Market analysis on May 6

1. Market analysis of Auntie Pancake

1. Market analysis of Auntie Pancake

From the trend of Big Pancake, we can see that after the market touched the 56300 position, the c wave in front also bottomed out and began to rebound. First, there was a 1 wave rebound, followed by a 2 wave correction, and then it rose again to hit our current high point of 64500. Then the market began to consolidate and walked out a 3 wave adjustment trend. From the front and back, the 3 wave adjustment area in the front and back of the market is likely to walk out of an inverted head and shoulders trend, especially the 4-hour trend has stepped back and continued to break through the front neckline. Today, we recommend low-long operations as much as possible

2. Auntie market analysis

From the trend of Auntie Pancake, we can see that after another head and shoulders trend, a round of rapid decline in the market began. After touching the 2800 position below, it began to rebound in a wave, then a 2 wave correction, and now it is a 5 wave trend. From the trend, after the 3 wave area correction, the current consolidation area of ​​5 wave is still near the high point of 3 wave. The regional consolidation market is likely to go up and down, and continue to break through. Today, I will still focus on low-long operations.

2. News situation

From the news perspective: this week, many tokens will be unblocked. Students who hold these tokens should pay more attention to the trend changes

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