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Don't take the unlocking event too seriously. Many people will panic and go short by looking at the unlocking. We can speak with facts. The following figure shows the rise and fall of $OP when it was unlocked in the past few months. It is not a consistent downward trend. It is not just OP, but other unlockings are also like this. Unlocking is just entering the flow state from the locked state, which does not mean selling immediately.

Don't take the unlocking event too seriously. Many people will panic and go short by looking at the unlocking. We can speak with facts.

The following figure shows the rise and fall of $OP when it was unlocked in the past few months. It is not a consistent downward trend. It is not just OP, but other unlockings are also like this.

Unlocking is just entering the flow state from the locked state, which does not mean selling immediately.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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📍将交易执行DAG化,就可以解决区块链不可能三角?丨Aleph Zero一页纸报告 #AZERO 这个项目作为将DAG结构作为中间执行环节是吸引我花了几天时间产出这篇内容的原因 🗝️本文还探讨项目之外的几个问题:什么是DAG?/并行和并发的差别是什么?/执行层DAG化的可行性 DAG方案目前市场比较热门的项目例如KAS、CFX以及过去的雪崩都有采取这一架构,这一架构也被称为天然的拓展方案 🔻本篇内容正文与长图报告的内容并不完全雷同,请结合起来观看~ DAG架构具有高并发的特点,而并发和并行是两种不同的概念,因为我还计划产出EVM并行的内容,因此有必要基于这两个话题做一定延伸 🗝️并发可以理解成一个厨师可以同时炒几道菜,而并行则可以理解成2个或多个厨师同时炒几道菜 关于DAG的具体是如何呈现的,我在图中也有介绍就不赘述了,简单来说DAG的区块生成就好像像外洒一把沙子,目前行业内的相关使用方案,基本都是基于DAG的变式 具体如何变❓ 总结一句话就是:利用自主开发的共识机制,来将网中的区块再度排序分出主次。KAS是如此、CFX是如此,AZERO仍旧是如此🔺 也就是我为什么图中会说,如果单纯的采用DAG结构,其实并无法说这是一条区块链(毕竟你也不成链) 并且AZERO与KAS、CFX等方案最不同的地方是对于DAG的应用只是用于其中的执行环节,在外部的显性架构上,仍旧是链式的 (我在图中做了一定的技术原理复现,希望可以帮助你理解) 这一方案确实是存在一定可行性的,过去雪崩的三链结构,其中一条链就是采取DAG方案,只是后来弃用了,其实AZERO当前的实现逻辑有点类似于当时还采取DAG方案的雪崩,只是AZERO更具备单体链的基因 📍如果对于执行层DAG化不太理解的化,我再举个别的理解希望能够帮你理解:以太的L2 Rollup方案,其实就是一种将执行层抽象出去的方案 只是以太是采取多交易打包提交的方式,试想一下如果有条L2是采取DAG这种架构来处理交易并同样在以太主网完成共识的,那其实也不是不行 AZERO其实就是这样实现并完成的,至于这个标的是否有投资价值,从我对其历史走势的判断,我认为是有的,原因图中也列举了 但做中期波段其实就行了,长持的话很容易一轮周期过去还是原地不动,所以也需要多关注二级价格,逢高就跑 📍这种二级走势有来有回的标的远比那些一路下行的标的好太多了 “与庄共舞,不怕它有庄,就怕它是条死鱼”

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