Bitcoin's weekly chart has been fluctuating in a range, but many currencies are falling. Compared with other currencies, Bitcoin's trend is very strong. Bitcoin fluctuates and other currencies fall. The purpose is to clean up the market, so that more people can transfer funds from altcoins to Bitcoin, so that the altcoins can be pulled up.

It is this kind of market situation that has made many people begin to despair and see no hope. They originally thought that the bull market would allow them to achieve great things and make a lot of money, but now they are undoubtedly hopeless.

Because the previous bull market was a fast bull market and the wash-out was not so cruel, this created a huge sense of disappointment. The reason is that when compared with the previous bull market, we found that the trend was completely different, so we began to doubt whether the bull market still exists.
I have been saying since last year that this bull market is different from previous bull markets and cannot be treated in the same way, nor can we stick to the old ways.

Many people are beginning to despair because they cannot understand the market, do not know the next direction, the current trend does not meet psychological expectations, repeated market washing and other problems. The market is ever-changing and it is impossible to go according to our expectations. I have been in the circle for 6 years, and I have not experienced some market trends. So I have always reminded in the article that you do not need to understand all market trends when trading, you only need to do the market that you can understand. No matter how the current market trend changes or washes, I know that the big trend has not changed. It is still a bull market. As long as the general direction is determined, no matter what the process is, the end will definitely come.

This picture is very interesting. It looks like a joke, but it is actually the truth. Many people I know have had the same experience as in the picture above. The reality is very cruel.

Looking at the market conditions during the last bull market, one might think that making money is easy. However, when one actually invests real money, one finds that the process is very difficult.

The financial market is a training ground for human nature. If you cannot overcome human nature, it will be difficult to make money. The dream of getting rich overnight only happens in movies.

My view has always been: If you can't understand the market, can't distinguish between bull and bear markets, can't judge the trend, and can't identify the top and bottom, it's easier to lose a lot of money in a bull market.

Buy when it goes up and sell when it goes down. Repeating this process will only make your capital less and less, and it will become a luxury to slowly get your money back.

The current timing is actually very good. Find a currency with potential, buy it and don’t move it until the bull market ends. Ignore the process in between and the results will be good, provided that you choose the right currency.

You will only believe something after you have experienced it yourself. No matter how much others say it before you experience it, you will not believe it. But wise people are different. They will learn from others' successful experiences to improve their own cognition, avoid detours, and save the cost of trial and error.

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