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94 Incident in the Cryptocurrency Circle: The Blood and Tears History and Rebirth of Leeks (from Today we are going to review an important turning point in the history of the cryptocurrency circle - the 94 Incident. This is not only a huge change in the market, but also a magnificent blood and tears history of many investors. Let us first go back to the turbulent year of 2017. At that time, the digital currency market was in its heyday, ICO (initial coin offering) projects emerged in an endless stream, and investors, with their visions of the future, flocked to this new field that seemed to be full of infinite possibilities. However, the good times did not last long. On September 4, 2017, a bolt from the blue shook the entire cryptocurrency circle. Seven ministries and commissions jointly issued an announcement, clearly prohibiting any token issuance and financing activities, and requiring all ICO token trading platforms to clean up and close transactions before the end of the month. This policy is like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing the market's enthusiasm. The altcoins began a long road of decline, and many projects lined up to zero. Investors watched their assets shrink significantly, but they were powerless. Although the three major exchanges at that time - BTCC, Okcon, and HuoB - did not directly participate in ICO, the panic in the market has spread. Just when everyone thought the storm was about to subside, on September 14, 2017, Bitcoin suddenly plummeted. It was rumored that all Bitcoin exchanges in China, including the three major exchanges, would be completely cleared out. On this day, Bitcoin fell from $3,900 to $3,200, a drop of 17%. The panic in the market reached its peak. September 15th, which followed, became a nightmare for many investors. The Beijing Internet Finance Regulation Group interviewed the heads of various virtual currency platforms and required all trading platforms to immediately stop all virtual currency transactions. This news was like a heavy bomb, instantly detonating the panic in the market. Investors frantically sold their virtual currencies, fearing that they would lose all their money if they were one step late. Bitcoin plummeted again on this day, from $3,250 to $2,950. Litecoin was directly cut in half, and the market was wailing. However, just when everyone was in despair, at 9 pm, the exchange issued an announcement: it would gradually stop all digital asset trading business before October 31. This huge bad news came suddenly, but unexpectedly brought a rebound in the market. Bitcoin rose directly from $2,950 to $3,700, and Litecoin almost doubled. This scene stunned many investors. It was obviously a huge negative news, so why did the market soar? It turned out that after the 915 incident, because investors had sold all the coins in the market and could not deposit money to buy again, the remaining coins in the market suddenly became popular. This phenomenon also indicates that the real bull market has just begun. From this day on, Bitcoin embarked on a ten-fold journey, and the altcoin started a hundred-fold journey. However, there are very few investors who really make money. Because the currency circle is an extremely anti-human place, sometimes what you think is a negative is actually a positive, and what you think is a positive is actually a real negative. Looking back on this history, we can't help but feel sorry for those investors who have experienced the 94 incident. But at the same time, we must also see that it is these twists and turns and hardships that make the currency circle more mature and tenacious. On the road ahead, we will continue to move forward and explore more possibilities and opportunities. 😘Follow me! Get more information about the cryptocurrency world~ #内容挖矿

94 Incident in the Cryptocurrency Circle: The Blood and Tears History and Rebirth of Leeks (from

Today we are going to review an important turning point in the history of the cryptocurrency circle - the 94 Incident. This is not only a huge change in the market, but also a magnificent blood and tears history of many investors.

Let us first go back to the turbulent year of 2017. At that time, the digital currency market was in its heyday, ICO (initial coin offering) projects emerged in an endless stream, and investors, with their visions of the future, flocked to this new field that seemed to be full of infinite possibilities.

However, the good times did not last long. On September 4, 2017, a bolt from the blue shook the entire cryptocurrency circle.

Seven ministries and commissions jointly issued an announcement, clearly prohibiting any token issuance and financing activities, and requiring all ICO token trading platforms to clean up and close transactions before the end of the month. This policy is like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing the market's enthusiasm.

The altcoins began a long road of decline, and many projects lined up to zero. Investors watched their assets shrink significantly, but they were powerless. Although the three major exchanges at that time - BTCC, Okcon, and HuoB - did not directly participate in ICO, the panic in the market has spread.

Just when everyone thought the storm was about to subside, on September 14, 2017, Bitcoin suddenly plummeted. It was rumored that all Bitcoin exchanges in China, including the three major exchanges, would be completely cleared out. On this day, Bitcoin fell from $3,900 to $3,200, a drop of 17%. The panic in the market reached its peak.

September 15th, which followed, became a nightmare for many investors. The Beijing Internet Finance Regulation Group interviewed the heads of various virtual currency platforms and required all trading platforms to immediately stop all virtual currency transactions.

This news was like a heavy bomb, instantly detonating the panic in the market. Investors frantically sold their virtual currencies, fearing that they would lose all their money if they were one step late.

Bitcoin plummeted again on this day, from $3,250 to $2,950. Litecoin was directly cut in half, and the market was wailing.

However, just when everyone was in despair, at 9 pm, the exchange issued an announcement: it would gradually stop all digital asset trading business before October 31. This huge bad news came suddenly, but unexpectedly brought a rebound in the market.

Bitcoin rose directly from $2,950 to $3,700, and Litecoin almost doubled. This scene stunned many investors. It was obviously a huge negative news, so why did the market soar?

It turned out that after the 915 incident, because investors had sold all the coins in the market and could not deposit money to buy again, the remaining coins in the market suddenly became popular. This phenomenon also indicates that the real bull market has just begun.

From this day on, Bitcoin embarked on a ten-fold journey, and the altcoin started a hundred-fold journey. However, there are very few investors who really make money. Because the currency circle is an extremely anti-human place, sometimes what you think is a negative is actually a positive, and what you think is a positive is actually a real negative.

Looking back on this history, we can't help but feel sorry for those investors who have experienced the 94 incident. But at the same time, we must also see that it is these twists and turns and hardships that make the currency circle more mature and tenacious.

On the road ahead, we will continue to move forward and explore more possibilities and opportunities.

😘Follow me! Get more information about the cryptocurrency world~ #内容挖矿

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交易所卖USDT收到涉案资金,被上“在逃系统”!(来自 前几天有个粉丝说,说自己卖U冻卡,现在异地冻卡叔叔正在来抓她的路上…… 粉丝是个妹子,以前在国外(阿根廷)生活过。她的家人在阿根廷有七八家大型超市,经济条件不错。 因为那边的钱不保值,虚拟货币很发达,使用场景很多,基本生活消费虚拟币都能满足,所以,粉丝用自己开超市的钱在币安的阿根廷市场买U。 后面粉丝回国了,就在 B 安 O 易 交易所卖U,卖U的钱都是用支付宝收的,然后钱有转给超市股东分红,支付货款等。粉丝就是正常的在交易所卖U! 在4月10号,粉丝当地的派出所让其过去做笔录!经查,粉丝收到了几万涉案资金。 涉案详情是,在2024年4月6号福建某局收到某受害人报警,受害者在网上投资理财被诈骗了197万多,叔叔根据资金流向,发现粉丝收到涉案资金,有重大涉案嫌疑,涉嫌诈骗。叔叔给粉丝上了“在逃系统”。 牛逼吗兄弟们?电诈受害者被骗了近200W,交易所卖U收到涉案资金被上“在逃系统”。 那些冻卡的不要以为可以躺平,到时直接给你挂“在逃系统”,说不定哪天你出门做高铁,刚进车站,叔叔就给你按头,建议你们要早日主动去解卡。 一些小白喜欢看网上“大神”文章,说卡冻结不用管,到期就解冻了……结果没等到解冻,又被其他地方叔叔冻结,多地冻结。 一般网赌炒币提现的都不只一次提现,流水都很大,可能不只一笔涉案资金流入。 比如,你卡余额有10万,涉案2万,冻卡期限是6个月,这期间你不去解冻,万一卡内其他流水又涉案,又被另一异地叔叔冻结,不仅延长冻结时间,还多笔资金损失。 反之,如果你在冻卡后,及时处理解冻,然后取现注销卡,后面即使其他流水再涉案,你的钱也已经取出来了。情况不是对你更有利吗。 粉丝这个案子总资金197W,她收到了5万左右涉案资金。这是大案,涉案资金巨额,涉案人员众多。 所以,办案叔叔不仅给粉丝挂了在逃,还要过来上门按头,把粉丝带到异地局里去审。 像这种情况,能怎么办?只有实话实说,整理材料跟叔叔说明自己只是在交易所卖币,不认识受害者,没有骗人,也没有出租出售银行卡。 还好,和粉丝交易的币商都是实名付款,受害者没有直接转到粉丝账户,粉丝账户是二级涉案。 能证明自己交易所卖币的证明材料粉丝都有。 那么,我们遇到这种情况需要什么资料呢? 准备好资料是关键: 1:订单详情页面 2:平台的聊天记录 3:订单记录 4:对方账户详情 5:对方流水截图 6:你卡流水 7:申诉记录 8:情况说明 大家可以按照这个填入自己信息资料即可(那些找律师花钱解卡的,给你节约几万): 关于XX银行卡冻结的情况说明 XX公安局刑侦大队、XX派出所、X警官: 本人XX(性别,X族,XX年X月X日出生,XX文化,身份证号码:XXXX,工作单位:XXXX,住XXXXX,电话XXXX) XX年X月X日发现XX银行卡 XXXXXXXX(卡号) 被XX公安局刑侦大队冻结,拨打110后联系上X警官(电话 XXXX )并得知是XX年X月X日X点X分,由XX的XX银行卡XXXXXXXX转账了XX元人民币给我XX银行导致。 关于此笔转账,在此做出说明: 本人在XX网通过C2C的模式进行“炒币”,类似股票交易所,此币为“比特币BTC”“泰达币USDT”等,通过低买高卖获取利润,有亏有赚。 XX年X月X日,X点X分,XX通过XX平台购买了一笔XXXX枚 USDT(泰达币),单价X元,商品价值XXXXX元人民币,通过XX平台系统匹配到我,我与XXX不认识。 随后我在XX网系统的聊天框里把卡号给了XXX,对方打款给我,我把商品(USDT)交割给对方,交易结束。 XX年X月X日发现银行卡被冻结,联系X警官后,被告知此笔款项系涉嫌诈骗资金,于是通过XX网第三方中转电话联系对方无果,进行了订单申诉,XXX无法联系上。 其他法律法规: 国内,比特币等加密资产的法律定位是“虚拟商品”,与之相关的占用、使用、收益、处分也受到法律的平等保护,根据中国人民银行等五部委发布《关于防范比特币风险的通知》,比特币等数字货币作为一种互联网上商品买卖行为,普通民众在自担风险的情况下拥有参与的自由。 综上所述,本人系不知情的善意第三方,在XX网上出售了一笔由系统分配的订单,导致银行卡被冻结,对本人生活和工作带来巨大影响. 本人没有任何涉嫌违法犯罪的行为,请求公安机关出具此事排除违法犯罪嫌疑,并解冻银行卡,恢复正常生活。 粉丝通过整理资料,证明了自己没有zha骗,确实是卖币过程中收到涉案资金,然后通过和异地叔叔协商退赔了部分涉案资金,终于被取保出来了。 这种异地叔叔上门的,能退赔解决问题,已经很不错了。听他人故事,长自己智慧。希望你不会冻卡,不会被叔叔按头,不会退赔。 最后,给叔叔点赞。 😘关注我!获得更多币圈资讯~

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