【Flight Force 4—FF4】

Genre: First-person multiplayer shooter

Platform: HyperPlay

Current status: Single-player demo available for free, multiplayer still under construction (play to earn)

Official website: flightforce4.com


A space-themed first-person shooter similar to COD/Halo/Fortnite

How to play:

Players compete with each other in the free mode to accumulate XP and Xanite. Then use XP to exchange for other in-game assets to enhance the gaming experience. Players who hold FF4 assets or tokens can also unlock new maps and enter high-risk modes to get more rewards.


FF4 has thousands of in-game assets, including characters, weapons, vehicles, skins, perks, upgrades, drones, spaceships, etc. Each item is an ownable NFT that can be traded and rented on the marketplace.

To ensure the freshness of the game, FF4 releases multiple new items every week.

Different planets have different difficulties and rewards. The greater the difficulty, the greater the reward.

Xanite is a rock mineral that is an essential in-game energy source that players rely on to restore health, weapons, vehicles, and activate items such as drones and in-game perks.

Free players need to hold the character NFT to redeem XP directly for $T3P.

Other ways to earn:

Players are encouraged to stream and have an audience which will become another unique way to earn more items and tokens.

The rental system is based on smart contracts. NFT holders will be able to customize the rental terms, including the hourly rental cost and the percentage of tokens earned during the rental period.

Staking $T3P will earn you more tokens, as well as reducing on-chain transaction taxes, increasing your rank, unlocking higher levels in Domination and Tournament modes for higher income, and receiving random airdrops of in-game items.


"Super Double" Reward System

Players can obtain super-doubled rewards by purchasing certain goods, increasing kill and death ratios, upgrading access to certain maps, or holding certain NFT characters.

Purchasing items and map passes is one of the most direct and effective ways to upgrade your level and achieve super double rewards:

Level upgrades are real-time upgrades based on the player's profile, and the corresponding reward multipliers will change in real time based on the map they are in. For example, if a player's reward doubles after level upgrade, but he still stays in the old map, his reward increase will drop to 1.5 times. But if the player comes to a new map, his reward may increase from 2 times to 2.5 times.

Note: To visit other planets, you need a spaceship.

Certain items in the game can increase the reward multiples. If you earn and hold enough items, you may get a 5-fold increase in rewards. Combined with the increase in multiples provided by certain maps, the multiples of rewards can be increased linearly.


1. Free to Play

Players compete to earn $XP to purchase in-game items, map passes and upgrades, as well as Xanite which can be used to enhance all of their assets.

Complete daily and weekly missions to earn extra XP as well as rewards for kill assists, games won, and kill streaks.

NOTE: Remember to keep your kill-to-death ratio as high as possible.

2. High-risk model

Door type: Hold character NFT

There are two sub-modes: EOD mode and Domination mode.

1) EOD mode - large map

Includes 2V2 (4 players per map), 3V3 (9 players per map), 4V4 (16 players per map)

Complete specific tasks or kill other teams to earn XP, Xanite, and $T3P.

2) Domination Mode - Small Map

Play up to 10v10 team deathmatches, gain XP for kills and lose XP for deaths. Players can also retrieve Xanite from the bodies of their victims.

Comes with a weekly and monthly "tournament" system.


Dual Token Economy

$T3P is T3PLAY's on-chain cross-game token.

XP is an in-game reward for all free games.

The exchange rate between the two is constant at 100XP = 1 USD $T3P

And the prerequisite for redemption is that the player needs to hold a FF4 character

XP can be used to upgrade color skins, weapons, accessories and other in-game items

$T3P is redeemable for other cryptocurrencies, can be locked to earn special in-game assets, locked in high-risk mode will unlock higher levels, purchase all game assets, and can be used in all games on the T3PLAY platform.

Benefits of holding:

OG/Helios Defender NFT holders can get exclusive first access to the Multiverse, priority testing and playing FF4 games, join DC to get future NFT airdrops, huge token airdrops, etc.

Note: Every project that Dsion briefly reads is just personal behavior and understanding. It does not make any investment advice, but just MARK and record your own experience.