominate. Nominations do not need to wait for review. Nominations are successful after paying the nomination fee.

Song Nominee Reward: Receive 5% of the total amount of all buy and sell votes received for the song (both selling and buying can get 5% nominee reward).

The music voting system and the nomination system complement each other. In order to obtain rewards, the nominators will vigorously promote the song and encourage more players to buy song votes. The more popular the song is, the more players will buy votes, the higher the price of the song, and the higher the profit of the players who buy votes in the early stage.

Additionally, artists can upload their music directly to the Sonorus platform and set a revenue percentage for each transaction.

3. DJ Node Details

The total number of DJ nodes is 50,000, and no more will be created after all are sold.

The first 10,000 nodes will be sold at a special price of 600U each (an invitation code is required to purchase), and the remaining 40,000 nodes will be subject to dynamic pricing - for every 100 nodes sold, the node price will increase by 25U/node.

Sales began in October 2023, and in nearly two months, more than 5,600 nodes have been sold, with a total amount of more than 33 million US dollars.

DJ Node Benefits:

1) Daily rewards & SNS rewards

The output of node tokens is not locked and can be traded directly.

In the first year, node holders will share 300,000$SNS every day; on October 1, 2024, the reward will be halved, with 150,000$SNS shared every day; thereafter, it will be halved every two years.

(Based on the number of nodes sold so far, each node can obtain 52 tokens per day. Of course, as subsequent node sales expand, the number of tokens that a single node can obtain per day will become less and less.)

2) Share the revenue

For every node purchased by a recommendation, the commission reward is 5% of the node price

3) Governance and nomination rights

4) Airdrop opportunities, exclusive benefits and privileges, and music nomination priority


Single Token Economy — $SNS

Total: 1 billion

Private placement price: 0.03U

Private placement and token pre-sale account for 6.3%, project finance accounts for 18.7%, team and consultants account for 20%, and the community accounts for 55% (including 34.5% of DJ node output)

ICO: It will be launched at the end of this year and will be listed on major well-known exchanges later

Note: Every project that Dsion briefly reads is just personal behavior and understanding. It does not make any investment advice, but just MARK and record your own experience.