The market is below 6w again. Most bloggers and retail investors are late to realize the start and fall of the market. They only find something wrong when they are deeply trapped or miss out on a lot of opportunities. So it is an iron rule for retail investors to lose money.

The earliest bearish people on the whole network started to be bearish on March 20. After reading the analysis of many bloggers, there are very few bloggers who can deeply analyze the market and be bearish before 413. They all increase their positions after the decline. Even now, many people are trapped. Once trapped, these so-called bloggers disappear. When the market rises later, they jump out and say shamelessly, "See, it's okay for you to hold it." Such people actually don't understand how to judge the large-scale cycle. Believe me, the person who can trap you at this position can still trap you from the top to the bottom of the bear market when the bull market ends.

There are too many bloggers who sit on the fence. Why are there so many retail investors trapped? In fact, there are too many bloggers who sit on the fence. Where do these bloggers come from?

Some old investors who don't understand the bull-bear cycle have come out to analyze all kinds of things, but there are too many newbies in the market, and everyone believes them. In fact, this is the growth path of every newbie, being cut, cut, cut, and finally some people come out to cut others.

These people don't know much and have lost a lot, so when the bull market comes up and it is about to reach the top, they come out to call for cutting leeks. During the top shock, they pull people to push coins, so that retail investors buy more and more when the market falls. When the market plummets, they can't figure out the rhythm. Basically, most retail investors are trapped. Sometimes the market may still be at the top, but they are not allowed to cut their losses. When the market falls deeply and they are deeply trapped, these people disappear, and only retail investors are left in a mess in the wind.

What should the trapped retail investors do?

Find out what stage the cryptocurrency market is in now; only when you understand the stage can you grasp the rhythm, whether to cut losses and wait for a deeper drop, or to hold on a little longer when the market is about to bottom out. Therefore, it is most important to understand the current cycle, and also to understand which cycle is rebounding and which cycle is falling. In this way, you can actually have a clearer mindset, and you will not panic whether you are holding orders or cutting losses.

For retail investors who are trapped, I have also made it clear in my skirt about the rhythm that should be said. Whether you can figure out the rhythm depends on yourself. Those who do not understand the rhythm and blindly promote coins are recommended to be deleted and blocked, so as not to end up with a rooftop.

Finally, it is more difficult to make money in the trading market than in any other market, especially in the contracts that most people like. Therefore, when your level is not enough, you must find a reliable person to guide you, otherwise you will end up losing money.

I am May. If you are confused and don’t understand the market, welcome to join the village and follow May to seize this bull market #BTC下跌分析 #ENA $BTC