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I started the cryptocurrency circle with 6K, lost 800,000 yuan, and finally earned 1 million yuan! When I first started trading, I only had 6,000 yuan. I lost 6,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and then I kept recharging my savings and continued to lose money. Until later I met a noble man. He taught me the first lesson of trading, learning stop loss. So now I always bring stop loss when I open an order, and I stop immediately when I hit the stop loss. The second lesson of the master is to only do positive EV and high profit and loss. This logic is also deeply engraved in my flesh and blood, so that now when I do anything, I first ask myself whether the profit and loss ratio is cost-effective. If it is negative EV, no matter how good it looks, I will not participate in it at all. Why do I say this? I have always had a view that all college students should learn some code and trading techniques, which are more meaningful to life. It took me nearly two years to really make my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle. When I first came into contact with cryptocurrency contract trading, I was fearless at the time. I lost more than 800,000 yuan in half a year with my own strength. I was still working at that time. Although most of it was my own savings, I didn't dare to let my family know because they didn't understand and support me from the beginning. I think the most uncomfortable thing is not how much money I lost, but the feeling of loss. The negative emotions under long-term pressure make me depressed. In the following year or so, I continued to make profits and losses, but I became more and more familiar with the trend of Ethereum, and slowly formed my own sense of the market and trading rhythm. Maybe it was good luck. In the 20-year bull market, with the surge in Ethereum, my trading system has become more and more mature, the intraday swing trading points have become more accurate, and the control of emotions has also improved significantly. In addition to making up for the previous losses this year, I also earned an additional 800,000 U. In terms of operation, only do intraday, resolutely not overnight, resolutely not resist orders, to avoid encountering super large market conditions and getting directly overwhelmed. If you don't understand trading technology and can't identify the market, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage and give him a hand. The circle will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH

I started the cryptocurrency circle with 6K, lost 800,000 yuan, and finally earned 1 million yuan!

When I first started trading, I only had 6,000 yuan. I lost 6,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and then I kept recharging my savings and continued to lose money.

Until later I met a noble man. He taught me the first lesson of trading, learning stop loss. So now I always bring stop loss when I open an order, and I stop immediately when I hit the stop loss.

The second lesson of the master is to only do positive EV and high profit and loss. This logic is also deeply engraved in my flesh and blood, so that now when I do anything, I first ask myself whether the profit and loss ratio is cost-effective. If it is negative EV, no matter how good it looks, I will not participate in it at all.

Why do I say this? I have always had a view that all college students should learn some code and trading techniques, which are more meaningful to life.

It took me nearly two years to really make my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle. When I first came into contact with cryptocurrency contract trading, I was fearless at the time. I lost more than 800,000 yuan in half a year with my own strength. I was still working at that time. Although most of it was my own savings, I didn't dare to let my family know because they didn't understand and support me from the beginning. I think the most uncomfortable thing is not how much money I lost, but the feeling of loss. The negative emotions under long-term pressure make me depressed.

In the following year or so, I continued to make profits and losses, but I became more and more familiar with the trend of Ethereum, and slowly formed my own sense of the market and trading rhythm. Maybe it was good luck. In the 20-year bull market, with the surge in Ethereum, my trading system has become more and more mature, the intraday swing trading points have become more accurate, and the control of emotions has also improved significantly. In addition to making up for the previous losses this year, I also earned an additional 800,000 U.

In terms of operation, only do intraday, resolutely not overnight, resolutely not resist orders, to avoid encountering super large market conditions and getting directly overwhelmed.

If you don't understand trading technology and can't identify the market, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage and give him a hand. The circle will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!

#山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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存了10万块钱了,不想上班了,能躺平吗? 完全可以躺平,首先拿出2000的车马费,然后采购8万左右的各种小型日用品,从圆珠笔小镜子到剃须刀卫生巾,有常规药品更好。剩下的8000是物流费用。 然后把货品发到吉林的集安,一个中朝边境的县级市。去找中朝友谊大桥,集安和朝鲜直线距离只有200米,大桥上经常有大集,很多朝鲜人带着山货溜过来交易。 由于朝币汇率极其不稳定,两国换汇很困难,所以朝鲜商贩更青睐以物换物,尤其是轻工业产品,所以你采购的小商品都是畅销货,而你能换回什么呢? 真正深山老林挖出来的野山参,治失眠的五味果,冰淇淋口感的椴树蜜,核桃树上生长的槲寄生,松衫赤灵芝,猪苓,三枝九叶的支棱草,黑桦树茸,手臂粗的老黄芪。。。等等,全是名贵的中草药和保健品原料。由于朝鲜还没有种植业,所以这些东西都是真正的野生品种,品质超牛! 然后,用剩下的钱把这些换回的药材打包,发到内蒙的牛营子药材交易市场,这里是北方最大的中草药原料批发市场,把这些药材以3倍价格打包卖给商贩,到手24万。 买一张到印度孟买的机票,下飞机后找一家有国际运输资质的物流公司,20万全部买大米,印度的长粒大米今年价格大概是一百元人民币22公斤,20万可以买4.5万公斤左右,剩下的钱是物流费用。 装船,出发韩国,韩国大米价格是10公斤170人民币左右,找一个大型超市收购,4.5万公斤就是76万5千,你问我为什么不从中国运大米?粮食是国家战略物资啊,不允许个人大宗买卖。。。 下一站有点危险,是战火连天的乌克兰,但是我们只在战区外围活动就好,乌克兰的黑市有大量苏联时期退役的武器装备,还有北约和美国援助的各种战略物资都被拿来贱卖,50万全部拿来买轻武器,步枪手枪和子弹,这点钱也只够买这些。按照一把二手AK最低卖100美元估算,可以采购大概1000把轻武器。剩下的钱依然是运费。 把这些武器运到红海,然后全部捐给胡塞武装,换取一艘货运船的红海通过权,自制一个自己姓名缩写的船旗,挂上后可以安全通过红海封锁区。 发邮件给各大国际贸易运输公司,拍卖船旗,起拍100万美金,每次加价10万,万吨货轮一趟航程的油费少则千万,多则上亿,不走红海就需要绕道非洲好望角航道,成本要增加30%,所以保守估计船旗成交价格也不会低于300万,美金。 好了,300万美金=2000万人民币,理财年化5%收益率,年入100万,平均每个月8万,每天2600元,现在你可以板板正正的躺平了。 当然如果你以上的流程都不想走,那你就安安心心跟着老黄炒币,坐等躺平的一天吧! #热门话题 $BTC
你捡过最大的漏是什么? 上个月的事了吧,本来聊得是币圈捡漏的币,后来不知道怎么聊着聊着就偏题,一个女网友分享了一个有趣的故事: 捡到最大的漏就是捡到一个好老公 第一次见面是相亲,我爸把我忽悠出来,见到他,他只有160,比我矮4厘米,长得像个仓鼠,穿的像农民工,我瞬间就没精神了,于是就他和我爸在前面聊,我和介绍人跟在后面东张西望,介绍人是个骗吃骗喝的,也是把他忽悠出来,坑他买了几百块钱的保险,还想敲他请吃饭。 我心想这家伙小小一只,可怜巴巴的,看起来又穷,你还想敲他请客,有没有人性啊,就坚决没同意,在公园里压了一会马路就散了。 回去后加了他微信,聊了几天,发现他很有趣,很聪明,高考比我还多十几分,是理工男,专业是四大天坑里占了俩,材料化学! 总之他给我感觉很好,他喊我出去吃一家新开的网红火锅店,我估摸着会没位置,但还是去了,结果真的没有位置,我俩吹着冷风走了半个多小时找到一家麻辣烫店吃了一碗麻辣烫,回去时候他骑摩托在前面,我骑电瓶车跟在后面。 再后来,我发现他性格非常好,乐呵呵的,不会焦虑烦恼,我也没见过他生气,不像我,我很内向,很容易焦虑,和我家里人吵架能把嗓子吵哑,不喜欢和人打交道,不爱出门,母胎单身,除了同事连朋友都没有。 我就像一只居住在黑暗泥泞井底的蛙蛙,我一直住在里面也不觉得有什么不好,但是这天,他掀开井盖,让阳光照进来了,还放下一根绳子对我招手,说上来上来。那我肯定要上来看看的。 谈了4个月的时候,疫情放开我俩都阳了,阳的时候太难受,感觉差点死了,于是我们决定赶紧结婚,不能以光棍的身份狗带!我30多,他比我大一岁,我能嫁出去我妈是喜大普奔,他妈也高兴的 不得了,我妈就跟他们家说我们不要求彩礼,你们看着办就行,结果当晚他直接打给我12.8,说是彩礼,我心里可高兴了,就把钱存了,他带我去金店买三金,我们发现金价贼责,就决定不买了,等金便宜再说,结果金价扶摇直上,再也没降下来。 因为我社恐,不想办婚礼,我觉得自己撑不住那么大场面,他同意了,于是他麻麻去操办,订了一个厅,十几桌酒席,我们把宾客请来,没有办婚礼,大家好好的吃了一顿饭,大屏幕上播放我们丑丑的结婚照,背景音乐放着我小时候就梦想在婚礼上播放的fade to black。 我们把这么多年出去的人情都收回来了,钱他都给我了,我都存了。那家饭店的菜非常不错,比很多用预制菜办婚宴的大酒店好吃很多,那一天我吃到了自己结婚的酒席。 他的房子位置比较偏,他就说要买个车车给我上班开,我俩一起去四儿子店看,后来他真的给我买了一个逸动a,花了8.6,我可喜欢这个车车了,创了两次,都毫发无损。他还说把工资都交给我,我并没提过这个事,他自己把卡给我了,我真的很高兴。从来没有人对我这么好,这么信任我,毫无防备的给我钱钱,结果我发现他并不算穷,事实上他收入还挺可以的,我俩加起来一年收入将近25,他在合肥竟然还有个房,我也有一个房,工作近10年,我攒了70+,加上他给我的钱钱,我父母的车车赞助款,和一波结婚敛财,我们的存款来到了150+,在我们这小县城,是够养一个小孩子了,何况我俩还都是节省的人。 于是我们就要了小孩子,结果运气不好,才22周就需要绝对卧床来保胎了,他麻麻过来照顾我,我发现我和他麻麻也特别合拍,他麻麻对我比我亲妈还好,烧菜那么好吃,家里弄的那么干净,会买一大堆水果切好给我吃,会给我灌热水袋,倒水,洗裤裤,我稍微动一下就很关切的问我需要啥,我说什么她都会听,我们总是轻声慢语的好好交流,不像我在家跟我妈,总是要清稀鬼叫,嗓子都喊哑。 我曾经以为我脾气暴躁,搞不好还有抑郁症,现在看来我一点也不暴躁,也不抑郁,结婚一年了,我跟他和他家人大声说话都没有过,家里氛围特别好,总是笑声不断。 我真的是捡到大漏了!说是祖坟冒青烟也不为过,上个月他还评上了副高!我老公也是母胎单身,相过无数亲,没有女的看上他,幸亏我审美有问题,我看上了(经我老公强烈要求更正为:还是有 很多女的看上他,但都没工作,且多为离异带一孩)。他也没有恶习,也不抽烟不喝酒不赌钱不沉迷游戏,因为个头小,就算他想家暴也打不过我。唯一的爱好就是禅与摩托车的维修艺术。 我现在看他,越看越觉得可爱,可能因为我喜欢仓鼠吧,他是真的像。。。 虽然上述故事与币圈的直接联系有限,但我们可以从中提炼出一些普遍适用的生活智慧和投资哲学。在追求财务自由和生活幸福的道路上,我们需要保持谨慎、不断学习、合理规划,并珍惜身边的每一份支持和陪伴。 #热门内容
什么叫洗钱? 四川某地级市。2010年市中心开了一家网吧。该网吧冲多少钱送多少钱。一次充值超过1000,返还10倍网费。比如你冲2000网费,给你卡里打22000网费。而且上网一小时只要3元。 另外就是网吧提供餐饮服务。比如炒粉,炒饭,盖浇饭,饺子。全部三块钱一份,但是一次只能点一份,想吃两份必须点两次,自制珍珠奶茶1.5元一杯,雪糕5毛一个。所有的一次只能点一个。 一直运营了两年多,口碑好到炸裂。本市年轻人都去网吧吃饭,喝奶茶,不去外面吃。然后被本地小吃商贩眼红然后举报了,说网吧没餐饮执照。工商部门一查,就发现了猫腻。炒饭3块一份,账单上面记的20。雪糕5毛一个,账单记8元,奶茶1.5一杯,账单15。网费冲2000,账单记22000。 然后老板按照账单去税务局缴税。比如你冲2000。老板按22000缴税。这22000就是他的合法收入了。 然后税务局,纪委都介入调查了,最后查出来背后老板是某领导。 停职调查了大半年,最后公布,该领导在职3年贪了1.3个小目标。在全市总共开了4家类似的网吧,全部由他的亲戚打理。就这几家网吧,两年时间把7700万非法收入变成了合法收入。 现在知道他是罪有应得。但他被抓了网吧查封,我还有1万多网费就这么没了,我真的好难受。这里面有1000多块钱是我用自己攒了很久才攒出来的。当时气的牙痒痒,要知道当时我一天才5块钱生活费! #热门内容

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