The fat penguin in this airdrop is very good at playing cards. I will reveal all his chess games to the public today.

But now, let’s check how much L0 ecological airdrop we can get.

Use this query tool, enter the address, the wallet does not need authorization

🔹Check your eco-space investment qualifications

🔹Check your $ZRO allocation

🔹Query the allocation rules of Dapp

Take me as an example, I can get @gravitaprotocol @OrderlyNetwork @_WOOFi @PancakeSwap and other ecological projects

Fat Penguin requires that more than 90% must be allocated to users. Click the HERE arrow on the right to pop up the allocation rules. We use Orderly as the column

Total: 90% users, 10% team

Rules: 30% based on deposit amount, 70% based on transaction volume

Some ecosystems are allocated to staking users, and some are allocated to cross-bridge users, such as WOOFi and gravita. If you use full-chain tokens to cross-bridge every day, you will be lucky if you are not reported. Use your brain.

Our big bet is definitely on the LayerZero official airdrop, and I have evidence that it may reach $5,000 per account

Will be analyzed in the next article

End of this article

Note: RFP is a request for comments version, and the final decision will be made by L0 officials