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In April, the altcoin plummeted, but BTC remained as stable as a rock In May, Bitcoin began to fall, but the altcoin did not fall again It can be said that the market has played with both the long and short positions. This has to be said that the main force's move is really powerful This reminds me of an allusion: Fake robbery against Guo This is a classic from the Sun Tzu Art of War, which tells the story of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the State of Jin wanted to annex the neighboring small countries: Yu and Guo. After reading it carefully, combined with the current market, it also made me gain a lot I also hope that this article can help the friends who are still very confused at the moment, clear the fog and find the right direction Original text: Between the two great powers, the enemy is forced to follow, and I pretend to be powerful. (trapped), there are words that are not believed The general meaning is: when the enemy and our two countries are at war, and the small country in the middle is forced to surrender, we must know how to provide assistance, so that we can gain the trust and support of the small country, and wait for the right time to take the opportunity to destroy the small country again This allusion tells us many points worth pondering: First, don't be confused by appearances, think about problems from different angles The Yu State in the allusion was confused by the Jin State. It seemed that the Jin State was just walking on the street, but in fact, its original intention was to attack the farther target first, and then turn back to encircle and suppress The recent market is the same. In April, BTC did not fall, and the cottage fell sharply. It seems that the cottage is very weak and BTC is very stable, but when the main sickle harvests the cottage, the mainstream currency can't escape bleeding So recently, I cut my losses and changed my position to BTC and ETH The smart people of the state of Jin are undoubtedly making things worse. When the market has already happened, you must not be anxious, otherwise you will be affected by the market and fall into the trap set by the main force. Second, when you are at a disadvantage, you must be wary of all kinds of "good intentions". The main reason why the State of Yu was besieged was that it believed the "false intentions" of the State of Jin; when it was known that his target was not itself, the inner fluke mentality overcame rationality. So that the large army of the State of Jin openly marched on its own land, and finally ushered in the disaster of killing. It is the same when investing in the currency circle. Don't think that you can understand all the market just because you have caught a few waves of market and made money. So all kinds of high-multiple contracts completely ignore the risks, and the whole person is controlled by greed. The more you lose, the more you cover your position, and the more you cover, the lower the market falls. So when making money, especially when your account is making a big profit, you must formulate the most suitable strategy for yourself according to your own situation Be able to attack and defend, because there is no god in the financial market, and you have to be alive to have a chance The current currency circle is like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and all forces are competing with each other. Don't be confused by the current market Whether it rises or falls, you can't just look at the short term. Short-term comfort will only bring future destruction Because everyone in this market will be a chess piece, if you use too much force, you will die prematurely, if you lie flat, you will become a stepping stone, and if you hold the wrong thigh, you will also die innocently So the best way is to master a trading system like (Sun Tzu's Art of War) to continuously increase your chances of making money in the currency circle I am May. If you are confused at the moment, don't know what currency to buy, and don't understand the market, welcome to join the village and follow May to grasp this bull market #DOGEUSDT #BOME $BTC $ETH

In April, the altcoin plummeted, but BTC remained as stable as a rock

In May, Bitcoin began to fall, but the altcoin did not fall again

It can be said that the market has played with both the long and short positions. This has to be said that the main force's move is really powerful

This reminds me of an allusion: Fake robbery against Guo

This is a classic from the Sun Tzu Art of War, which tells the story of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the State of Jin wanted to annex the neighboring small countries: Yu and Guo. After reading it carefully, combined with the current market, it also made me gain a lot

I also hope that this article can help the friends who are still very confused at the moment, clear the fog and find the right direction

Original text: Between the two great powers, the enemy is forced to follow, and I pretend to be powerful. (trapped), there are words that are not believed

The general meaning is: when the enemy and our two countries are at war, and the small country in the middle is forced to surrender, we must know how to provide assistance, so that we can gain the trust and support of the small country, and wait for the right time to take the opportunity to destroy the small country again

This allusion tells us many points worth pondering:

First, don't be confused by appearances, think about problems from different angles

The Yu State in the allusion was confused by the Jin State. It seemed that the Jin State was just walking on the street, but in fact, its original intention was to attack the farther target first, and then turn back to encircle and suppress

The recent market is the same. In April, BTC did not fall, and the cottage fell sharply. It seems that the cottage is very weak and BTC is very stable, but when the main sickle harvests the cottage, the mainstream currency can't escape bleeding

So recently, I cut my losses and changed my position to BTC and ETH The smart people of the state of Jin are undoubtedly making things worse.

When the market has already happened, you must not be anxious, otherwise you will be affected by the market and fall into the trap set by the main force.

Second, when you are at a disadvantage, you must be wary of all kinds of "good intentions".

The main reason why the State of Yu was besieged was that it believed the "false intentions" of the State of Jin; when it was known that his target was not itself, the inner fluke mentality overcame rationality.

So that the large army of the State of Jin openly marched on its own land, and finally ushered in the disaster of killing.

It is the same when investing in the currency circle. Don't think that you can understand all the market just because you have caught a few waves of market and made money.

So all kinds of high-multiple contracts completely ignore the risks, and the whole person is controlled by greed. The more you lose, the more you cover your position, and the more you cover, the lower the market falls.

So when making money, especially when your account is making a big profit, you must formulate the most suitable strategy for yourself according to your own situation

Be able to attack and defend, because there is no god in the financial market, and you have to be alive to have a chance

The current currency circle is like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and all forces are competing with each other. Don't be confused by the current market

Whether it rises or falls, you can't just look at the short term. Short-term comfort will only bring future destruction

Because everyone in this market will be a chess piece, if you use too much force, you will die prematurely, if you lie flat, you will become a stepping stone, and if you hold the wrong thigh, you will also die innocently

So the best way is to master a trading system like (Sun Tzu's Art of War) to continuously increase your chances of making money in the currency circle

I am May. If you are confused at the moment, don't know what currency to buy, and don't understand the market, welcome to join the village and follow May to grasp this bull market #DOGEUSDT #BOME $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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今天是五月劳动节的第二天,有些人说: 现在的劳动节是讽刺的,坐办公室的人过劳动节,工人反而不过劳动节,我认为这个世界的规则本来就不公平,规则对应的是普通人需要遵守,由贵族和拥有权利的人制定。我们只有自己强大起来,才能过上自己想要的生活。 普通人的一生早已被资本家控制: 他让你贷款买房、买车,这部分就掏空未来几十年的积蓄。我们大多数人一辈子最多只能挣200万,只能过平淡而拮据的日子。有一句话说的好,打工真的到头来是一场空。 如今的投资市场也是一样,90%的人进来往往是不赚钱,反而是赔钱的。另外10%赚钱的人,往往是机构或者很优秀的人,这种优秀的人,即使不做投资,做实体或者工作也是很优秀的人。普通人想在投资市场赚钱的概率极低,有优秀的风投机构预测,大概率万分之一的概率。 如果时光可以倒流,我一定踏踏实实工作,安安分分过日子。不再搞投资这些乱七八糟的东西了,年少轻狂,导致现在困难之至。150万,也够在老家买一套房,也够买一辆车,也够给的起彩礼了。 2024年再博一次,如果失败从此不再异想天开了。以后老老实实工作赚钱,不再去做不切合实际的事情了。 投资: 合约、杠杆、赌博、彩票一定要远离,为了以后不在负债累累,做什么事情一定要深思熟虑,不要一意孤行。犯下的错误没有导致不可挽回余地的时候一定要记得收手,不要再万劫不复的时候才想着回头。 只要不做合约、杠杆,不玩新币,不玩土狗,不乱操作,亏钱的概率大概为零。 普通人想在这个圈子里面赚钱,作为一个经历过几波牛熊的人来说,只有一个方法才能赚钱。那就是: 定投 囤币 大饼和以太,没有第三个了。 山寨币和合约还有杠杆、土狗之类的币,只能赚一时,而且还只能赚一些小钱。但赚大钱靠的还是: 定投 囤币方为最赚钱的方法。 合约还有杠杆和赌博的本质一样,爆仓归零才是它的结局。 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#DOGEUSDT #BOME $ETH $PEPE
在做交易的时候,我们总是会养成各种习惯。 比如连续几次交易成功之后,就会认为自己很厉害,没有看不懂的行情。 连续几次失败后,就开始怀疑自己的判断,不敢进场。 设置了止损,每次都是刚打掉止损行情就反向而行,后面的交易就不想设置止损了,害怕继续像前面那样,结果就导致深套或爆仓。 赚钱离场了,行情继续上涨,就后悔不应该出这么早,生出了贪婪之心,那么下次交易出现反转信号了也不会离场,最后只会坐过山车。 币圈大多数人都是这样想法,一个人的交易习惯是平时在交易的过程中养成的,盘面的走势有惯性,人的思维也会有惯性,一旦没有养成好的交易习惯,那么最后一定会为此而买单。 个人的习惯是平时养成的,但多数人的习惯就是人性​。 主力把人性研究得很透彻,然后就会利用散户的这些人性。 牛市的时候培养散户的贪婪之心,高位接盘,主力才好派筹。 熊市的时候培养散户的恐惧之心,让其不抢筹码。 专业的交易员会运用交易系统克服自己的人性,不管对错,只要制定好了策略,就按照策略执行,交易不能掺杂个人感情,否则就不能客观的对待。 有的交易者认为有了能够看懂盘面的技术,就可以赚钱,可是看懂了盘面,也在合适的位置买入了,但最终拿到的结果却不理想。 有些交易者,认为自己的心态很好,只要买入后死拿就行,但是行情一旦有大的波动,稍微被套就受不了,就开始怀疑当下的趋势是不是牛市,再加上看各种媒体的消息,最后忘记了自己做长线的初心,选择割肉。 一套完整的交易系统包含技术、心态、策略,三者缺一不可,只有交易系统才能够让我们克服自己的人性,但很多交易者根本不重视这点,或者说看不见自己人性中的各种缺点,最后导致牛市也赚不到钱。 想要在币圈拿到结果,就一定要克服人性,说起来简单,但做起来却很难,这就是为什么在交易市场80%的人亏钱,只有20%的人赚钱,因为只有少数人克服了自己的人性。 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市。 #ETH #BOME $SOL $BTC
行情又到了6w下方,不管是大多数博主还是散户,对于行情的启动和下跌都是后知后觉的,被深套或者踏空很多的时候才发现不对劲。所以散户亏钱是个铁律。 全网较早看空的从3月20号开始看空,看了不少博主的分析,能深入分析行情去在413之前看空的博主少之又少,都是跌了让加仓,甚至目前还有很多人被套着,一旦被套,这些所谓的博主就玩失踪,后期涨了,又跳出来大言不惭的说,看吧让你们拿住没问题吧,这种人其实根本不懂大级别的周期如何判断,信我,这位置能让你套住的人,在牛市结束的时候依然能给你从顶部套到熊市底部。 墙头草式的博主太多为啥会有那么多散户被套,其实就是墙头草式的博主太多了,这些博主哪里来的? 就是一些老韭菜,不懂牛熊周期,牛鬼蛇神都出来分析了,而市场中的小白太多,谁都信,其实这就是每个小白的成长之路吧,被割、被割、被割,最后部分人出来割人。 这些人懂得不多,亏的不少,所以牛市起来后,快到顶部的时候,就出来喊单割韭菜,到顶部震荡的过程中,各种拉人推币,让散户越跌越买,最后暴跌的时候搞不清节奏,基本上大部分散户就被套住了,而套住的有些时候可能行情还在顶部,但就是不让割肉,最后深跌被深套的时候,这些人也就消失了,那就只能剩下一地鸡毛的散户在风中凌乱。 那被套住的散户该怎么办? 搞清楚现在币圈是什么阶段;只有你搞清楚阶段,才能把握住节奏,到底是割肉等深跌,还是行情快到底了就多抗一抗,因此搞明白现阶段的周期最重要,也要看明白反弹是哪个周期在反弹,哪个周期在跌,这样其实才能比较清晰思路,不管是扛单还是割肉都不会慌。 被套的散户,该说的节奏我也在裙里说清楚了,能不能搞清楚节奏还得靠自己,哪些看不懂节奏,瞎推币的人,建议删除拉黑,不要最后喜提一个天台了。 最后,交易市场比其他任何市场都要难赚钱,尤其是大多数人所喜欢的合约更是如此,因此自己水平不够的时候,一定一定要找靠谱的人去带,不然最后只能把自己亏麻。 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#BTC下跌分析 #ENA $BTC
惊魂4月终于过去了,对于很多人来说都心惊胆战,不过在难的事情,在时间面前都不算什么 因为没有什么是时间无法抹平的,尤其是在币圈这个行业,天上人间就是眨眼之间而已 所以不要太在意当下得失,只要你能把握未来的行情,现在的亏损都只是小事而已 交易的本来就是概率,关键是要在每一次成功和失败之中总结出有效的投资经验,为后续做准备 就拿4月的行情来说,虽然大回调了;但是BTC只是一个震荡行情,并没有山寨那般血腥 先不去思考是否躲过了回调,账户收益如何,因为长线而言张涨跌跌都是常态,关键是趋势是否还在!币还在不在! 选择了长线就要严格执行下去,不能轻易改变战略,越到挫折就想着早知道、要是我、为什么没走等等 这种负面情绪是不利于投资的,也是散户最容易亏钱的核心点,涨起来就盲目自信,亏了就自我否定 这才第一次山寨暴跌,后面或许还会有,通过这次事件就要把握机会,及时调整自己,找到短板,用时间去弥补 防止后续类似这样的事情在自己身上出现,不然再来一次过山车,行情没崩盘,自己心态提前崩掉了,还炒啥币 行情暴跌了,只是表象,真正的趋势反转不会一次性急转直下的,而且在币圈50%的回调属于正常情况 看起来跌的很吓人,涨起来的时候其实也一样,所以一定要戒掉合约,你赌错一次,行情和你就关系不大了 现货是有重新再来的机会,合约就不存在了,没了就是没了 慢慢进入夏季了,偶然有点妖的天气都是正常的,不管他下多久的雨,有多强的风暴,但是温度始终在慢慢提高 行情也是一样的,既然复苏了,就不会被这些短期因素所改变 市场能洗掉的人,永远都是幻想一夜暴富、高倍杠杠的人群,你只要能比他们做得好一点,多一点耐心,你就有机会成为赚钱的少部分人 远离那些“有毒”之人,以及各类消息面,看得越多、想的越多,亏钱的速度只会越来越快 你是靠什么赚钱的,你不能有效的归纳形成文字转变为能力,那么亏回去也是早晚的事情 最后祝大家 :五一节假日快乐,好好陪陪家人孩子,不要被行情而改变你原本的生活,否则赚钱还有什么意义价值 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC
宏观方面的阴霾依然还在,昨天美股的多空分歧其实挺大的,纳斯达克这位置反弹的快差不多了,如果本周宏观影响比较强烈,美股出现一次二探的可能性是比较大的,本周是非常关键的一周。 ETF的数据出新了,增加了香港ETF和欧洲 加拿大ETF的数据,昨日依然为净流出,整体净流出5200万美金,约823枚。不过这次流出为首的不再是灰度了,而是ARKB,贝莱德已经连续第三天无成交了。 今天香港首批发行现货ETF的基金在香港交易所上市并开放交易了,大家在自己的股票软件里面港股都可以看到相关的实时交易情况和净值,包括如下: 博时 HashKey 比特币 ETF(3008.HK); 博时 HashKey 以太币 ETF(3009.HK); 华夏比特币 ETF(3042.HK); 华夏以太币 ETF(3046.HK); 嘉实比特币现货 ETF(3439.HK); 嘉实以太币现货 ETF(3179.HK)。 香港ETF确实不会产生很大的流入量,毕竟资金就那么多,这几个资管机构的能力也有限,所以高兴一下就行了,市场也是怎么上去就怎么下来了,而且在开盘后基本全部破发了。 今天restake的最大龙头eigenlayer宣布了自己的EIGEN代币空投计划,应该会于5月上线各大交易所,至此几大LST项目除PUFFER外已经悉数上线,我预计都不会像ETHFI一样有那种表现。 由于eigen屏蔽了一些IP,所以官方渠道也许查不到,查询积分对应的空投数量可以主叶咨询我。孙哥的eigen空投就有350万枚,目前AEVO报价10U,也就是这一波空投就给孙哥投了2个亿。。 行情解读 大饼今天在香港ETF的带动下出现了一次较大幅度的反弹,但立刻就画门回来了,而且目前香港ETF的现在基本都破发了,所以怎么去就怎么回了,如果没有今天ETF这一下,目前大饼从各个级别看去基本都是在下降通道内了,但有了这一下,从日线级别看过去就非常有可能形成双圆弧底。目前支撑位依然在62000,阻力在65000-66000。波动会在5月2日和5月3日出现,也没什么好办法能预测美联储的发言与非农数据,所以我们就耐心等待吧。 二饼在香港ETF上市后表现还是相对强势的,但也基本是联动行情为主。 今天很多restake板块的币种都开始下跌了,预期都兑现了,该发的都发了,这些板块后续应该大都会联动ETH成为E字头。 今日恐慌贪婪指数:67(贪婪) 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#香港加密货币ETF #Eigenlayer公布空投计划 $BTC $ETH

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