The exchange sold USDT and received the funds involved in the case, and was put on the "fugitive system"! (From

A few days ago, a fan said that she sold frozen U cards, and now the uncle who froze the cards in another place was on the way to catch her...

The fan is a girl who used to live abroad (Argentina). Her family has seven or eight large supermarkets in Argentina and is well off.

Because the money there is not worth keeping, virtual currency is very developed, and there are many usage scenarios. Virtual currency can meet basic living consumption, so the fan used the money from her supermarket to buy U in Binance's Argentine market.

Later, the fan returned to China and sold U on the Binance O Yi exchange. The money from selling U was collected by Alipay, and then the money was transferred to the supermarket shareholders for dividends, payment of goods, etc. The fan just sold U normally on the exchange!

On April 10, the local police station of the fan asked him to go there to take a statement! After investigation, the fan received tens of thousands of funds involved in the case.

The details of the case are that on April 6, 2024, a bureau in Fujian received a report from a victim. The victim was defrauded of more than 1.97 million yuan in online investment and financial management. According to the flow of funds, the uncle found that the fans received the funds involved in the case and were suspected of being involved in the case. The uncle put the fans on the "fugitive system".

Are you awesome, brothers? The victims of the fraud were defrauded of nearly 2 million yuan, and the exchange sold U and received the funds involved in the case and was put on the "fugitive system".

Don't think that those whose cards are frozen can lie flat. When the time comes, you will be directly put on the "fugitive system". Maybe one day when you go out to take the high-speed rail, as soon as you enter the station, the uncle will press your head. It is recommended that you take the initiative to unfreeze the card as soon as possible.

Some newbies like to read the articles of "great gods" on the Internet, saying that the card is frozen and it doesn't matter. It will be unfrozen when it expires... As a result, it was frozen by uncles in other places before it was unfrozen. It was frozen in many places.

Generally, those who withdraw money from online gambling and currency speculation withdraw more than once, and the flow is very large, and there may be more than one inflow of funds involved in the case.

For example, if your card balance is 100,000 yuan, and 20,000 yuan is involved in the case, the freezing period is 6 months. If you do not unfreeze the card during this period, if other transactions in the card are involved in the case and frozen by another uncle in another place, not only will the freezing period be extended, but also more funds will be lost.

On the contrary, if you unfreeze the card in time after freezing it, and then withdraw cash to cancel the card, even if other transactions are involved in the case later, your money has been withdrawn.Isn't the situation more favorable to you?

The total funds of the fan's case are 1.97 million yuan, and she received about 50,000 yuan of the funds involved. This is a big case, with a huge amount of funds involved and many people involved.

Therefore, the uncle in charge of the case not only put the fan on the run, but also came to the door to press the head and took the fan to the other local bureau for trial.

In this case, what can be done? Only tell the truth, organize the materials and explain to the uncle that you are just selling coins on the exchange, do not know the victim, do not cheat, and do not rent or sell bank cards.

Fortunately, the currency dealers who traded with the fans all paid in real name, and the victims did not transfer directly to the fan's account. The fan's account is involved in the second level of the case.

Fans have the evidence that they sell coins on the exchange.

So, what information do we need when we encounter this situation?

Preparing the information is the key:

1: Order details page

2: Platform chat records

3: Order records

4: Other party account details

5: Other party transaction screenshot

6: Your card transaction

7: Complaint record

8: Situation description

You can fill in your own information according to this (those who hire lawyers to spend money to unlock the card will save you tens of thousands):

About the situation description of the freezing of XX bank card

XX Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Brigade, XX Police Station, Officer X:

I am XX (gender, X ethnicity, born on XX year X month X day, XX education, ID number: XXXX, work unit: XXXX, live in XXXXX, phone number XXXX)

XX year X month X day found that XX bank card XXXXXXXX (card number) was frozen by the XX Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Brigade. After calling 110, I contacted Officer X (phone number XXXX) and learned that it was at X o'clock X on XX year X month X day, XX's XX bank card XXXXXXXX transferred XX yuan to my XX bank.

Regarding this transfer, here is a clarification:

I traded in cryptocurrencies on through a C2C model, similar to a stock exchange. The currencies are Bitcoin BTC, Tether USDT, etc. I made profits by buying low and selling high, with both losses and gains.

On X/X/XX, at X:00/X, XX purchased XXXX USDT (Tether) through the XX platform, with a unit price of X yuan and a commodity value of XXXXX yuan. I was matched to it through the XX platform system, and I did not know XXX.

Afterwards, I gave XXX my card number in the chat box of the system, and the other party remitted the money to me. I delivered the commodity (USDT) to the other party, and the transaction was completed.

On XX/XX/XX, I found that my bank card was frozen. After contacting Officer X, I was told that the money was suspected of fraud. So I contacted the other party through the third-party transfer phone of to no avail. I filed an order complaint, but XXX could not be contacted.

Other laws and regulations:

In China, the legal positioning of crypto assets such as Bitcoin is "virtual goods", and the occupation, use, income and disposal related to it are also equally protected by law. According to the "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" issued by the People's Bank of China and other five ministries and commissions, Bitcoin and other digital currencies are a kind of commodity trading behavior on the Internet, and ordinary people have the freedom to participate at their own risk.

In summary, I am an uninformed third party in good faith. I sold an order assigned by the system on, which caused my bank card to be frozen, which had a huge impact on my life and work.

I have no suspected illegal or criminal behavior. I request the public security organs to issue a report on this matter to exclude the suspicion of illegal or criminal behavior, unfreeze the bank card, and resume normal life.

The fan sorted out the information and proved that he did not cheat. He did receive the funds involved in the case during the sale of coins, and then negotiated with the uncle in another place to refund part of the funds involved, and was finally released on bail.

It is already very good that this uncle from another place can refund and solve the problem. Listen to other people's stories and grow your wisdom. I hope your card will not be frozen, and you will not be forced by the uncle to refund.

Finally, give the uncle a thumbs up.

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