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What is the dollar anchored to now? In fact, while everyone is paying attention to the US economic data recently, the traditional financial circle is also discussing another proposition about the US dollar - what is the current anchor of the US dollar? The original US dollar gained global consensus because it was anchored to gold under the Bretton Woods system in 1944, but in 1973, after only 29 years, Americans found that the Bretton Woods system was a bit of a bouncy rhythm, and then the US dollar changed its anchor. In order to continue to strengthen the dollar's dominance in the world, the United States supported the OPEC oil organization and directed and acted in 1974 to make OPEC and the US dollar reach a settlement agreement. Since then, the US dollar has once again anchored to "black gold" oil. In fact, from a macro perspective, the stability of the current anchoring of the US dollar has deteriorated. It has been 50 years since the US dollar was anchored to crude oil. With the development of the times and the changes in the world pattern, crude oil is no longer simply controlled by the United States. Then the dominance of the US dollar anchoring crude oil has declined, the diversification of settlement methods, and the emergence of digital currencies are all weakening the dominance of the US dollar. Now, when a voice gradually emerges in the global consensus, the US dollar is de-anchored from crude oil, then who will the US dollar anchor next? Although the US dollar is not explicitly anchored to crude oil in essence, it was completed through OPEC in the middle, which also gave the US dollar more variable opportunities. Through the recent actions of the United States, under the state of continued high interest rates, it is not difficult to find that the US dollar has a tendency to anchor its own national debt. The US dollar and US debt are mutually beneficial, so the US dollar anchoring US debt will create a simple stability in the internal cycle. However, the premise is that this anchoring is actually consuming its own global credibility. Once the US dollar anchors US debt, it means that US debt is not limited to issuance, so the US dollar can also. More US debts need to be paid by the US allies, and more liquid US dollars are also paying for the world. After all, most of the mainstream financial markets and risk markets currently use the US dollar as the main liquidity, which is what I said before. The US dollar liquidity reservoir. Therefore, the United States currently needs to convince the world that its U.S. debt is the first choice for combating risks, and let more people believe that the U.S. dollar is the currency with the most stable exchange rate, and then let the world pay for it. To put it bluntly, rather than saying that the dollar is anchored to U.S. debt, it is better to say that the United States has kidnapped the world as its own anchoring basis. The premise of doing so must be that there must be no voice in the world that can compete with the United States. Otherwise, once there are loopholes in this system and a closed loop cannot be formed, the collapse of the US dollar system may be the worst case scenario, and the best case scenario is that the US dollar will be de-anchored and slowly move to the second line or even out of the mainstream monetary system. However, from the perspective of the latter, the time cycle may be very long. The above is a discussion, please do not exaggerate. #大盘走势 #美元体系

What is the dollar anchored to now?

In fact, while everyone is paying attention to the US economic data recently, the traditional financial circle is also discussing another proposition about the US dollar - what is the current anchor of the US dollar?

The original US dollar gained global consensus because it was anchored to gold under the Bretton Woods system in 1944, but in 1973, after only 29 years, Americans found that the Bretton Woods system was a bit of a bouncy rhythm, and then the US dollar changed its anchor.

In order to continue to strengthen the dollar's dominance in the world, the United States supported the OPEC oil organization and directed and acted in 1974 to make OPEC and the US dollar reach a settlement agreement. Since then, the US dollar has once again anchored to "black gold" oil.

In fact, from a macro perspective, the stability of the current anchoring of the US dollar has deteriorated. It has been 50 years since the US dollar was anchored to crude oil. With the development of the times and the changes in the world pattern, crude oil is no longer simply controlled by the United States. Then the dominance of the US dollar anchoring crude oil has declined, the diversification of settlement methods, and the emergence of digital currencies are all weakening the dominance of the US dollar.

Now, when a voice gradually emerges in the global consensus, the US dollar is de-anchored from crude oil, then who will the US dollar anchor next? Although the US dollar is not explicitly anchored to crude oil in essence, it was completed through OPEC in the middle, which also gave the US dollar more variable opportunities.

Through the recent actions of the United States, under the state of continued high interest rates, it is not difficult to find that the US dollar has a tendency to anchor its own national debt. The US dollar and US debt are mutually beneficial, so the US dollar anchoring US debt will create a simple stability in the internal cycle.

However, the premise is that this anchoring is actually consuming its own global credibility. Once the US dollar anchors US debt, it means that US debt is not limited to issuance, so the US dollar can also. More US debts need to be paid by the US allies, and more liquid US dollars are also paying for the world. After all, most of the mainstream financial markets and risk markets currently use the US dollar as the main liquidity, which is what I said before. The US dollar liquidity reservoir.

Therefore, the United States currently needs to convince the world that its U.S. debt is the first choice for combating risks, and let more people believe that the U.S. dollar is the currency with the most stable exchange rate, and then let the world pay for it. To put it bluntly, rather than saying that the dollar is anchored to U.S. debt, it is better to say that the United States has kidnapped the world as its own anchoring basis.

The premise of doing so must be that there must be no voice in the world that can compete with the United States. Otherwise, once there are loopholes in this system and a closed loop cannot be formed, the collapse of the US dollar system may be the worst case scenario, and the best case scenario is that the US dollar will be de-anchored and slowly move to the second line or even out of the mainstream monetary system. However, from the perspective of the latter, the time cycle may be very long.

The above is a discussion, please do not exaggerate.

#大盘走势 #美元体系

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跳江男孩“胖猫”事件反转,重庆警方最新公告: 结果:女方谭某不构成欺诈,不予立案。胖猫姐姐刘某道歉,并且双方达成和解。 以下是通告的三个板块的内容,主要解释胖猫与谭某之间的真正关系,以及双方的经济往来情况,最后是为何女方谭某不构成诈骗罪的原因。 1,胖猫与谭某确定为恋爱关系,胖猫21岁,刘某27岁, 2021年11月胖猫与谭某玩网络游戏认识,同年12月24日确认恋爱关系。 2022年3月,胖猫与谭某相遇长沙游玩。 2023年2月,两人经历分手之后又复合,谭某表示不想异地,要求胖猫到重庆。 2023年10月,胖猫从郴州到重庆,在谭某家附近租房居住,此后多次到谭某家中。 2023年11月,谭某通过朋友圈公开了双方恋爱关系,双方同时协定开一家花店,由胖猫出资7万元,谭某负责经营。 2024年2月7日,春节前夕,谭某带胖猫回老家,将其作为男友介绍给其父母及亲友。 两人在交往期间经历多次分手复合。 2024年4月3日、4日,两人持续发生争吵,提及分手。 2024年4月5日,谭某给胖猫发信息,称要冷静一段时间,过自己的生活。 2024年4月10日,胖猫称把某宝小荷包的钱转给谭某,谭某当时回复,让他把钱存起来,为他自己以后做打算,当晚,胖猫转给谭某6万多,备注自愿赠与,并留言让她经营花店,自己不管了。 2024年4月11日凌晨,胖猫给谭某发信息,称我们已经结束了,之后跳江。 2024年4月23日,其遗体在长寿区被打捞上来。 2,胖猫与谭某全程经济往来 两人转账记录显示,从2021年11月至2024年4月胖猫跳江身亡,胖猫向谭某转账317次,共计79.9万元,谭某向胖猫及亲属转账179次,共计46.3万。 其中向胖猫转账29.7万余元,向刘某(胖猫姐姐)转账3万,向胖猫父亲转账13.6万元,(这是胖猫去世后应家属要求返还开花店的7万以及跳江前自愿赠与的6.6万) 自2022年1月到2024年4月,谭某公存款23.6万元,取款16.5万余元,主要用于两人经营花店,共同生活开支还有其个人消费。 胖猫存款17.3万元,取款24.8万余元,两人共攒钱账户中胖猫多支取了7.5万元, 3,为何谭某不构成欺诈罪? 经查明,谭某和胖猫以真是身份交往的两年多,互见亲友,双方存在真是的恋爱关系,谭某不构成欺诈罪,依法做出不立案决定,同时经过调解,胖猫父母已经与谭某达成和解。 谭某全额退还了与胖猫恋爱期间经济往来的差额。 4,胖猫姐姐为何大肆为弟弟喊冤? 关于谭某报案称,被刘某也就是胖猫姐姐侵犯隐私的情况做出调查。 胖猫姐姐刘某认为,胖猫每月代打游戏的2-3万收入,都花到了谭某的身上,所以称要让谭某不好过,付出代价。 并且与其妹妹商议要让谭某被网暴,并且其发布视频后,存在注册账号在评论区点评引导,要求亲友跟评的方式,还存在与其妹妹联系多人代写文案,讨论如何博取同情等,并且在平台购买流量提升热度的情况。 其账号粉丝从4月22日的263个涨至最高290多万,严重影响到谭某的正常生活。 最终刘某(胖猫姐姐)也认识到了自己的行为违法性,并认错。警方目前对于刘某所做的所有事情进行调查,并且最终会依法处理。 对于相关谣言同时进行查处 以上内容解读于重庆市公安局,南岸区分局的案情通报。 最后借助重庆警方的一句话:一个鲜活的声明,黯然消逝,令人痛心,愿逝者安息! #BTC走势分析 #胖猫事件
山寨一潭死水,还会有牛市吗? 正式回答一下这个问题,相信也是很多朋友关心的问题。 首先,牛市会有,只是目前时机未到,而这一次比特币从去年10月份的上涨,短期集中大批量的资金流入,也在短期造成了部分资金外溢,所以造成了部分山寨也跟涨了一波,让很多人认为牛市确定已经来了,但是现实却是残酷的。 时至今日,当市场资金流入变差,资金就只能锚定比特币本身,而外溢的资金变少,就导致比特币自身独特的上涨,山寨就如所说一潭死水。 而形成这个因素的重要原因,就是24年1月份比特币迎来了历史性的时刻——ETF通过。 当比特币的ETF通过之后,我们其实可以说,加密市场之分为两种代币,比特币与其他代币。 同时,因为ETF的通过,很多从未接触加密市场的人尝试买入比特币的ETF或者现货。这就导致在ETF的加持下,比特币与其他代币从跟不上不同。因为在传统投资者眼中,他们虽然不懂比特币的价值,但是他们懂ETF有机构作为背书的价值,而除比特币之外的其他代币,则被很多人质疑或者忽略。 简而言之就是,我不懂加密货币,但是我知道世界顶级机构发行了ETF,我觉得有价值,我就买,但是其他代币,不好意思,我不懂,所以我不会买。 这也就导致,在全球经济紧张的情绪下,人们投资的意图降低,而风险投资的情绪也在降低,这个时候人们往往会买入更加稳定低风险的资产,原本比特币不在此列。但是ETF得通过,让人们认为比特币是一种相对稳定的投资渠道,所以,会适当买入。 这也就导致了比特币价格居高不下,山寨走出独立“熊市”。 而山寨想要迎来牛市,需要的就是原本牛市的必要因素,流动性大放水阶段。原本比特币也是会因此而迎来牛市,只不过ETF改变了其投资属性,比特币已经不再是风险投资中的风险投资,但是其他山寨依然是。这是在投资者眼中的判断结果,未知的,晦涩难懂的,就是风险较大的。 可能表达有些片面,但是核心观点我认为是如此。 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点

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