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Macroeconomics and news: Today's macroeconomic theme is still the rate cut expectations and non-agricultural data. Today's non-agricultural data was released, with a value of 30.3, which was significantly higher than the previous value and expectations. The data proved that the US job market is strong, the unemployment rate is low, and the corporate profitability is good. The US stock market opened directly up. Although the sentiment of the US stock market has been buffered, this data may not be conducive to the Fed's expectation of a quick rate cut. The possibility of a rate cut in July has increased, and the expectation of a rate cut in June has decreased. This is the superficial result brought to us by the data, but what I want to say is that we can basically understand from March that in the future, it is difficult for us to predict the exact rhythm of the Fed's rate cut through data and various actions of the United States. The economic sense of central banks in various countries is more sensitive than ours, and this time the Fed successfully fooled Japan to raise interest rates and Switzerland to cut interest rates. Even they were misled by the Fed's tricks, not to mention us retail investors, so the same sentence, the Fed's rate cut expectations may be manipulated. But fundamentally, the internal problems of the United States are serious, and rate cuts are still the main theme of this year's economy. Unless the Fed finds enough reasons not to cut interest rates this year, it is unlikely at present. Therefore, we will still face more smoke bomb data and speeches from the Federal Reserve in the future. As for the crypto market and US stocks, since the main theme of this year remains unchanged, there will be no so-called big negative news for the time being. Short-term data negative news and expected negative news can only limit the active market sentiment, but cannot directly affect the change of the general trend. So when the negative data landed, we clearly saw that the risk market relaxed and began to rebound. For the crypto market, the current weakening of Ethereum has caused the ratio of Bitcoin to Ethereum to expand to 20, which is the largest value since April 21. And Bloomberg said that the market's risk appetite is weakening. If it continues to develop, it may lead to a weakening of Bitcoin's price rebound and a successful peak. However, I personally believe that the current situation is caused by the natural weakness of Ethereum after Cancun, and the market sector has always focused on the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem, which has led to a large influx of funds into Bitcoin and the Bitcoin ecosystem. At the same time, there is also the over-the-counter ETF market, which is actually robbing the on-site funds of the data encryption market in disguise, and under the premise of high interest rates, it does lead to insufficient on-site funds, and funds can only rotate. But I still believe that as long as Bitcoin stabilizes and maintains volatility, there will still be many narratives and hype points in the altcoin market. In addition, the recent enthusiasm for Bitcoin halving has not fermented, and it may also need an opportunity to trigger it. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥

Macroeconomics and news:

Today's macroeconomic theme is still the rate cut expectations and non-agricultural data.

Today's non-agricultural data was released, with a value of 30.3, which was significantly higher than the previous value and expectations. The data proved that the US job market is strong, the unemployment rate is low, and the corporate profitability is good. The US stock market opened directly up. Although the sentiment of the US stock market has been buffered, this data may not be conducive to the Fed's expectation of a quick rate cut. The possibility of a rate cut in July has increased, and the expectation of a rate cut in June has decreased.

This is the superficial result brought to us by the data, but what I want to say is that we can basically understand from March that in the future, it is difficult for us to predict the exact rhythm of the Fed's rate cut through data and various actions of the United States.

The economic sense of central banks in various countries is more sensitive than ours, and this time the Fed successfully fooled Japan to raise interest rates and Switzerland to cut interest rates. Even they were misled by the Fed's tricks, not to mention us retail investors, so the same sentence, the Fed's rate cut expectations may be manipulated. But fundamentally, the internal problems of the United States are serious, and rate cuts are still the main theme of this year's economy.

Unless the Fed finds enough reasons not to cut interest rates this year, it is unlikely at present.

Therefore, we will still face more smoke bomb data and speeches from the Federal Reserve in the future.

As for the crypto market and US stocks, since the main theme of this year remains unchanged, there will be no so-called big negative news for the time being. Short-term data negative news and expected negative news can only limit the active market sentiment, but cannot directly affect the change of the general trend. So when the negative data landed, we clearly saw that the risk market relaxed and began to rebound.

For the crypto market, the current weakening of Ethereum has caused the ratio of Bitcoin to Ethereum to expand to 20, which is the largest value since April 21. And Bloomberg said that the market's risk appetite is weakening. If it continues to develop, it may lead to a weakening of Bitcoin's price rebound and a successful peak.

However, I personally believe that the current situation is caused by the natural weakness of Ethereum after Cancun, and the market sector has always focused on the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem, which has led to a large influx of funds into Bitcoin and the Bitcoin ecosystem. At the same time, there is also the over-the-counter ETF market, which is actually robbing the on-site funds of the data encryption market in disguise, and under the premise of high interest rates, it does lead to insufficient on-site funds, and funds can only rotate.

But I still believe that as long as Bitcoin stabilizes and maintains volatility, there will still be many narratives and hype points in the altcoin market. In addition, the recent enthusiasm for Bitcoin halving has not fermented, and it may also need an opportunity to trigger it.


Market dynamics and capital changes:

(The data is real-time data. If there are major changes in the market in the short term, the data will be greatly biased)

The current market value is 2.598 trillion, which is 73 billion less than yesterday.
The market value of Bitcoin is 130.89 billion, which is 19.9 billion less than yesterday.
The market value of Ethereum is 391.08 billion, which is 13.92 billion less than yesterday.

The total market value has decreased by 73 billion, Bitcoin and Ethereum have decreased by 33.82 billion, and the rest is the market value decline of 39.18 billion of the altcoins.

Bitcoin accounts for 50.4% of the market, which is 60 basis points higher than yesterday. Ethereum accounts for 15%, which is 20 basis points lower than yesterday. The altcoin accounts for 34.6%, which is 40 basis points lower than yesterday.

In terms of trading volume:
Total trading volume is 124.2 billion, an increase of 17.3 billion compared to yesterday,
Bitcoin is 42.8 billion, an increase of 10.2 billion compared to yesterday,
Ethereum is 18.4 billion, an increase of 4.5 billion compared to yesterday,
Total trading volume of altcoins is 63 billion, an increase of 2.8 billion compared to yesterday,
Total funds in the market are 153.9 billion, an increase of 1.4 billion compared to yesterday, and the proportion of funds is 5.94%, an increase of 17 basis points compared to yesterday.
USDT: market value is 106.44 billion, an increase of 20 million US dollars compared to yesterday, trading volume is 68.688 billion, and the trading volume has increased by 14.4%,
USDC: market value is 32.9 billion, a decrease of 100 million US dollars compared to yesterday, trading volume is 11.9 billion, and the trading volume has increased by 7%
Through today's data, we can see that as the market value declines, the decline of altcoins is somewhat obvious. Many tokens have lost their previous gains. In terms of market share, we can see that the share of Bitcoin has increased significantly, while the share of Ethereum and altcoins has decreased significantly, especially in the altcoin market.

However, the trading volume is still incremental. In the current decline, the trading volume has increased, indicating that the market is not simply selling, but also accompanied by the power of bottom-fishing buying. However, the decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum is in a good ratio to the trading volume, but in the altcoin market, the decline is large, but the increase in trading volume is not large. The altcoin is indeed in a pessimistic mood.

In terms of funds, the retained funds in the market increased by 1.4 billion in one day, the off-site funds in Asia flowed in 20 million, and the US funds flowed out 100 million, with a net outflow of about 80 million, that is, 14.800 million of funds left the transaction, of which 80 million flowed out of the market and 1.4 billion remained in the market.

Although the funds were in a state of net outflow, the large amount of funds retained in the market also proved that traders still had certain confidence in the future market.

In terms of data, the overall situation was not optimistic, but of course not pessimistic. In the early morning, the hawkish remarks of the Federal Reserve officials and the decline of the US stock market led to a decrease in the overall market value, but it can be seen that there is still buying power, and the market is not simply pessimistic. At the same time, although the funds were net outflows, the outflow was small, and it is very likely that they will flow back tomorrow. The large amount of funds retained in the market may just be waiting for a suitable opportunity, and this part of the funds will be re-purchased from the market to bring about an increase.

Therefore, the market is currently waiting for an opportunity. As we said earlier this week, as long as the big non-agricultural data on Friday will not change the outcome of this year's interest rate cut, the market will inevitably begin to relax its vigilance and start trading after the negative data appears. Therefore, the market has waited for the results of the data, and the rest is waiting for the risk market and even the market expectations of the US stock market to be adjusted again.
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宏观经济与消息面:(篇幅较长,涉及本周重要事件节点) 目前宏观经济重点在于日元汇率触及历史低点之后在周末出现反弹,市场开始猜测日本政府在干预汇率导致汇率的上涨。而日本财务大臣拒绝回应。而日元的汇率上涨,导致市场开始预期本周美联储将会通过发言来引导市场情绪走向通胀压力问题,从而提振美元指数,这也进而对风险市场再一次造成压制性效果。 其实对于日元的汇率反弹不难理解,政府干预的可能性不大,汇率的贬值可能会导致通胀的短期上涨,但是日本经济从通缩结束到现在,谈到通胀压力有点为时过早,可以防御性抑制通胀,但是我并不认为会直接主动因为通胀而干预货币。并且日元汇率降低的优缺点都有。 日元的反弹,个人认为是短期日元超跌,导致大量外资购入日元资产引发的短期反弹,或者是为了让美国进一步提振美元找一个借口。 本周宏观数据方面,周四凌晨的美联储利率决议后的讲话,目前市场认为美联储官员会继续因为通胀的压力而继续放鹰,从而提振美元维持强势地位。 而周三周五的大小非农数据,尤其是周五的大非农数据,根据目前的市场预期与前值,基本是要出现一个相对减弱的数据,之前的美国就业数据一直是过热强势的,而目前美国上周GDP的快速降温,配合通胀压力但是在控制范围之内,现在软着陆的预期就差一个就业数据,如果就业数据显示就业市场在逐渐降温,但是依旧保持正向增长,这基本就吻合美国经济软着陆的预期。 美股目前开盘上涨,但是在日元汇率的影响下,美股的表现其实喜忧参半,科技股只有特斯拉,苹果以及谷歌在上涨,前者是因为重新回归中国市场的份额,导致单日10%的涨幅,而后者苹果与谷歌,将于本周二周四公布季度财报,算是利好还未兑现,所以目前保持小幅度上涨。除此之外,其他科技巨头目前保持下跌趋势。 通过这一点我们明显可以看出,财报虽然带来了利好情绪,但是财报的优势带动股价能延续多久?随着市场的时间变化,投资者对于科技企业的估值过高,预期过高,上周Meta就因为过高的预期导致财报利好反而股价下跌。财报更像是一个照妖镜,让企业真实的展现在投资者面前。目前美股仅靠零星的科技股以及盈利不错的股市带动上涨,但是在经济大环境紧张的情绪下,今天不以下跌收盘就已经不错了。 周一凌晨,也就是美国东部时间的下午5点,美股休盘之后,MSTR微策略公司的财报将会发布,不过根据目前股价的走势不容乐观。微策略的财报结果必然是还不错,毕竟大量持有比特币带来的利润是保持企业重要的盈利结构。但是,当前财报好未必代表未来好,市场是否会对微策略的股价提出更高的预期与估值,这就让微策略的财报公布要面临更大的压力。 目前美股的上涨再次带动了比特币的小幅度反弹,但是关键位置依旧是没有突破且站稳,并且我们在美股休盘之后还要关注加密市场美国资金的动向,目前美股如果表现良好,对于加密市场是有情绪帮助,还是会造成短暂的资金吸血。 #大盘走势 #非农数据
用数据说话:对比上周五数据与资金变化 目前市场的数据对比上周五来说其实变化不大,不管是市值还是交易以及资金都是如此。 首先市值方面,以太坊虽然没有成功带动市场的整体上行,但是单看数据表现依旧是暂时强势的,而山寨则是跟随比特币的走势处于一个弱势地步,市场占比以太坊吃掉了山寨与比特币的份额。 交易量方面增长较小,市场流动性依旧不足,在横盘震荡的阶段,较低的流动性代表市场的情绪在酝酿。通过观察周末的数据来看,交易量随着周一再慢慢恢复增长。 资金方面,目前来看周一并不乐观,场内资金留存增加1亿,场外资金净流入7600万美金,场外资金方面,虽然对比上周五是净流入的状态,但是根据周末我们观察到的资金数据,实际上周末亚洲与美国资金是流入的,而根据周一的资金数据,资金在小幅度外流。尤其是美国资金,又回归了美股开盘前夕资金外流的状态,现在我们只是希望在美股休盘之后,资金可以回流。如果资金不回流的话,美股目前给加密市场带来的帮助会被削弱,反而会对加密市场带来资金吸血。 因为是周一,所以数据方面并没有完全开跑,明天我们会重点再次关注数据变化尤其是资金的变化,今晚美股开盘表现不错,我们目前唯一要确定的是美股给加密市场是起到了积极情绪带动的作用,还是形成了短暂的资金吸血。 #大盘走势

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