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Bitcoin market analysis: The current key resistance level is around 72,100. Recently, many people are discussing whether the current trend of Bitcoin is converging and oscillating upward, or converging and oscillating downward. If you look at the bulls, this position is the key point. Once it breaks through and stabilizes at this position, it is basically a signal of an upward breakthrough. Otherwise, it will still fluctuate in the range or even fall. The current support position has changed significantly. The first support is 68,000, and the second support is around 65,500. Especially the second support, the support of the upper line of the monthly Bollinger band has moved down, which is also the disadvantage of the recent market that has not been able to effectively break through. In the short term, pay attention to the break of the first support, and the focus is on the second support. Once the second support falls, the space below will be around 60,000. Because the only effective support below is around 61,000. The situation at this position will be discussed later. Bitcoin is currently stable near the first support, but the premise is low trading volume and poor liquidity. The actual situation still depends on the support after the increase. It should be noted that the daily Bollinger Bands have shrunk to around 7,000 points. According to the perspective of carving a boat to seek a sword, this kind of daily contraction generally requires a daily breakthrough in the short term. If the first support is not broken, the probability of upward movement will be high. The RSI relative strength index has now fallen to around 43. This value is basically to stimulate oversold rebound sentiment, and it needs to be successfully stimulated before the first support is broken. #大盘走势

Bitcoin market analysis:

The current key resistance level is around 72,100. Recently, many people are discussing whether the current trend of Bitcoin is converging and oscillating upward, or converging and oscillating downward.

If you look at the bulls, this position is the key point. Once it breaks through and stabilizes at this position, it is basically a signal of an upward breakthrough. Otherwise, it will still fluctuate in the range or even fall.

The current support position has changed significantly.

The first support is 68,000, and the second support is around 65,500. Especially the second support, the support of the upper line of the monthly Bollinger band has moved down, which is also the disadvantage of the recent market that has not been able to effectively break through.

In the short term, pay attention to the break of the first support, and the focus is on the second support. Once the second support falls, the space below will be around 60,000. Because the only effective support below is around 61,000. The situation at this position will be discussed later.

Bitcoin is currently stable near the first support, but the premise is low trading volume and poor liquidity. The actual situation still depends on the support after the increase.

It should be noted that the daily Bollinger Bands have shrunk to around 7,000 points. According to the perspective of carving a boat to seek a sword, this kind of daily contraction generally requires a daily breakthrough in the short term. If the first support is not broken, the probability of upward movement will be high.

The RSI relative strength index has now fallen to around 43. This value is basically to stimulate oversold rebound sentiment, and it needs to be successfully stimulated before the first support is broken.


My fans asked me to recharge my faith. To be honest, I need to be cautious about recharging my faith at present. This week, I found that there was a large outflow of funds from the United States. I stopped updating yesterday. Let's take a look at the data today.

Let's take a look at the situation in the international financial market first:

This week's US stock market is also relatively bumpy. First, it was affected by the hawkish speech of the Federal Reserve officials last week, and then because of the tense geopolitical situation, the bond market and the stock market were frustrated again. Investors under the mood are more inclined to gold and the US dollar with strong risk aversion.

The US stock market fell with a group of technology stocks, and Apple's stock stood out and maintained a small increase.

The micro-strategy of the coin circle stocks, Coin is also deeply affected.

The US dollar index once broke through 106, and it is still not far from returning to the highest point in 23 years.

Although the 10-year US Treasury yield has fallen slightly, it is still higher than the high interest rate level of 4.5%.

The strengthening of the US dollar index also brought about the strengthening of the yen, and the US dollar weakened slightly against the yen.
International gold is currently volatile. Today, the gold market hit a historical high of 2431, and it is currently falling back to around 2373.
International crude oil once broke through 92 US dollars under the support of the situation, and is currently staying at 90 US dollars after falling back.

CME Bitcoin futures quoted 69,185, maintaining a positive premium of more than 300 points with the spot, and bullish sentiment has weakened.

The theme of the international financial market today is whether the risk aversion under the tension of "geopolitical" will lead to a large-scale collapse of the risk market.
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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人生的财富是在于“攻”,还是在于守? 近期市场的下跌让更多的人讨论,每一次市场的火热中谁自由了,谁赚了多少,谁的利润回吐了多少。但是我们其实应该清晰的明白一个道理,纵观历史上以及身边很多例子,完成财富越级的往往并不是一直赚钱,而是通过一次或者两次的机会完成了蜕变。 其实说句残酷的话,人的一生很短暂,而人生的财富机会往往只有一次,两次,最多三次,而细数人生一路走来,我们真的能做好准备却承接财富的年纪只有那几年。 太年轻,机会来了把握不住, 年期过大,思想保守,身体无法支撑,导致措施机会, 其实人生只有巅峰几年可以有效承接财富,而当我们承接财富之后,更多的时间是要学会如何“守”,如何利用手头的资源在控制风险的前提下继续完成拓展,复利,而不是盲目加大投入赚取更多的资金。 其实我们可以发现一个怪相,从股市历史的几十年到现在的加密市场,我们不难发现,小钱好赚,大钱难复利。当我们利用有限的资金赚取可观的利润的时候,我们会盲目的认为是自己天赋异禀,认为自己是交易天才。殊不知,股市几十年,如果有机会你去任何一个营业部调查档案,能一直保持盈利的账户,可能比中彩票的概率还要少。 而当我们用小资金赚到可观资金的时候,一旦利润轻微回吐,我们会自信的认为机会来了,这个时候加大投入,是大多数人的想法,而往往增加的过多投入,反而造成较大的亏损。 这好像是金融历史上逃不出的怪圈,很少有人幸免,当然可以幸免的,确实有,但是我可能认为并不是自己。 所以当我们用小资金赚到任何一笔可观的收益的时候,请记住,你接下来要做的不是加大投入去复利,去复投,而是要学会如何守住你的财富。 #大盘走势
美元现在锚定了什么? 其实近期大家在关注美国经济数据的同时,传统金融圈也在讨论另一个关于美元的命题——美元目前的锚定体是什么? 最初的美元因为在1944年布林顿森林体系下,锚定黄金从而获得全球的共识,但是在持续了仅仅29年之后的1973年,美国人发现在布林顿森林体系下,有点玩蹦的节奏,然后美元换了锚定物。 之后的美国为了继续加强美元对于全球的统治地位,扶持欧佩克石油组织,并且在1974年自导自演让欧佩克与美元达成结算协议,自此,美元再次锚定了“黑金”石油。 其实从宏观的角度去看,美元目前锚定原有的稳定性已经变差,距离美元锚定原油基本已经达到了50年的历史,随着时代的发展,世界格局的变化,原油也不在只是单纯被美国控制,那么美元锚定原油的统治力下降,结算方式的多元化,数字货币的出现,都在削弱美元的统治力度。 而现在当全球的共识中逐渐出现一种声音,美元与原油脱锚,那么美元下一步要锚定谁?虽然实质意义上美元没有明确是锚定原油,但是中间通过了欧佩克来完成,这也给了美元更多的可变量机会。 通过近期美国的动作,持续维持的高利率状态下, 我们其实不难发现,美元有锚定自己国债的倾向。而美元与美债是互相成就的,那么美元锚定美债,将会造成一个单纯的内循环中的稳定性。 但是,前提是这种锚定其实是在消耗自己的全球信誉,美元一旦锚定美债,意味着美债不限量发行,那么美元也可以,更多的美债就需要美国的盟友们去买单,而更多流动性的美元也在让全球买单。毕竟目前主流大部分的金融市场以及风险市场,都在以美元为主要流动性,这也就是我之前说的美元流动性蓄水池。 所以美国目前要让全球相信自己的美债是抗击风险的首选,让更多人相信美元是汇率最为稳定的货币,然后让全球为之买单,说白了,与其说美元锚定美债,不如说美国绑架全球来作为自己的锚定基础。 而这么做的大前提一定是全球不能有跟美国能一较高下的声音,不然一旦这个体系中出现漏洞,无法形成闭环,那么美元体系崩塌可能是最坏的情况,而最好的情况就是美元脱锚,慢慢走向二线甚至推出主流货币体系,不过后者来看,时间周期上可能会很长。 以上均为一个讨论,切莫上纲上线。 #大盘走势 #美元体系

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