Zhou Chu, will the world be peaceful if ZK, STARKNET, and MERLIN are eliminated? At the end of this article, I would like to say that ZK reflects the dirty face of the VC system and even the so-called value track of the entire blockchain industry. Because of the last round of such unkind big projects, the only one I can think of is bzz. Although FIL trapped many people, it also gave enough rewards for space testing and the benefits of early players. The so-called death of ICP is mainly because the currency was issued at the end of the bull market, and it was not the leeks cut by the project party. The main reason why investors did not make money was themselves. But in this round, rogue projects like ZK, starknet is, merlin is, sei is, wormhole is, and even L0 will be if nothing unexpected happens. If there is only one rogue, it would be fine, but all of them are so rogue. Not only are they ruthless to the financial father, that is, VC, but they also take whatever they want from the users who feed and clothe them. The bottom line of technology is not as good as that of capital. There is only one possibility, that the project party itself feels that this round of "bull market" is worrying? ZK relied on the financial backers to set up a stall, tricking a large number of black slaves to come and work for free, implying that there will be benefits in the future, and tricking a large number of small investors to buy 5-year options, implying that the future returns will be awesome. And solemnly swore: This is a decentralized country, power belongs to the community and the people! However, decentralization is just a slogan. The community has no decision-making power, political participation, or even useful suggestions on project development. It also has no right to know whether to issue airdrops, launch time, project ideas, etc. It all depends on the politicians inside the wall to keep it secret, requiring property disclosure but never advancing. What kind of decentralized republic is this? Isn't this the Central State? Of course, if the Central State, the leader is wise, it doesn't matter. Although the governance structure is doomed to endless troubles, at least in a bull market, the wise leader has a clear vision of the future, a conscience bottom line, gratitude for the parents who provide food and clothing, no or little exploitation, we still have money to make. If the project leader is crazy and does something particularly disgusting, such as directly exploiting the surplus value of black slaves, "Das Kapital" can be reread as a classic, and if he commits financial fraud against investors, small investors originally thought that they could make a big profit by making a small investment through labor, or at the very least they could contribute money and effort, and the project party could give them something. But now it is direct exploitation + fraud!