Last night, the teacher who led the order shouted that short-term traders should exit quickly because the spot market of BTC, ETH and other commodities was unstable.

I immediately increased my position to long ETH. When I woke up this morning, I felt comfortable.

If the teacher who led the order could make money, what orders would he shout?

If making money could be done by others, there would be no poor people in the world.

Independent thinking is always the basic quality of a sickle.

Independent thinking is always the most lacking nature of a leek.

----I said.

Here are some famous trading quotes. I wish you all enlightenment soon.

1. Fools are always the most courageous when the trend is not established. They are the least courageous when the trend is established. They are scared because of their courage.

2. Never buy two at the same time. When the first one is confirmed to be correct, buy the second one. The possibility of making a mistake twice is even smaller.

3. Frequent currency exchange or currency selection indicates lack of confidence. Selecting the trend is more important than selecting the currency. Select the trend first, then the currency, and finally the time. It will be more perfect.

4. Refusing to change the currency indicates excessive confidence. The result of such process confidence, It is often not as expected, success is the mother of failure.

5: Fools always stare at their own accounts instead of looking at what their opponents are doing!

Good luck everyone, I wish you reverse thinking and make a lot of money