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At 3 a.m., one hour before the U.S. stock market closed, the U.S. stock market continued to rise, with the Nasdaq and S&P rising by 0.86% and 0.73% respectively. Among the seven technology giants, except for Google and Apple, the rest of the technology stocks continued to rise. The sentiment of the U.S. stock market is relatively optimistic. On the other hand, Bitcoin in the crypto market fell below the 1-hour Bollinger Band again, and there is a trend of continuing to test the 4-hour lower line support. At 2:35 a.m., the U.S. funds had a net outflow of nearly 200 million. As the U.S. stock market was about to close, the funds accelerated outflow, and Asian funds also saw an inflow and outflow fluctuation of 100 million U.S. dollars in the early morning. The 4-hour Bollinger Band is gradually shrinking, and it is basically about to reach the stage of tightening and changing. It may take a 4-hour trend in the morning. At present, the price is running at the lower track of the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily Bollinger Bands. The short-term support below the 4-hour is around 62,000. If it falls below, it will directly look at the positive level of 60,000. Although there is a gold support level of 61,200 during the period, the last test of the support effect is average. Short-term contract traders should be careful to avoid volatility risks. #BTC走势分析

At 3 a.m., one hour before the U.S. stock market closed, the U.S. stock market continued to rise, with the Nasdaq and S&P rising by 0.86% and 0.73% respectively. Among the seven technology giants, except for Google and Apple, the rest of the technology stocks continued to rise.

The sentiment of the U.S. stock market is relatively optimistic. On the other hand, Bitcoin in the crypto market fell below the 1-hour Bollinger Band again, and there is a trend of continuing to test the 4-hour lower line support.

At 2:35 a.m., the U.S. funds had a net outflow of nearly 200 million. As the U.S. stock market was about to close, the funds accelerated outflow, and Asian funds also saw an inflow and outflow fluctuation of 100 million U.S. dollars in the early morning.

The 4-hour Bollinger Band is gradually shrinking, and it is basically about to reach the stage of tightening and changing. It may take a 4-hour trend in the morning. At present, the price is running at the lower track of the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily Bollinger Bands. The short-term support below the 4-hour is around 62,000. If it falls below, it will directly look at the positive level of 60,000. Although there is a gold support level of 61,200 during the period, the last test of the support effect is average.

Short-term contract traders should be careful to avoid volatility risks.


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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用数据说话:比特币下跌中,山寨情绪转好! 随着比特币昨晚到现在的新一轮下跌,比特币,以太坊占比增加,而市值损失最大的莫过于山寨市场,目前市值跌幅的一半基本来自山寨。 不过观察交易量方面,反而山寨的交易是在下跌中减少,这种情况预示着随着山寨下跌损失了市值,但是山寨交易者的卖出情绪在减弱,更多人在选择观望不卖出,也就说山寨近期的跌幅已经让交易者麻木而选择继续持有,这种情绪变得稳定之后,山寨市场会慢慢变为流动性降低,而一旦大盘企稳,山寨就有机会开始轮动反弹上涨。也可以被视为超跌反弹。 比特币虽然在下跌中交易量增加,但是我们因为凌晨阶段临时观测数据了解到,50亿的交易量是来自昨晚比特币4小时向上的假突破的,也就是说昨晚4小时一开始的向上突破,短期直接带来50亿的交易量,这么小的振幅,交易数据增加,说明在该位置多空博弈较强,而目前结果就是多头博弈短期失败。而去除这短期激增的50以交易量来看,比特币随着下跌,交易量也是减少的,只不过减少幅度不大。 资金方面,场内留存资金增加2亿,主流稳定币单日净流入1.16亿, 亚洲资金净流入0.95亿,继续保持流入,但是亚洲资金波段依旧较大,并且单日资金流入幅度降低。 美国资金近期少见的净流入,并且关注美国资金波动图,今天的美国资金最高流入对比昨日增加2亿,不过在流入过后就是面临不断地流出。目前美股开盘前夕的21:00左右,依旧是流出状态。证明美国资金依旧是不稳定状态。 不过,美国资金能出现回流就代表美国交易者的情绪逐渐好转,希望这种净流入可以继续延续,继续流入的美国资金也代表美国交易者的信心不断增强,有助于比特币的价格反弹上涨。 #BTC走势分析
关注一下国际金融市场: 昨天的美股还因为银行业的盈利加上乐观预期美联储降息而上涨,而收盘阶段加上今天美股部分企业的盈利情况不及预期,美股盘前期货市场开始走跌。 美股目前的风险情绪依旧是紧张而低迷的,不管是财报季的利好,还是预期美联储的降息乐观,都无法一直帮助美股走强。之前我们说过的美股的高估值,高泡沫已经在交易者中慢慢传播。 当然,本周美联储官员的讲话,如果继续放鸽,依旧是可以挽救美股短期的颓废之势,维稳金融市场也是目前的一个重点,美股可以跌,但是悲观情绪不能过分传播。 美股科技7雄股价除了苹果,其余全部盘前下跌,而苹果股价算是一枝独秀, 亚洲股市因为美股的情绪带动集体性喜爱的,A股,恒生,日经均以下跌收盘。 美元指数与昨晚23点之后逐渐走强,目前保持在105.6附近, 10年期美债价格小幅度受挫,收益率上升,再次触及4.5%附近的收益率。 国际黄金原油相对平稳。 今晚23点,美联储副主席讲话,美股估计要在讲话之后走行情,开盘初期基本会自然波动。 CME比特币期货市场报价62,685,继续与现货保持480点正溢价,根据正溢价的数值,目前期货市场依旧是多头占据主力。 比特币在昨晚4小时向上假突破之后开始新一轮下跌,目前破位4小时支撑,下方有小支撑暂未触及测试支撑强度,稍后一起关注比特币盘面情况。#BTC走势分析

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