📍Latest issue #Binance Megadrop guide illustration~

This issue's Megadrop task is very simple, in fact, it is just two steps [withdraw]☞[stake]. Choose BSC as the network, you need a basic 0.01BNB as a pledge and prepare a certain amount of GAS

The last issue's pledge cost was also tens of CNY, and the income was tens of U. This issue's current basic pledge cost is also tens of CNY

From the perspective of attracting new users from the exchange, the overall cost-effectiveness is much higher than the registration activities launched during the new coin mining period. The income is based on the previous issue. The cost of acquiring a single user during the activity is about 50U, and the basic acquisition cost from the user's perspective is also lower

🗝️And Megadrop is likely to be held every month, and the activity of attracting new users is only one-time

There is nothing else to expand, this issue's task is really too simple~
