Friends who have read my research report on Monad last week should be familiar with @Curvance, which is one of the only two official ecosystems followed by @monad_xyz official Twitter account.

This is also a project that I am optimistic about as an airdrop hunter, but because Curvance strictly limits the number of participants, it has blocked many people's enthusiasm for participation.

Today, I will explain in detail how to obtain a test quota and demonstrate this mysterious test network interaction process to help you solve your problems.

This article is divided into the following points

🔹Curvance introduction 🔹How to get limited code 🔹Interactive tutorial and Easter eggs

Little Bear writes tutorials with love, this article is not an advertisement. Let's get started.

🌿Curvance Introduction

@Curvance is a stablecoin lending protocol led by Wormhole and co-invested by Arbitrum and Frax. It has raised $3.6 million and has not issued any tokens. It is very likely to have an airdrop and kill two birds with one stone with Monad.

Wormhole, which has raised $225 million, has close ties with the @Curvance team. Even the mods in Discord are mostly from the same group of employees.

The wormhole is so large, so it is recommended not to miss Curvance

🌈How to get the limited edition code

Due to the strict limit on the number of participants, not many people can participate in the early test network. If the early test network has a bonus for future airdrops, then the time you spend reading my tutorial will be worth it.

If you missed the limited-time missions released by Curvance on @Galxe and @zealy_io in March 2024 and didn’t get OAT

Then brothers can get limited test places in the following ways (choose one)

🔹 Holds NFT:DegenScore、Pudgy Penguins、Wassies、The Llamas、lobsterdao、CVGPEPE

🔹Hold DC roles: Nads of Monad, Senior Role of Wormhole, Priest of Pyth, Nomad of Pike Finance, joined DefiLlama before 2023/02/23, Explorer of Origin Protocol, Gorilla of Gorilla Moverz

🔹Tokens held: 5 MNT, 10 NGL, 0.1 swETH, 5 AURA, 10 LBR, 0.1 BTRFLY, 30 CNC, 200 VELO, 100 PLS, 10 CVX, 1 gALCX, 10 BAL, 100 JONES, 0.13 gOHM, 50 PENDLE, 10 rUSTP, 1 SPR, 10 msUSD, 100 xALD, 200 MaticX, 10 eUSD, 10 mkUSD, 10 GRAI

You can check whether your wallet is eligible to participate through the guild, the link is as follows

🌈In summary, old players of Defi on the chain, whose wallets may have interacted with old protocols such as Prisma, Pendle, Gravita, Stader, or whose wallets happen to hold any of the tokens I wrote above, are eligible

If not, go to Curvance’s Discord and check in to be active, and try to get an invitation code from the project owner, or see the end of this article

🧑‍🌾Interactive tutorials and Easter eggs

When I got the distinguished qualification and entered the limited test network, I was thinking "the limited edition may have airdrop bonus incentives"... Ahahaha... I am PUAing myself

After 10 minutes of work, here is my impression: Compared to many test networks that are laggy, Curvance is very smooth.

🔹Task requires Test water: sepolia and ARB sepolia Test tasks: two lines, ETH 10, ARB 9, a total of 19 tasks Test time: 10 minutes

The tasks seem to be many, but they are not complicated and can be completed in 10 minutes. Because the tasks of the two lines, ETH and ARB chains are exactly the same, just follow the flowchart and click with your eyes closed.

Xiao Xiong explains in detail the problems you may encounter, including: water operation, mission difficulties

🔹Water supply operation

ETH test water collection

Arb test water collection

After clicking FAUCET above, click CLAIM ALL to collect the test coins required by Curvance in batches.

Click the small bell on the upper right, VIEW TASKS, and the task list will appear. Click them in order and it will automatically jump to the interface.

🔹Difficulty Tips

Step 6: repay and step 10: withdraw require a 20-minute cooldown period before you can proceed. Please complete other tasks first.

🔹Feedback After completing two sets of tests, please fill in your feedback suggestions and leave your email address and DC username

It is recommended to fill it out carefully, what if there is an Easter egg?

🧑‍🌾Thanks to the Curvance team @Friscovsky for sharing 5 test codes with me. I used 1 myself and gave the remaining 4 to everyone. If you really want to test it, please leave a message below. Please leave it for friends who really need it. @ the friends who are drawn before 5 pm

Now is the cold winter of hair-pulling. Some people choose to quit, but I choose to continue to work hard.

I wish you all a satisfactory return this year.

End of article


✅If you find my tutorial helpful, I suggest you follow me on Twitter @Airdrop_Guard

Your support is the driving force that encourages Little Bear to continue sharing!