When it comes to holding coins, many people may think that as long as they don't sell, the value of the coin will not decrease, which sounds simple.

But the reality is that when many people fill their positions and the market starts to fall or go sideways, they often choose to cut. Why is this?

First of all, money is always needed in life. After some people fill their positions, they originally planned to make a little money or sell the profits after a rebound to maintain daily expenses. But once they are stuck, they can't get the money out. They may be able to hold on for a day or two at the beginning, but they may not be able to hold on for a long time.

There are always many new hot spots and new projects in the currency circle. Watching others make money but having no money to participate, you must be anxious. In addition, you have already lost money because you are stuck, and you are even more anxious. At this time, many people may think: just cut all, and put all positions in a new project, maybe you can make it back. But doing so is often more likely to lose more.

So what should we do? In fact, there is a simple way: have a stable job in reality and make money to support your family. In this way, even if the currency assets are stuck, there is still income to support your life. If you have no income in reality and have already invested all your money, then I really recommend you to find a job and support yourself first. Stay away from the cryptocurrency circle for a while, and come back when the market improves or your mentality stabilizes.

Finally, I want to say that if the entire market is not doing well and most of the coins are trapped, it is actually unwise to operate frequently at this time. (Communication Junyang sees the top)

The profit and loss ratio is very poor, and it is easy to lose more and more. Therefore, in this situation, it is best to wait patiently and don't rush to cut meat or go all in. (Never go all in, the cryptocurrency circle will punch you from time to time, and you must learn to reduce your position when you are at a high level)

The cryptocurrency circle is risky, and you must operate according to your actual situation. Don't blindly follow the trend, and don't go all in easily. Only by taking steady steps can you go further.

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me.

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