Get to know the legend of the cryptocurrency circle with everyone The Legend @GiganticRebirth

He is the god-like man, the sighing stubble

🔹Bearish at the top of the market in November 2021, and shorted altcoins heavily

🔹Bet with Do Kwon and shorted LUNA

🔹Remind everyone to withdraw money quickly before FTX goes bankrupt

🔹First comeback after 2 years, yesterday bet 100 million US dollars with Martin, betting $DJT is a lie

At present, all signs indicate that the currency issued by Martin Shkreli himself has nothing to do with Trump and his family (at least there is no written evidence)

🔹He spoke again yesterday to express his firm confidence, we are still in the bull market!

This is his first Twitter post since 2022. Brothers, hold on.

The SEC's lawsuit against Ethereum was ruled invalid today, and ETH surged.


It's just an adjustment now, the main uptrend is coming.

Hurry up, we can win.

Electric vehicles can make back the investment!