Yesterday, I analyzed the market trend. It is highly likely that it will follow the trend of the second half of 2019. The lowest point of 49,000 has been reached, and the second exploration of 52,500 has also been reached. The next step is to attack the pressure positions one by one.

Many people say that I am carving a boat. Although history is always surprisingly similar, it is not a simple repetition. Carving a boat is to study history, and carving a boat also requires thinking. Comprehensively analyze the trend with the highest probability in the future, not just drawing a line.

Let's talk about the four fools of inscriptions. Figure 1: Rats is about to break through the downward trend line. Figure 2: sats is supported by the lower trend line and is currently consolidating at the bottom. At present, many profit-taking plates that are ambushing the flying network have been eliminated, waiting for adjustments before slowly rising. Figure 3: ordi is also at the end of the adjustment, and it will follow the trend of the market.