Ten trading tips I learned after two rounds of bull markets (very accurate)

1. Sell quickly when the market breaks, reduce positions when it falls sharply, and don't trade when the market falls. This is an iron rule to remember.

2. The big cake with a gap rises sharply, and it continues to rise after stepping back on the gap. If the gap is not broken, it will continue to rush.

3. The shock rises slowly in the morning, and it has to rush in the afternoon; the wave goes up and looks at one, three, and five, and you can make more money in the third wave.

4. There is a little green in the red flower, buy some quickly and don't hesitate, don't panic when it pulls back, and run away quickly when there is price but no volume.

5. Once the weekly line is stable, the bear market is coming; once the weekly line looks up, buy when it steps back, don't miss the opportunity.

6. Experts look for hot sectors, middle-level players grab a good coin, and novices look at indicators. Those who guess blindly are gamblers.

7. Consolidate at a high level and then rush to the top, hurry up and don't hesitate; consolidate at a low level and create a new low, buy in all positions and don't miss it.

8. Buy when it goes up, not when it goes down; sell when it goes down, not when it goes up. Follow the trend and you will be a real hero.

9. If it falls slowly, the rebound will be slow. If it falls quickly, the rebound will be fast. It is most important to see the rhythm.

10. After the big rise, there will be a callback. The K-line will draw a triangle. When it rises, look at the support point, and when it falls, look at the resistance level.

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