From the correction to the recovery, the price of Bitcoin has experienced a round of roller coaster adjustment in the high range. At this stage, you only need to remember one thing, any decline as long as it does not break the low support, and can form an effective rebound after the retracement, then the short-term trend still retains the possibility of rebound. After touching the low support yesterday, it spread all the way and took the rebound pattern. At present, the pressure test sentiment is still focused on 71500. It stabilized above 70000 overnight and there is a taste of continuation. If this wave of rebound in the morning can be broken, this position is suppressed, then it will lay the foundation for the entire rebound trend during the day. The above analysis shows that the retracement of the next day is only a false break at present, so the short-term structure has not been destroyed. In the short term, it is still a shock-like rebound. The first target of the day is 71500, and it will continue to rise after breaking through and stabilizing. Therefore, the operation is still mainly low and long. Thursday morning operation suggestions: Bitcoin: Short-term retracement around 70500-70000, can be long, the target is 71500-72500. Ether: Just follow the same thinking, keep your position and take good defense!

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